Harry woke up on August 3rd, 1986 at 6 in the morning by his Aunt's yelling. He groaned and sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

'Why can't I ever sleep in?' He thought to himself.

He would never dare to say that out loud. He would get smacked across the face. He isn't allowed to ask questions, especially ones like that.

It was dark in his cupboard so he felt around for his glasses. He didn't find them until he heard a crunch. He picked them up and saw that they were broken.

'No! They're going to kill me. That's the second time this year!' He thought.

With a bang to his door he jumped and stood up quickly only to hit his head on the ceiling of the small cupboard. He felt is head and and lookedbat his hand to find red sticky stuff that he knew all too well.

His aunt opened his cupboard and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out.

"Why aren't you making breakfast? You know damned well that Vernon has work in an hour. You should've been up a half hour ago!" She yelled at him and spanked his bottom. "Go!"

Harry ran to the kitchen with tears in the back of his eyes. First he ran to the sink and washed the blood off of his hands. Then he went to the fridge and got out the eggs and opened the freezer for the bacon. He dragged his step stool to the counter and started cracking the eggs. Once done he brought the stool and the eggs to the stove.

"He'll be awake in ten minutes boy. Hurry up or else I'll tell him. Don't you dare burn them this time."

"Yes Aunt Petunia. Sorry Aunt Petunia." He whispered back loud enough for her to hear.

Harry finished cooking 10 minutes later right before his uncle's alarm stopped beeping. He placed the food on three plates and placed the plates on the table and stepped away.

"Aunt Petunia, my glasses broke and I'm bleeding on my head." Harry told his Aunt.

Petunia looked at his nephew and saw the gash on his forehead and smirked. "I'm not buying you new glasses just for them to get broken again. Go find some tape. As for your head go clean it up yourself before you get blood on my floor."

"Yes ma'am." Harry said and rushed to the bathroom. He stuck his head under the sink as his uncle opened the door and grabbed him, making him jump and hitting his head hard on the metal.

His uncle dragged him back to the kitchen and pushed him onto the floor.

"What do you think you're doing boy? You are supposed to go to your cupboard after you make breakfast!" Vernon raised his hand and hit Harry hard across his face. Harry started to whimper from the sting on his cheek and the new gash on his forehead from the sink.

"S-sorry Uncle Vernon. I-I was cleaning my head. I'm b-bleeding." Harry mumbled to his uncle.

"I-I-I don't bloody care!" He screamed to his nephew. He looked at his head and then watched as a drop hit the floor. "How dare you get your dirty blood on our floor!"

Just then Harry's cousin, Dudley, came downstairs and smiled at the sight in front of him. "Hello Mummy. Hello father. May I help?" He asked with a smirk to Harry. Petunia awed at his manners.

"Go on Dudders. Give him a good kick." Vernon said cheerfully to his son.

Dudley stood beside Harry and looked down at him and smiled. He pulled his leg back and released it as hard as he could right at Harry's chest. Harry cried out in pain.

"Please! Please Uncle Vernon I didn't mean to! It's not my fault! Stop it!" Harry screamed.

"You ungrateful brat! I open my home for you after your bloody parents got themselves killed and you yell at me?" He spit at Harry. "Go on Dudley. Give him a kick to his face. The bruise will clear before school starts."

Dudley's eyes lit up and he went back in front of Harry. His leg pulled back and he kicked with as much force as he could and hit Harry right in the lip. Harry was crying out in pain and couldn't hold back his tears. Dudley didn't stop. Next was to Harry's nose and everyone heard a pop indicating that his nose was broke. Then Dudley kicked his back multiple times. All Vernon did was look at Harry with a smile.

Vernon grabbed a piece of bacon and waved it in front of Harry's face. "No food for a week boy." He laughed at Harry. Vernon patted Dudley's back. "Good one Duddy. One more and make it good."

Dudley pulled back and let go right to Harry's temple. Harry went unconscious as he heard his Uncle's and cousin's frightening laugh.

Harry woke up hours later back under his cover. He was beginning to wonder if it was just a dream but as he stretched and cried out in pain he knew it wasn't.

'I haven't gotten beaten that badly in a month.' Harry thought to himself.

Petunia heard Harry cry and went to the door. "Come out now." She yelled. She watched as Harry came out slowly and in pain. "Go wash your face and cut the grass. Pick up the sticks first this time. Hurry up."

Harry didn't answer and just went straight to the bathroom. He walked to the mirror and gasped at the boy looking at him.

'I never looked this badly after a beating.' He thought.

Harry normally had black messy hair with green eyes. He had his broken glasses on his face and he noticed that someone taped them up. Under the hair on his forehead was a lightning shaped scar.

Now as Harry looked at himself he was unrecognizable. He had a bruise on his temple and by the looks of it, part of it will still be there by the time he starts school. His nose was crooked from the impact from Dudley's fat foot. The left side of his face was beet red from getting smacked by his uncle. His right side of his face was bruised up and there was a cut on the corner of his mouth. He didn't even want to think of what his back looked like.

After washing his face he stepped out of the bathroom and put on his old holey shoes and went outside with a bag for the twigs.

Usually before he started his outside work he would hide in a bush and rest and eat. When he would pick up after his cousin he would take the sandwich crusts off of his plate and hide it in his pocket and then hide it outside.

So he went to his bush and sat down in it. He found his sandwich bag and opened it and reached inside of it only to find nothing. He slowly looked down to see holes in his bag.

Some small critter found his bag and ate his crusts that he just got from yesterday. He hasn't eaten in 4 days and he would have to wait a week longer eat again.

He started crying uncontrollably. He was far away from the open window so his aunt couldn't hear him.

"Why does everyone hate me so much? Surely my Mummy and Daddy wouldn't treat me like this. Why can't I have parents? Why can't I be loved." He said outloud but still not loud enough for his aunt to hear.

"What did you say boy?" A man said quietly to Harry, making Harry jump.

Harry looked up and before him stood a tall man with long blond hair and grey eyes. The man was wearing a long black cloak.

Next to him stood a boy around Harry's age with the same features as the man. He also had on a cloak but bright green. The boy had a frown on his face as he was looking at Harry.

Holding the small boy's hand was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She also had on a cloak, like the other two, but her's was dark purple. She had a look of concern on her face as she looked over Harry's bruised covered face.

Harry crawled backwards in fear but before he could the tall man knelt down to Harry.

"What's your name?" The man said.

Harry looked into the mans gray eyes and said, "H-Harry Potter, sir."

The strange people's eyes grew wider as Lucius raised his hand towards Harry's forehead.

So I hope you all like my first chapter. If you see any mistakes or have anything I should do differently please let me know in the comments! If you like it also please let me know!