Hiccup had just won the right to slay the monstrous nightmare, when a bright light surrounded them.

"What is this! I demand to know!" shouted stoick, menacingly. Well, tried to. The fact that he was under a pile of overweight vikings did not help.

"Um, dad. Maybe you shouldn't yell at the person that could make you appear anywhere." Hiccup said after he got over his laughing fit.

Clap, clap, clap

"well said Hiccup." I said as I stepped out of the shadows.

"You! She-devil! What is the meaning of this!" Stoick yelled.

"Now, Stoick. What did we say about yelling?" I said in a baby voice.

" Now, I have to call 2 separate guests. And, please, no attacking them."

The first guest to appear was Ze Great Camicazi. (A/N wasn't expecting that huh? I'm crossing it over with the book series. Also CamiXHiccup)

"Cami!" yelled both fishlegs and hiccup, as they ran to hug her.

"Hey, Fish! You've gotten bigger. Hiccup, you're still a twig!" she said as she accepted the hug.

"Cami, you're still a midget!" Hiccup shot back.

"Hey, I prefer, 'vertically challenged'!" she said back. Just then, Hiccup was pushed back by Snotlout.

"Hey, Babe. Why do you hang out with Useless. I'm so much better." Snotlout boasted, while posing. Cami kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"Get out of my face, Snotbag. Go flirt with Ms. snotlout over there." Cami said pointing to Astrid. Just as she was about to attack, I intervened.

"Everyone, Sit down! I will not let you hurt someone over something that is true. Now, welcome Cami! Please have a seat." I turned to the Vikings. Now, I took all your weapons. So. No. Attacking." I snapped my fingers, and the dragons appeared at the other side of the room. The vikings immediately started attacking, before realising, after quite some time, that there was a barrier separating them.

"I said no ATTACKING!" I yell. When no one was looking Hiccup sneaked over to Toothless, Cami in tow.

"Who is this?" she asked hiccup.

"Toothless, Cami. Cami meet Toothless." with that he settled down against the dragon. Cami hesitated for a second, before also sitting down. No one had notice their disappearing yet.

"Now that that is taken care of, my name is Cut-throat, and if you keep irritating me, I'll show you why that is my name. We are here to watch a movie." I said, before there could be even more chaos.

"What is a movie?" Fishlegs asked.

"Good Question. A movie is a series of moving pictures with sound." I replied.

"What is the movie called?" Gobber asked.

"How To Train Your Dragon. Now, hush" I said, glaring at Stoick, that was about to go on a rant.