A/N - Hey guys, my name is Elizabeth (FanOfDeliciousFlavour), and welcome to the story! This idea first popped into my head when I started thinking about the similarities between the Miraculous and Voltron characters. And so, this AU was born! In this story, the Miraculous characters take the place of the characters we know and love in the world of Voltron... with a few twists, of course.

Anyways, I think I should let the story speak for itself.


"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission." Chloe announced, tightening her grip on the wheel and beginning to steer the ship towards the surface of the planet below.

"Ughhh," came Nino's voice from behind her. "Chloe, can't you keep this thing straight?" She couldn't help but smile at her teammate's predictable motion sickness.

"Oh, relax Nino, I'm simply getting a feel for the stick." She chided him. She grinned evilly as a thought came into her mind.

"I mean, it's not like I did this…" She yanked the stick to the side, making the ship jerk sharply to the left. "Or this!" The ship jerked to the right.

Nino groaned and clutched his stomach, before glaring angrily at the back of Chloe's head.

"Dude, unless you want to wipe public school lunch out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better knock it off, man!" He yelled.

"We've picked up a distress beacon!" Alya called out from the computer before Chloe could respond.

"Alright, look alive, losers!" Chloe said with a smile. "Nerd, track the coordinates."

"Yes ma'am." Alya replied, rolling her eyes before turning back to the computer.

Suddenly, the ship began to shake.

"Knock it off, Chloe, please!" Nino yelled.

"Hey, this one's on you, idiot." She replied, glancing at the screen. "We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out." Nino sighed and grabbed his computer as the ship continued to shake. He could feel the bile rising up in his throat.

"Oh no." He muttered aloud. Chloe glanced back at him and saw nausea written all over his features.

"Now hold on a second! Fix now, vomit later, got it?" She demanded.

"I lost contact," Alya told them. "The shaking is interfering with our sensors." Chloe groaned in frustration.

"Oh, come on, Nino!" She cried. "Just fix the stupid thing already, it can't possibly be that hard!"

"It's not my fault," Nino replied, shakily rising from his chair and stumbling to the other side of the ship. "It's not responding."

Chloe looked back at the screen and noticed the green circle that marked their target.

"Well, looks like your services won't be needed after all, Nino." She told him, motioning towards the screen. "Our target is right there. Preparing for approach on visual."

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." Alya called. "Not with our current mechanical and… gastrointestinal issues." She shot a look at Nino, who was struggling to repair the ship while looking like he was about to vomit.


"Oh, stop worrying, you sissies." Chloe brushed off their concerns. "This baby can take it, can't you sweetheart?" She purred at the ship.

The ship rumbled loudly in response, and Chloe's eyes widened.

"See, that was… a nod! Yes, she was nodding, definitely nodding. Alya, hail down to them and let them know that their ride is here… just fashionably late."

Alya unbuckled her seat belt and reached up to grab the microphone.

"Attention, lunar vessel - ah!" The ship shook again, and Alya tumbled to the ground.

"What on Earth are you doing? Buckle your belt, dummy!" Chloe scolded her. "And Nino, stop that shaking!"

"I'm trying, but - oh no." Chloe and Alya winced as his sentence was interrupted by the sound of retching.

"Attention, lunar vessel," Alya tried again. "This is Galaxy Garrison Rescue Craft One Victor Six Three Tango, coming in for landing and extraction..." She glared at Chloe. "Against crew recommendations."

"There is no time for your mutinous comments right now, nerd." Chloe scolded her. "We're going in." She began to steer the ship towards a large archway of ice.

"What are you doing? Watch out for that overhang!" Alya shouted. Chloe simply laughed.

"Oh, stop worrying. My first year in flight school, do you know what they called me? They called me The Tailor, because of how I thread the needle." She announced with a smug grin. She accelerated the ship as they got closer to the arch.

"Come around, come around, come around!" She muttered under her breath as she guided them under the arch. She winced as she heard a crash, and red lights started flashing inside the cockpit.

"We lost a wing!" Nino yelled, staring at his screen in horror.

"Ugh. This is gonna mean a lot of homework." Chloe said with a resigned sigh. She closed her eyes as the ship crashed into the ground.

When she opened them, she was confronted with the painfully familiar letters flickering across the screen.


"Nice work, Tailor." Alya muttered angrily. Chloe scowled at her in response as the door opened.

"Roll out, students!" Miss Bustier called from the doorway.

A few minutes later, Alya, Nino, and Chloe stood sheepishly in front of the class.

"Well, let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students." Miss Bustier said coldly. "Can anyone point out the mistakes that these three so-called cadets made in the simulation?"

"Uh, the engineer puked in the main gearbox." Alex volunteered. Miss Bustier narrowed her eyes at Nino, who wilted under the intensity of her gaze.

"Yes. As everyone knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems. What else?"

"The comm spec removed her safety harness." Max stated calmly.

"Oh! Oh! The pilot crashed!" Kim announced enthusiastically.

"Correct." Miss Bustier said. " And worst of all, the whole jump, they were arguing with each other!" She turned to face the three embarrassed cadets. "If you're going to be this incompetent individually, you'd better at least be able to work as a team," She said quietly, before turning back to the class.

"Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astroexplorers, but these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the people on the Kerberos mission." Alya could feel herself growing more enraged at every word.

"That's not true, ma'am!" She shouted angrily.

"What did you say?" Miss Bustier looked at Alya with an expression that warned her that if she pushed any further, she was going to be in serious trouble. Chloe noticed this and quickly clapped a hand over Alya's mouth.

"Sorry ma'am, I believe the poor darling must have hit her head when she fell out of her chair," She said sweetly. "But point taken!" Miss Bustier just glared at her.

"Chloe, I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is because the best pilot in your class was pulled out of school by his father after the failed Kerberos mission. But if you continue to make mistakes like this, I'm going to have to have a word with your father. Whoever is next, head on into the simulation room."

A/N - Soooo what do you think? I know right now it's very similar to the first episode, but I promise that I have some great things in store for this fanfic, that are very different from the plot of Voltron. And don't worry, our two main Miraculous characters will be appearing very soon.

Hmm, I wonder which character was pulled out of school by his father?

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter (even though it was rather boring), and I'll see you next time!

~ Elizabeth (FanOfDeliciousFlavour)