Hey there, just practicing and exploring rare pairings in DP, to which I decided to try out Lucky Accident (Danny/Johnny). A simple drabble story that I'm writing, hope you enjoy.

Things have been changing lately, to which Danny doesn't quite know if it's good or bad.

So far, in a quick recap, he's become friends with Johnny13.

Well, close friends now.

Apparently, Johnny was witnessing a fight that broke out between Danny and Skulker, to which the halfa had successfully beaten.

Later on, Johnny began to appear more and more, but not to cause trouble.

Instead, his excuses were that he genuinely wanted to hang out with Danny.
Which the halfa wouldn't mind at all.

The only problem was: Johnny would come around at the wrong time.

There were times when the biker ghost had appeared during class plenty of times, and despite the fact that class would be cancelled, it was starting to get annoying.

Other times, he would come around late at night, triggering Danny's ghost sense when he was trying to get a good night's rest.
Always trying to get the halfa's attention by either reving up his motorcycle or even trying to throw pebbles at the window.

Danny didn't quite understand why Johnny would want to hang out at such unorthodox times, especially for his own schedule. It was starting to get on his nerves.

"Hey, wanna ride?"

"Johnny, not now, I'm doing homework."

"Homework? Really? Come on dude."

"No, I have to do this to improve my grades, okay? You should get out now before my parents come in with the Fenton Creep Stick."

Johnny would surprisingly listen and leave when told to, only to give off a stupid nickname everytime he parts.

"Alright then, later tomcat."

It was everytime he left, and that was something Danny was eventually getting used to.

In all honesty, he couldn't really blame Johnny on why he kept showing up from time to time. Kitty and him had recently broke up a long while back, simply for the fact that things weren't working out.
It would make sense for the biker ghost to come around Danny to chill with, trying to get some things off his mind.

Then again, what about Skulker? Or his little group of druggie ghosts that he sometimes hang around with.

Well, he would ask the biker ghost himself, but it was already three times he's asked and Johnny has only been dodging.

Eventually, Danny found out what was going on.

Only for Sam and Tucker to figure it out for him.

"Dude, Johnny is clearly flirting with you."

"Pssh what?"

"Yeah, you're just being clueless as always."

Sam chuckled lightly while Tucker nodded at the statement, making Danny scoff in respond.

"You can't seriously think Johnny is actually flirting with me?"

To which both Sam and Tucker responded with a loud "YES."

It was ridiculous to even think about it, but as time went on and how much Johnny kept appearing more and more, it was starting to get noticeable.

"Hey tomcat, looking good working a sweat there!"

"Ey Danny, you should keep your hair like that. Makes you look cool."

"Catch ya on the flip side, tomcat."

As much as Danny didn't want to admit it, it was starting to get to him.
Real bad.

There were times where Johnny would try and be cute by offering Danny rides, taking his hand to help him out or show him something. There was a couple of incidents where Johnny had given Danny his trenchcoat to wear and hold onto, despite the halfa's rejection of it.

"Tomcat, you're getting cold."

"Yeah, its my ice core."

"Still, I rather have you warmed up."

"Yeah yeah whatever..."

Each time Johnny flirted, Danny was falling more and more to them.
He found most of them cheesy, but overall, sweet and genuine.

It was...nice.
Cute even.

No no, scratch that, it wasn't cute, and Danny isn't going to be falling for it the whole time.

Despite the fluttery feeling in the pit of his stomach and the heat rising from his face, the halfa wasn't going to waver.

Instead, he decided to shove that all down and went far enough to flirt back.

"Looking good today, tomcat."

"Could say the same for you, space cadet."

And that's how it started.

A small feud on who can get the other flustered the most.

Danny was going at it as smooth as he can, waving off the gestures and the compliments, only to reflect them back.

Johnny couldn't help it, especially judging by the green pigment on his face.

Either way, they both couldn't stop, and tried their best to one up each other with the flirting.

It wasn't long before Tucker and Sam noticed, and even though Sam found it hilarious and ridiculous, Tucker tried giving Johnny some pointers.
Of course, in return, Kitty had found out what was going on and she too, joined in on the situation.
She had given Danny some advice as well, along with her girlfriend, Ember, to give into addition.

Each day it kept going, and soon, Danny found himself becoming more relaxed around Johnny's presence.
He was completely comfortable with him now.

The halfa was starting to accept most of the rides Johnny offered, even during such random hours.
After Sam and Tucker were done hanging out with Danny and headed home, Johnny came on by secretly for the two to enjoy each other's company.

Danny soon realized, he was starting to develop a liking not only to Johnny, but to the idea of just going against odds. The idea of rebelling and messing around; becoming a dare devil and experiencing the thrill.

Oh man, Johnny brought the thrill alright.

Danny enjoys every single part of it.