Love takes time

Chapter 1

Alison's P.O.V

She doesn't know that She's mine and I'm hers doesn't know that seeing her beautiful brown eyes and her flowing brown hair excited me in ways that others couldn't imagine. I know I love her I just can't admit it to her yet. I've always loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be" and nothing could ever change that.

"Alison let's go now!" my mother called to me, I dropped my pen closed my light blue plaid jornal tightening the velcro strap and placing it neatly into my purse.

"I'm coming mother" I screamed back checking my hair and makeup once more before I made my way downstairs

I don't know why she insisted on taking me to school I've already told her I'm fine walking until my car gets fixed or even having Spencer take me since we are going to the same place after all, But my mother has to much pride to ask a Hastings for help even if it's not for her

The car ride was silent the only thing that could be heard was my mother's classical music playing lightly in the background. I have know idea as to why she listens to it I guess its suppose to help her relax but for me it just makes me feel paranoid. My mother, she must think everyone in this small town worships her. I would never tell her this but I've always believed that the marvelous Veronica Hastings has always been rosewoods true idol at least she always made sure her family was happy instead of trying so hard to make everyone believe they were.

" Alison Lauren Dilaurentis" I'm guessing this wasn't the first time my mother called my name since the music was now turned off and her voice seemed more aggravated than usual.

"Yes" I answered just as annoyed.

"We're here for the a thousandth time" she said

"Okay thanks" I said as I reached the door handle but of course the jocund Jessica Dilaurentis had to call me back

" oh Alison I don't know why you spend so much time writing all your secrets down in that book I thought I taught you better then that" She said trying to seem caring but all with a hint of judgement

"They're not secrets, well not for long" I said back but with that last part closer to my breathe

And on that note I grabbed that door handle fo the second time and stepped foot onto the beloved Rosewood High School.

Emily's P.O.V.

There she is with eyes as blue as the sky above us and hair more golden than Goldilocks, was the love of my life Miss Alison lauren Dilaurentis with her head held high and her louis vuitton red bottom heels clacking at just the perfect sound and speed. She walked through that hall confident knowing she was the perfect queen bee not fierce enough to be hated but enough for everyone to worship her and know the throne was hers to keep.

As soon as she was close enough for only me to hear she spoke "Hey Emmy"

"Emmy" I loved when she called me that honestly I loved when she called me anything but I would want nothing more then for her to call me hers.

"Hanna you look nice" Alison said I smiled softly knowing that she was trying to be a nicer person just because I asked her to.

"Oh uh thanks Ali" The other blonde said joyfully that Alison had said something nice to her.

" Can we please go to class now?" An anxious Spencer asked She's always been one ready to learn.

"Yeah I don't know how many times I can get Ezra to let it slide without it being suspicious to the rest of the class" Aria said siding with Spencer

" You guys go ahead we'll see you all at lunch and I'll see you next period Spencer" Alison said

Spencer and Aria had first period together while Alison, Hanna, And I all had precalculus together.I can't even explain how amazing it is to see Ali in the morning even when she's arguing with that she doesn't need this class. Ali and I always seemed to have more classes together then the rest of the girls being Juniors in High School teachers always try to separate friends to help the learning environment but not Ali and I.

I never really questioned it until the beginning of the year when the guidance counselor called me in and and explained that some of my classes were being switched to Alison's because it was "hard" for Alison to focus when she didn't know anyone in the class. This excuse never made sense to be since Everyone one in Rosewood knows Alison and Alison knows everyone secrets well everyone's but my two secrets.

Alison doesn't know my deepest darkest secrets. She doesn't know how hard it is to hide the bulge in my jeans that most girls don't have when she around but for the more important part she doesn't know that She's mine and I'm hers. She doesn't know that seeing her beautiful blue eyes and her flowing blonde hair excited me in ways that others couldn't imagine. I know I love her I just can't admit it to her yet. I've always loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be" and nothing could ever change that.

Hope you guys like the first chapter of "Love takes time" leave a comment let me know how I did and if I should continue-jd10xx