Harry was very unhappy today. Recently Harry came back from Hogwart after his 6 year.

Headmaster of the school Albus Dumbledore was murdered by his colleague Severus Snape.

Harry warned Dumbledore many times that Snape cannot be trusted because he was former Death Eater servant of Lord Voldemort Darkest wizard of all times and the man who killed Harry's parents.

And if fate wasn't already kind enough he had to go back to Dursley's the family that he despised with reciprocity.

Recently he had an argument with his uncle about acepting protection from Order of Phoenix.

- I've changed my mind - said Uncle Vernon.

- What a surprise - said Harry.

- Don't you take that tone— began Aunt Petunia in a shrill voice, but Vernon Dursley waved her down

- It's all a lot of claptrap - said Uncle Vernon, glaring at Harry with piggy little eyes.

- I've decided I don't believe a word of it. We're staying put we're not going anywhere.

- According to you - Vernon Dursley said, now resuming his pacing up and down the living room we – Petunia, Dudley, and I – are in danger. From – from –

- Some of 'my lot' right? - said Harry

- Well I don't believe it - repeated Uncle Vernon coming to a halt in front of Harry again.

- I was awake half the night thinking it all over and I believe it's a plot to get the house

- The house? - reapeted Harry - What house?

- This house! - shrieked Uncle Vernon - the vein in his forehead starting to pulse.

- Our house! House prices are skyrocketing around here! You want us out of the way and then you're going to do a bit of hocus pocus and before we know it the deeds will be in your name and –

- Are you out of your mind? - demanded Harry. - A plot to get this house? Are you actually as stupid as you look?

- Don't you dare -! - squealed Aunt Petunia, but again Vernon waved her down. Slights on his personal appearance were it seemed as nothing to the danger he had spotted.

- Just in case you've forgotten - said Harry - I've already got a house. My godfather left me one. So why would I want this one? All the happy memories?

- You claim - said Uncle Vernon starting to pace yet again - that this Lord Thing –

- Voldemort - said Harry impatiently - and we've been through this about a hundred times already. This isn't a claim it's fact. Dumbledore told you last year, and Kingsley and Mr. Weasley –

- Kingsley and Mr. Weasley explained it all as well - Harry pressed on remorselessly - Once I'm seventeen the protective charm that keeps me safe will break and that exposes you as well as me.

The Order is sure Voldemort will target you whether to torture you to try and find out where I am or because he thinks by holding you hostage I'd come and try to rescue you.

- Uncle Vernon's and Harry's eyes met. Harry was sure that in that instant they were both wondering the same thing. Then Uncle Vernon walked on and Harry resumed - You've got to go into hiding and the Order wants to help.

You're being offered serious protection the best there is.

Uncle Vernon said nothing but continued to pace up and down. Outside the sun hung low over the privet hedges.

The next door neighbor's lawn mower stalled again.

- I thought there was a Ministry of Magic? - asked Vernon Dursley abruptly.

- There is - said Harry, surprised.

- Well then why can't they protect us?

It seems to me that as innocent victims guilty of nothing more than harboring a marked man we ought to qualify for government protection!

Harry laughed; he could not help himself. It was so very typical of his uncle to put his hopes in the establishment even within this world that he despised and mistrusted.

- You heard what Mr. Weasley and Kingsley said - Harry replied

- We believe that Ministry might get infiltrated in couple of years and if Voldemort will hear that Ministry has people that just happens to be relatives of Harry Potter he will do anything in his power to get you because killing me would end this war.

Vernon Dursley stopped pacing over the room and stopped to think(Or at least it seemd so because he wasn't speaking) and then he said:

- All right I will accept your protection under one condition

- What is it? - asked impatiently Harry

- Since we will be going with your lot for god knows how long we need financial guarantees - replied Uncle Vernon

- We lately got proposition of contract with Robert Queen rich bilionare from America he agreed on one condtion we have to meet them personally

- But you have a lot of money! - said Harry - And besides why would you want me to go with you?

