A/N: Well uhhhhh, hi again. I kinda have no excuse for no update so plz don't avada me:)Also I'm gonna set up a poll so I can decide whether to have a leap or not to Severus' fifth year.

By the way I'm also going to be editing chapters because reading through them I feel like the characters kinda all speak the same way. I also rushed the first chapter and I'm probably gonna rewrite it (for the third time).

Severus groaned, Salvia kept annoying him about Lily and acting way to motherly in his opinion. "Salvia shut the hell up, I'm busy right now."

Salvia snorted "With what? Practicing magic normal seventh years can do isn't very difficult."

"OH REALLY? I don't see any of the other students doing what I'm doing." Severus finished smugly.

"You are the heir of Salazar Slytherin, you should be wielding magic like this easily."

Severus groaned and ignored Salvia. Severus was working on combat while flying and although it was straining on his magic — Salvia sure didn't think so— he wished he could perform real spells. In all honesty Severus preferred dark magic, he didn't enjoy the gruesome torture and killing one associated with dark magic but the power fascinated him, for one to be able wield so much power was a dream to him. "Hey Salvia, you wanna go roam the back garden? I can go in my animagus form, it'll be fun."

Salvia rolled her eyes but agreed and soon the pair were enjoying a small spar. "We should go inside now Severus, it is time for your mate to arrive and a Slytherin should always be punctual."

"Whatever, let's go in." Severus summoned Salvia to his forearm and flew back to manor.

"Hey Sev."

"Narcissa, how's it going?" Severus said happily.

"...good." Severus narrowed his eyes at Narcissa's delayed response but said no more. "Shall we stand here all day?"

Severus wasn't fazed by Narcissa's comment and smoothly turned around and walked gracefully with a billow of his new cloak. "So what do you want to do?"

"I hope you've planned something seeing as you are the one who has invited me" Narcissa drawled.

"Hey we can have a race."

"And you suppose I, Narcissa Black will participate in something as foolish as racing?"

"Why not? Plus it'll be fun Narcissa, you did manage to get your animagus form didn't you?"

Narcissa blushed furiously "I haven't been trying to transform or I'd have mastered my form by now."

Severus smirked "Not good at lying are we?"

"SHUT UP, I can easily transform if need be, I don't see the problem if I do not feel like wasting my time transforming in front of you for no reason besides a race." Narcissa finished with a huff.

"Really? Well I will be enjoying myself in the back garden, I might as well invite Lily over seeing as you don't seem eager to spend time with my person. Checkmate"

Narcissa realized she had beaten at her own game and groaned, "How do you do that? You go from Gryffindor speech to Slytherin so quickly, it's annoying as hell."

Severus shrugged "It's an art. Anyways, I was wondering on what classes are going to be like second year, I heard they get significantly harder."

Narcissa scoffed "As if, you could probably pass your NEWTs right now."

Severus feigned shock "Really? You're too kind Narcissa, I must be rubbing off on you."

Narcissa grinned "Trying to fish for compliments are we Mr. Slytherin? Two can play at that game." Narcissa stepped towards Severus and slowly leaned in, stopping right before their lips could touch. "Now Mr. Slytherin, what do you think about a certain Narcissa Black?" Narcissa whispered.

Severus tried his absolute best to withstand the desire bubbling within him but he couldn't hold it off, Narcissa just had that effect on him. "I think Narcissa Black is the most beautiful woman to grace this planet, her eyes are on par with two sapphires polished and carved in the most intricate ways, her lips are as if all the strawberries in the world were implanted on them, her hair is the most beautiful shade of blonde I've seen, most likely putting Aphrodite to shame, I could go on forever, must I say more?"

Narcissa smirked "Correct answer Mr. Slytherin." The blonde beauty placed her lips on the dark prince and ecstasy was all that was known to the two youngsters.

"That was….something I can't describe." Severus said breathless.

"And there's much more where that came from."

The rest of the evening was spent in a passionate session of snogging.


"Yeah?" Severus said incoherently in sleep.

"I just wanted to inform you that you're the best thing to happen to me in my life, my life has always been spent perfecting a persona that wasn't really mine. I couldn't do anything that would be seen unfit of a Black and...I don't know why I'm telling you this but I guess what I'm getting at is that Sev, I think...I think I love you Sev." Narcissa looked down to see Severus snoring in her lap and she sighed, the one time she built up her courage to talk to Severus as openly as she could manage he fell asleep. Narcissa absentmindedly ran her hands through Severus' hair while thinking about what her parents had ordered her to do. Narcissa honestly wouldn't mind spending her life with Severus, he might be not a prince out of a fairytale who would woo her and shower her with gifts but he was just amazing. Severus looked as handsome as most men could get after his recent makeover and just thinking about his power sent shivers down Narcissa's back. She honestly hoped Severus loved her back and if he didn't she would go through the pits of hell to make sure he did, he was worth all of that and more to her.

Severus moaned in his dream and dug his head into Narcissa's stomach, he was having the best dream of his life. Severus forgetting he was sleeping on his girlfriend's lap dug in deeper into her lower abdomen and wrapped his arms around what he perceived to be his pillow. "Mhmmmm, yes Narcissa…..You're the best."

Narcissa surprised at the sudden movement almost screamed, soon she calmed herself and opened her eyes to see Severus' obvious excitement, what she saw soon had herself in a predicament, her robes were quickly starting to get wet and she couldn't do anything about it with Severus so tightly wrapped around her. "Oh Merlin, should I wake him up? No, that'll make it more awkward, I'll just try and gently prying him off." Narcissa slowly made progress with Severus who was clearly reluctant to let go of his pillow. "Ugh, come on" Narcissa whispered furiously. 20 minutes later Narcissa succeeded in her endeavor and a quick drying charm later left the room to Severus and his dream.

