Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't posted anything in forever i wanted you all to know that i am alive and well and that i have not abandoned this story I have been focusing on other things such as real life amd a career path that i hope will turn out well I will post when i can I just want you all to know that i have not forgotten about any of you I am continuing this story and my Broken story as well once I find inspiration for a chapter for that one. So without further ado here is a chapter for Destined for More.

But here is a new chapter for you all.


Dearest Guest who believes that no one cares for Author's Notes, they are there to inform readers of chapter updates as well as reasons why there are delays in posting. So if people don't care about them they can just skip them. As for the one-shot I had promised that to my readers a long time ago and I just decided to put it in here since the one shot is part of something important later on. Now if you don't feel like reading the one-shot and skipping to the main chapters then you just read it. So please keep your comments about the Author's Notes to yourself. Thank you.


Rose took a few steps forward before swaying and drops to the ground. I rush to her and catch her before she hits the ground.

"Roza?! Roza?!" I notice her lips turning blue as I begin CPR. "Come on Roza breathe! Please!" I stop doing CPR and pick her up rushing her to the infirmary. I am rushing past the church as princess Vasilisa is coming out.

"Rose?!" She yells out running after me as I reach the main door of the academy where the infirmary is located. The princess follows me into the office.

I lay her on one of the empty beds. Lissa grabs her hand and something happens.

Rose's heart starts up again but only for a moment before stopping again.

"What's going on?" I asked her in a panic.I begin compressions again as Dr. Olendzki rushes in with AED.

A/N: Not too sure if this is correct i have 0 medical knowledge whatsoever

"I don't know" She looks frightened like she's going to lose all she's ever cared for. The doctor cuts open Roses shirt and bra placing pads on her chest.

"Use this to help her breathe." She handed me an inflated bag with a thing to place over her nose and mouth. I do so as she starts up the machine pumping artificial air into Roses lungs.

"When I say 'clear' move away got it?" I nod. "Clear!" I move and Rose jolts as an electric current passes through her. I go back to pumping air into her as Dr. O readies the machine again. "Clear!" I move as it happens again this time a beep sound is heard and Dr. O breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. The rest is up to Rose. She needs to fight now, and fight hard."


I'm floating. It's dark. I can't see or hear anything. Where am I? I look around for any form of light and see a dim light in the distance it is flickering but it is still there i start to move toward this flickering light my mind hazy and disoriented. I need to move. I need to get there.

As I move closer it becomes clear to me that the light is Lissa's Spirit but something is wrong it is surrounded by this darkness that was why it was flickering. The darkness was dancing around it like it wanted to consume her whole.

I touch the light and it becomes bright again like I stole that darkness away from her. Now I can hear things again. I can hear Dr. O's voice and Lissa's crying. Why was she crying. Then the whole world changed and I was brought back from where ever I was.

I gasp waking up to a bright light above me. One that becomes obscured by a tall, long haired man. I blink a few times and see Dimitri above me. I sit up super slowly and look around.

"What happened to me?" I asked feeling like I got hit hard.

"You died." Someone said across the room, Lissa I think.

"I died? How?" No one spoke. They didn't know. I felt so weird now. My physiological state hasn't changed again, I am still a Moroi, but something changed I can feel it. I just don't know what yet.

Okay I know this is super short but I have been putting this off for ages.
