[In Lastation]

"Noire! Guess who! It's your one and only friend. Ha ha, I decided to come and see you, Lonely Heart." Neptune calls out as she skips into the Lastation office. Uni jolts, almost dropping her paperwork. She turns to give Neptune a frown, utterly unamused by the said girls antics. Noire sits at her desk, signing papers whilst ignoring Neptunes interruption. "Ah.. Sorry for the intrusion.." Nepgear says, stepping into the office behind Neptune. "Uh.. Hey, Nepgear. You came too this time?" Uni asks as she rushes over to greet her. "Yeah, Histy decided I could do with a break and so she let me come here with Neptune." Nepgear continues, "Although.. Neptune should still be doing her work..." she trails off as she notices Neptune skipping around Noires desk. "Figures as much." Uni says as she begins sorting through the pile of paperwork in her arms. Noire finishes signing one more piece of paper before leaning back in her chair, sighing. "Hey, Uni. You don't have to do that, you should go and hang out with Nepgear while shes here." Noire says as she neatly stacks the paperwork on her desk. "R-really? Thanks, Noire." Uni says hurriedly rushing out the door with Nepgear close behind. Noire gets up from her chair and stretches, "Neptune, you've been here every second day for the last two weeks, what's that all about?" She asks. "What, I'm not allowed to come visit my workaholic tsundere?" Neptune teases as she sits down on Noires chair. "I-I'm not a 'tsundere'..! Regardless.. I really wanna know. Histoire hardly bothers with you anymore so it can't be that." Noire states. "Hmm? We'll get back to the tsundere part. Yeah, Histy tends to make Nepgear do more these days but that doesn't mean I'm off the hook. She still makes me go out and clear areas of monsters, and nepping help me if I get too caught up in a video game. I get lectured for hours!" Neptune says, frowning. Noire smirks before Neptune quickly hops out of Noires chair and runs over. She grabs hold of one of her arms and pulls herself closer. "..G-Geez, Nep. I'm trying to get work done you know!" Noire says, turning her head away from Neptune to hide her light blush. "Even a workaholic needs a break here and there and my Noire is no exception! Come on, let's do something fun!" Neptune laughs and skips to the door, pulling Noire along behind her

They exit the office into the main room, where Uni and Nepgear are. Noire quickly pries herself free of Neptunes grip as the CPU Candidates watch on with mild disinterest. "Geez.." Noire sighs as Neptune grins mischievously at her. Nepgear pulls out her phone, the screen lighting up as she turns it on. "Oh, Rom and Ram messaged me" She states, clicking away on the small device. Uni averts her attention to the phone too. "Yeah? What are they up to?" She asks. "Rom says that they're stuck at home again and Ram says dying of boredom. Hmm.. " Nepgear trails off, looking somewhat sad. "Whats wrong, Nepgear?" Uni asks, obviously concerned. Both Noire and Neptune seem to pick up on Uni's soft spot for Nepgear as they give each other an approving smirk. "It's not fair that Blanc doesn't let Rom and Ram leave the country.." Nepgear says as she closes her phone. "Yeah.. We hardly ever get to spend time with them.." Uni says, sighing. Noire looks away, realising that its sort of the same for Uni. Neptune places a hand on Noires shoulder and smiles boldly. "Well, why don't we go visit them then?" She suggests, placing her other hand on her hip.

[In Lowee]

"Are you sure its okay to just turn up uninvited like this?" Noire asks. The train stops and the girls all hop out. "Sure it is. Stop being such a worry-wart." Neptune answers as she takes a hand full of snow. She begins moulding it into the shape of a ball, a cheeky smile across her face. "Blanc doesn't like disruptions, Neptune. Just because we all signed a friendship treaty doesn't mean were all buddies. We're all still fighting for shares don't forget." Noire retorts as she stops outside the door of the basilicom. "But aren't we buddies.?" Neptune asks as she aims a snowball at Nepgear. She flings the snowball and it hits Nepgear between her shoulder blades, making her jolt. Nepgear turns around quickly to see Neptune almost passing out with laughter. "...you're such a child.." Noire mumbles to herself, smiling. Suddenly the basilicom door bursts open, making everyone jump. Rom and Ram stand in the doorway, each with huge smiles on their face. "Nepgear! Uni!" They call out simultaneously. "Hey Rom, Ram!" Uni calls out as she dusts the remaining snow off of Nepgears back. "Is Blanc here?" Noire asks politely. "Yeah and Vert is here too" Ram answers, leading them all inside. "Vert?" Noire says to herself.

Rom and Ram lead the girls to Blancs room where they find both Vert and Blanc sitting at a desk, looking at the computer. "Ah... What are you guys doing here?" Blanc asks. "Uni and Nepgear wanted to see Rom and Ram. Since were all here though, let's all do something fun together!" Neptune says, making a peace sign. Blanc frowns at Neptune and Noire gives her a look of sympathy. "Sorry, but I've got important work to do." Blanc answers, flatly. "Awe man~! But we came all this way." Neptune retorts. Vert stands up and walks over to the group, "Well perhaps we could have fun while working." she suggests. "Huh? What do you mean? Work can't be fun!" Neptune says, looking somewhat confused. Vert smiles and looks at Blanc, "Blanc still has a lot of work to do, so what if we were to help out by clearing Lowee of monsters? It'd be fun since we're all together and we would also be doing the citizens of Lowee a favour." She says, returning her attention to face the group. "Hmm.. that's not a bad idea. Plus with all of us helping it'll be done in no time." Noire says, looking at Blanc. Blanc gives in and walks over to the group, "Well.. at least we're still working" she states.

"Right! Let's get going, 'Super Monster Hunting Team'! Follow me~!" Neptune sings out as she marches to the door. "You don't even know where to go, Neptune." Noire calls out. Neptune stops at the door and turns back to look at the group. "Wouldn't it make more sense for Blanc to lead us?" Noire states as she places one hand on her hip. "But I'm the main character!" Neptune says, winking at her. "Stop breaking the fourth wall!" Noire, Blanc and Vert all say at once.

"Let's see.. Hmm, there appears to be a couple of reports from this area here." Vert says, pointing to an area on the map. "There's a lot of caves there and a village, I believe." she continues, looking at the group. Blanc takes a look at the area on the map, "That village is old and abandoned, but it should be good" she states. "Huh? So we can finally go?" Neptune says as she stands up from the lounge. "You need to learn to be more patient.." Noire says, stretching. "Awe Noire. Thanks for offering to teach me~" Neptune teases. "W-what? I did not." Noire says, defensively. "Anyway, Let's go!" Neptune yells out as she runs to the door. "Yeah, yeah.. come on Uni we're going." Noire calls out as she follows Neptune to the door. "Ah, right" Uni says, rising from the lounge. Nepgear, Rom and Ram follow Uni out the door as Blanc and Vert trail behind.