- You said that this war is going to be on for couple of years and we need all the money we can get! - yelled Vernon

- Or maybe you are just greedy git... - muttered Harry

- You have to go with us because Queen wants to meet the people that he's making bussines with - continued Vernon - And I unfortunetly slliped that I have a nephew...

- Why would he want to meet you personally? - asked Harry

- Clearly he made mistake of associating wih wrong people once and he doesn't want to repeat it - replied impatiently Vernon - Anyway you have to go with us to America, we will travel by yacht across North China because he lately decided to go on a trip and he invited us to go with him and we will sign this contract whether you like it or not!

You can treat it like vacation that you DIDN'T deserve.

- And then you will agree to the protection right? - asked angrily Harry - No matter if you will get that contract or not.

Uncle Vernon again looked like he was thinking and then he said:

- Allright if you will go with us to the America I will agree to your stupid protection - hissed Vernon

And that's how Harry found himself on the Queens Gambit going on "vacation" that he didn't want to go only to save lives of three people that he absolutely despised.

Screw you fate! At least Harry succeed in convincing Aunt Petunia to buy him few new clothes( They couldn't show Queen family that he is mistreated )

Now he had red hoodie,jumper and few other clean clothes. After long argument and promise to give back the money that costed her she agreed to buy him a waterproof backpack ( Just in case - thought Harry )

Now there he was on aboard of Queens Gambit right before meeting Robert Queen and his son Oliver.

- awaits you - said one man from the crew

- Thank you - said Uncle Vernon ( He knows that word - thought suprised Harry )

Harry saw greying man aproach them with warm smile.

- Mr Dursley it's so good that you decided to swim with us ewentually - said smiling - And tell me is that your family?

- Yes that's my son Dudley and my wife Petunia - said with fake smile Vernon Dursley completely ignoring Harry - Im really looking forward to working with you.

kissed Aunt Petunia's hand and shook Dudley's hand.

- But I think you forget to introduce me to this young man over here - said smiling warmly at Harry

- Oh... yes - said Uncle Vernon barely stopping himself from showing his disgust - That's my nephew Harry Potter

- It's nice to meet you - said politely Harry

- Oh please call me Robert - said warmly Robert Queen - makes me feel old

- All right Robert - replied smiling Harry

Vernon Dursley looked close to scowling he didn't liked anyone that was nice to Harry. Harry noticed that when Robert seen expresion at Uncle Vernon face his smile faltered for a second.

Robert saw young man with blonde hair walking by and he called - Hey Oliver come here for a second!

- Yes dad? - asked man called Oliver

- We have guests: those are Vernon Dursley with his wife Petunia, son Dudley and nephew Harry Potter

- Oh it's nice to meet you all - said dismissivelly Oliver - Dad have you seen Sara around?

- Yes son I think she was in your room - replied Robert frowning - I don't really think that's a good i-

- Great thanks dad - said Oliver and walking away

Robert looked quite hurt for a moment before he started talking to Uncle Vernon again

- Well I think that you can all have separate rooms, we will disscus this contract after the trip - said Robert Queen his mind was still busy with behavior of his son

- Yes of course - said Vernon with fake smile that disapeared as soon as Robert walked away - Spoiled bastard is making us wait - muttered Uncle Vernon

- Yes I quite agree - said Aunt Petunia - He thinks that he is god know who - sneered Aunt Petunia

Harry frowned at that Robert Queen was nice for them ( Which is really difficult ) and they repaid him by talking badly behind his back. Harry didn't know what to think about Oliver Queen

For a moment he reminded him of Dudley Dursley that always had everything he wanted and didn't had respect for anybody but he quickly dismissed that thought because such a nice person like Robert Queen couldn't possibly raise a bully like Dudley.

Harry reached his room that was twice the size of his bedroom at Privet Drive.

He didn't unpacked anything he just put his backpack on the bed and lied down.

Well I just have to survive this couple of days and then I can go looking for horcruxes - thought Harry - At least Robert Queen seems nice

These thoughts were interupted by hell breaking loose