Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight


Edward's POV

The weather is warm, the sun beats down on my skin. My eyes are drawn to the gorgeous woman across the yard wearing a white strapless sundress and sandals. I know my father is talking to me, but I can't focus my attention on him.

"Your mother is pregnant with identical twins." I hear in the background. My eyes snap to my father and my mouth drops. He grins triumphantly at me.

"Are you serious?" I'm slightly disgusted at the thought that they still have sex.

"No, I just wanted to see if you were paying attention to me. I know your girlfriend is beautiful, but I am your father. It'd be nice if I could have a few moments of your attention." He rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, but can you blame me? With a choice between the love of my life and my father's ugly mug, which do you think I'm gonna stare at?" I tease and grin at him. He slaps me upside the head jokingly.

"Speaking of the love of your life, her left hand is still looking a bit empty. I thought for sure we'd be seeing a ring on it." My father tries to slyly sneak the topic in. It's my turn to roll my eyes.

"I want to ask Carlisle for his blessing. I know it'd mean the world to her." I leave out the failed proposal that happened a few days ago.

"Edward, I'm not getting any younger. I'd like to enjoy my grandchildren without having aching arthritis knees." I hold back my grin. My eyes flit back to Bella. Last night, she started getting a tiny little bump. You'd never notice it unless you'd seen her naked countless times like I have. Her boobs…They've already gone up a full cup size.

"It'll happen when it happens. Stop being impatient." I jokingly scold him. Suddenly, Alice is in front of me.

"Eddie, Bella says that you need to go get more hot dogs from the store. Rosalie's stupid boyfriend ate most of them." Alice rolls her eyes. Alice is almost fourteen now. She's so different from when I first met her. Jaimie is still her best friend but I guess he goes by James now.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" I ask my father. Who the hell is dating my little sister?

"Emmett McCarty. They've been together like a few months now." Alice answers for him and shrugs.

"That's bullshit, she's too young to date! She's fifteen and that boy is what?" I growl. My father chuckles and shakes his head.

"Emmett is fourteen. He's a year younger than Rosie. Go do what your woman says. I'm hungry and I want hot dogs." My father pushes me out of the chair. I walk over to Bella before leaving to make sure she doesn't need anything else.

"Did Ali tell you that we need more hot dogs?" She asks as I wrap my arms around her.

"She did, I just came to see if you need anything else?" I pull her closer to me and she grins. My mother went to go talk to my father, so it was just the two of us.

"Actually, your child is craving Sunny D. Get that for me and I'll reward you later." She winks at me and presses a kiss against my lips. I can't help but grin.

"No problem, would the bug like anything else?" I slyly stroke her stomach.

"Nope, just the Sunny D. Oh, your mother wants you to get more chips too. I think Emmett ate most of them." I release her and tell her that I'll be back soon and that I love her. On my way to the car however, I run into her father.

"Edward…Where are you going?" He grumbles. He still doesn't like me too much.

"We need more hot dogs and chips, I was unwillingly volunteered. Um, would you mind coming with me? There are some things I need to talk to you about." My hands are sweaty and I'm pretty sure he can see how nervous I am but he nods his head anyway.

The first five minutes in the car are awkwardly silent. "What did you want to talk about? I'm pretty sure you didn't drag me to the grocery store for nothing."

"Well um….Sir…You know that I…I love your daughter. More than anything in this entire universe. I wanna give her the world, Sir. I guess, what I'm trying to say is…Would you-would…Can I please have your blessing to propose to Bella?" Carlisle is silent after I stutter my way though that conversation.

"She loves you. Sometimes, I hate you because you stole my little girl from me. One minute she was toddling her way around the house, the next she was telling me she was pregnant with your kid. I hated you in that moment the most. Then she lost the baby and…You were the only one she wanted to comfort her and I hated you more. I know how much she loves you and how much you love her. You two need each other and I'd be a dick to keep you from being together. So yes, you have my blessing." He doesn't even look at me during his speech, he just stares out the window. My heart thuds and I reach into my pocket, pulling out the ring that I've barely let go of. I give it to him so he can see it.

"It was my grandmother's. When Bella and I were seniors, she found it in my room. She fell so in love with it and I knew it was meant for her. I know she's your little girl and I'm sorry for everything I've put you through but…Your blessing means more to me than you realize." I pull into a parking space. He gives me the ring back and we head inside. I get more chips and three more packages of hot dogs before heading down the aisle with the Sunny D. Carlisle's eyebrows pull together and I swear I see his lips twitch into a slight grin.

"Y'know, when Esme was pregnant with Bella…She craved Sunny D like it was nobody's business." My heart practically stops.

"Oh really?" my voice squeaks in nervousness. Carlisle chuckles.

"How far along is she? Don't try to hide it either. She's been subconsciously rubbing her stomach all day, then I saw you do it and now you're buying Esme's most craved pregnancy drink." He's too observant, rather than lie, I let it all flow out.

"She's twelve weeks. We want to keep it to ourselves a little longer though, she only found out two weeks ago." I can't keep the grin off my face.

"Do you have any pictures? She's had an ultrasound, right?" I nod my head and pull my wallet out. I carefully extract the copy of our little bug's sonogram. I hand it to Carlisle and he looks at it in awe.

"The doctor told Bella that he's the perfect size and looks completely healthy. She's due December fourteenth." I swear I see tears in his eyes. He hands the picture back and I put it in my wallet. He promises not to tell Bella that he knows about the baby.

When we get back, Bella practically inhales the Sunny D. It makes me wonder whether our baby will be a boy or a girl. I'd love a little girl who looks exactly like my beautiful Bella. I'd love a little boy though just as much. I'm suddenly extremely eager for December to be here.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! What would you like to see next? I haven't written the next chapter yet so if you have any requests, then maybe I can see if I can fit them into this story. There may be another chapter later today but right now it's three a.m. and I'm exhausted!

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