"Hey Narcissa, where'd you sleep last night?" Severus asked while stuffing himself with waffles.

"I slept in of the guest rooms after you fell asleep" Narcissa replied offhandedly.

"Alrighty, I'm thinking of practicing some spells today, how about a quick spar?"

Narcissa cocked an eyebrow "'Alrighty', what the hell is wrong with you? You're a goddamn Slytherin."

"I think I know my heritage thank you very much and I don't see the sense in being so uptight around family, not like you're going to use every word I utter against me somehow."

Narcissa's heart swelled at being called family, "Well, I suppose that's true. Well, shall we venture outside for this spar I am going to destroy you mercilessly in."

Severus smirked, "In your dreams" he replied and soon the couple started throwing spells.

"First day of the second year, excited?"

"Oh yeah, it's gonna be so much fun with Lily and you, plus I get to flaunt all this power." Severus replied happily.

"Sev, I know your life hasn't been the best until now but I don't think you should be showing off all your power like this. Sure, letting others know of your strength is alright but displaying all your power isn't wise, you've probably already made many enemies with the scene you caused last year and if you want to be successful on the Wizengamot then you have to tread carefully." Narcissa said thoughtfully.

Severus frowned "I guess you're right, I should be more careful, from now on I'll only use my power where the situation requires it."

"Good thinking Sev" Narcissa gave him a light peck on his cheek and helped him find an empty compartment to sit in.

"SEV" Lily squealed "I've been looking everywhere for you, but you haven't replied to any of my letters the last few days."

Narcissa sneered as Severus stammered an excuse, in her opinion Severus shouldn't have to tell the little mudblood where and what he had been doing. "If you'll excuse us Evans, we were having a PRIVATE conversation." Lily looked towards Severus who looked towards Narcissa who sighed "Fine, we may continue our discussion at a later time." An hour later Narcissa was bored as hell, she could have been snogging Severus but instead she was stuck with the mudblood who was talking to Severus in a way which made her blood boil, she just wanted to rip every strand of hair off her head and burn her eyes out.

"Alright Sev, I'm gonna go get changed into robes, cya." Lily stopped when she didn't see Narcissa get out of her seat to go and change "Aren't you gonna go change too?"

Narcissa smirked "I don't see the need to leave the compartment to change, I am Severus' girlfriend."

Lily's hands clenched together begrudgingly. "Slag" she whispered under her breath.

Narcissa wasn't fazed by the comment and stared at her expectantly "Weren't you leaving?"

"Yes I was" with her chin held high Lily left the compartment.

"So were you serious?" Severus asked.

Narcissa feigned innocence "Serious about what Sev?" Narcissa started changing into her robes while Severus looked the other way. "You know it's rude not to stare?"

"I'm a gentleman, what can I say?"

"Oh you don't need to say anything, start changing." Narcissa deviously said.

"What?! No, I didn't even look at you." Severus protested.

"It was your choice not to look, I gave you the opportunity, it's only fair I get one back."

Severus begrudgingly started taking his new robes off in front of a shameless Narcissa who looked amused. "You don't have to laugh, I know I'm not a James Potter but.."

Narcissa cut off Severus before he could say more "Sev, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? All that training you did over the summer hols really helped, your just as good as James Potter, many times better in my eyes."

Severus suddenly was overcome with emotion and his eyes started tearing up and he furiously hugged Narcissa. "Thanks, I'm sure your exaggerating but that meant a lot, no one before has complimented my physical appearance."

Narcissa looked amused at Severus' display and made a big show of looking him over as he started getting changed again, going even as far as poking his chest as if he was a doll that needed to be in pristine condition. "You know Sev, I still haven't checked your wand yet, what size is it by the way?" Narcissa said making a suggestive gesture as she asked.

Severus blushed furiously "Narcissa aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?"

Narcissa looked puzzled "What do you mean Sev? I'm just asking what condition your wand is in, you know you should polish it or else it might become rusty."

Severus blushed even more and didn't get a chance to reply as the train came to a halt, "Guess we should get going."

Severus smirked as he saw the face of Albus Dumbledore observing him silently. "Seems as if you're power has got to your head, in a real duel Dumbledore would wipe the floor with you." Severus scowled at the giant snake's advice but didn't say anything back.

Severus observed the new students being sorted into Slytherin and saw someone who looked very much like Sirius Black heading towards the new seating arrangement that had been made for the Slytherins, but to his surprise Narcissa waved him over and he sat beside her. "May I ask who this is?"

"This is Regulus, Sev, he's my favorite cousin."

And may I ask why he looks so much like a mutt we know of?" Severus growled.

Regulus nervously replied "He's my brother but trust me when I say I despise him. He's a disgrace to the Blacks."

Severus pretended to look thoughtful while he used legilimency, after sending no deceit he decided to let the young Slytherin sit with them as he saw no harm in it. "Alrighty, you can sit with us."

Narcissa rolled her eyes at Severus' use of 'alrighty' while Regulus looked confused as if missing out on a joke.

Albus Dumbledore observed the second year Slytherin's actions closely, he didn't look like much of a threat and his use of literature was pitiful for a Slytherin, but Albus knew facades were easily constructed, his own signature grandfatherly look was one after all. Albus knew he had to tread carefully here, he couldn't let the boy become into another Tom Riddle and he definitely couldn't let him find out what he was. If the boy found out about his true power and status there would be hell to pay.