Chapter 3: Travis

I like to think that Katie's full name is Kathleen.

You'd think that after she strangled me, I'd get over it- my feelings, that is; not the action itself. But somehow, I moved from a 6.8 to a 8.6 on my how-much-I-like-Katie scale.

Once Katie dismissed me, I made my way over to Cabin 11. Connor was waiting at the door, and seemed very eager to let on that he had been spying on the whole exchange.

"She's into you man." he said it as if it were fact, which, of course, it wasn't.

"No she's not."

"Yes she is."




"Whatever," Connor finally said, breaking the chain. "Think what you'd like. I was only trying to help."

"Yeah, cause that's all you ever do."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shot him a glare as the dinner horn blew.

We made it there before the Demeter cabin for once, which I took as a personal victory: Katie is never late.

"Whatcha starin' at?" The look on his face made it very clear that he knew damn well what I was staring at; he just wanted to hear me say it.

"That Nymph over there. Do you reckon she's got a thing for Grover?" Connor stared at me like I had lost my mind.

"Dude, Grover's not even here. Besides, Juniper," He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, "Would not stand for that."

"I guess you're right," I agreed, distracted. Katie had Just walked into the pavilion, looking a bit miffed about something. She met my eyes and, not knowing what to do, I winked at her. She hurriedly looked away, but I caught a smile. Throughout the rest of dinner, our eyes met a couple more times, and I swear each one brought a slightly darker shade of pink to her face.

Katie jumped as I snuck up behind her (thanks dad) and whispered in her ear, "Hey Kathleen."

"Hey-WHAT!? Who-" At this point I had to step back a bit as she was waving her spade around like nobody's business. "Who told you that was my name?"

"What's it to you?"

"What's it to me- What's it to me? I'll have you know that I've-"

"Miranda." I don't know what made me interrupt her, but I suppose I didn't like to see her mad. "Miranda told me."

"She did, did she?"

"Yeah, she did." Katie gave me one last withering look, before stalking back to her cabin, perhaps to confront miranda.

I watched her go, and kept staring, even when her figure was long gone.