So, I decided I wanted to write a much longer story, not sure where this story is gonna go or how long its gonna last. This is only my second story on here so please don't mind the not so amazing writing.

"Natsu hmm... stop your parents are right outside... what if they hear" A curvaceous blonde woman moaned out from under a muscular salmon haired man who simply chuckled and mischievously answered, "I don't... really care anymore, they've been staying... here for a whole week and I haven't had... any time with you. I think I deserve it." he spoke out between the kisses he was feathering along her pale collarbone. She moaned once more when he pinched the skin of her neck with his teeth leaving a small red hickey in its place. "And besides, your body doesn't seem to mind" he spoke out.

Lucy slapped him gently against the shoulder feeling his smirk against her skin. She pulled his head up towards hers and kissed him softly. "I know Natsu but they're your family and I don't really want to scar them. I'm sorry, you know I want to" she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close into a warm hug.

Natsu chuckled and her body vibrated against his. "And that is why I love you, your always putting others before you." he buried his face in her neck while Lucy hummed contently. They laid in serenity until Lucy spoke up, "hmm as much as I'm enjoying this we both have to get up and get ready for bed." Lucy spoke gently not really wanting to break the silence either. Natsu groaned and begrudgingly got up still gripping Lucy to his firm chest, "fine".

He let her get up and watched as she grabbed her night dress and sauntered off slowly towards the bathroom, she stopped before she got there knowing Natsu was watching and 'dropped' her clothes bending over sensually to pick it up. When she heard him groan and mutter, "You damn tease!" she giggled and skipped into the bathroom.

When she exited the bathroom Natsu had already finished getting undressed standing near his cupboard now only adorning sports shorts his upper body out for Lucy to view and enjoy. She walked over to her cupboard which was next to his and bumped her hip with his making him laugh and carefully bump her back.

She then sat on the sofa in their room and finished watching the movie they had been playing earlier in the night. Natsu came and sat beside her hanging his arm off the side of the arm rest. "So your mum, dad and sister are going day after tomorrow and your brother is coming for dinner tomorrow with Mavis, anything else happening I should know about?" Lucy asked confirming while looking down at her phone looking at her notes. Natsu shakes his head and says, "Nope, other than that I don't think there is anything else."

Lucy switched her phone off and cuddled up beside him laying her head on his shoulder, she peered down at his phone to see him texting Gray. She read his text while he scrolled Natsu allowing her to do so, but she almost went wide eyed and squealed when she saw Gray text the guys group chat asking for help with how to get Juvia. Natsu scoffed and texted back a finally as did others in the group. He turned of his phone and placed a warm kiss against her temple.

They continued watching TV until it was 11:00 and the pair of them were both clearly tired out. "We should probably get to bed, its getting quite late and we've got a busy day tomorrow." Natsu recommended and lifted off of her just a little to allow her to remove herself from under him, she reluctantly did. Stretching her whole body after doing so enjoying the sound of her bones cracking.

She walked to her dresser and took out her earrings when she felt warm arms wrap around her lithe body, her long blonde hair being pushed delicately to one side now cascading down her left shoulder. She felt hot kisses being pressed against her neck and wrapped her arms around his. They slowly swayed together before Lucy turned in his arms and placed a chaste kiss against his rough lips and pushed him till he hit the bed. They both lay down and got comfortable, Natsu spooning Lucy fitting together like jigsaw pieces. "Night Luce" Natsu whispered out in a tired voice. Lucy smiled and grabbed his warm calloused hands in hers and kissed them lovingly, "Goodnight Natsu."

Natsu woke up to the smell of fresh bacon and eggs. He groggily reached out his hand in false hope to find Lucy, already knowing he wouldn't find her there. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up scratching his belly. He smiled hearing the noise of talking coming from the floor below due to the open door.

He got up and decided to wash up, feeling a warm shower would help him get prepared for the busy day he knew he had today. He grabbed a black T-shirt and some knee length shorts and put them on while allowing his hair to dry.

When he felt he was fresh and ready for the day he walked out of his room almost bumping into his younger little sister, who was too busy looking down at her phone while texting someone with a small blush on her petite face. "Oh, sorry Natsu-ni I was just texting a friend." she quickly responded. Natsu raised his brow and smirked, "oh really?" He grabbed her phone and held it up till she couldn't reach it. "EEEHH GIVE IT BACKK!" She cried out simultaneously attempting to hide her crimson face. Natsu cackled and looked at her phone to see the name on the chat and laughed even harder realising who exactly it was, "Just a friend... cuz 'just a friend' would have hearts decorating the ending." Natsu spoke out still dodging her tries to get back her phone. "Natsuuu- uwaahh give it back!" Wendy replied, her face turning even brighter if possible. "Hmm I didn't realise you and Romeo were so close." He questioned while lowering her phone allowing her to grab it from him. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!" she screamed out running as fast as she could down the stairs.

Natsu laughed and followed her down the stairs and began walking towards the dinning room, where a medium sized glass table sat surrounded by six comfortable chairs. A dresser being placed beside the opening of the door, trinkets and framed photos adorning the top. He continued past the double doors and began walking to the modern black and white kitchen which was actually adjoining the dinning room.

He walked in peacefully until that glass shattered and he immediately felt a sharp pain on his ear. "Aaahh, SHIT!" he exclaimed latching his hand on to another one. "What is this I'm hearing from Wendy, what did you do to her... poor girl came down blushing and stammering!?" An angry white haired women let out. "Ah-Ah mom, ouch-ah let goooo, I'm sorryyy" Natsu begged, releasing a sigh of relief when he realised the pain had suddenly left his ear. He heard laughing coming from the dinning room. He turned to look at his mother who was now coddling his sister giving Wendy a questioning look who in turn stuck out her tongue.

"So Natsu my boy, what did you do to your poor sister?" an aging old man with deep red hair spoke out from the table in the middle of the room. "Nothing, I swear... I just teased her about Romeo." He answered honestly not wanting to be hurt by his mother once a again. "Dad, you would've done it too!" He argued and walked to the kitchen counter where his beautiful wife stood holding a cup of coffee, she had turned her head, rolling her eyes at his answer giving him the opportunity to give her a quick peck on the cheek and squeeze her waist making her yelp and move away from his reach, turning to glare at him, "Natsu! What is wrong with you this morning, huh?" She whisper shouted at him.

He shrugged and and sat down across from his father grabbing a large white china plate from a cupboard nearby setting it down gently and taking large endless servings of the food on the table, that being crispy bacon, fresh scrambled eggs and toasted wheat bread condiments sitting by the side. He then began stuffing his face with all the delicious foods he recognised to have been made by both his wife and mother. He listened as his family all chatted quietly to each other, Wendy not joining in after being embarrassed and eating.

Just as he was about to get up to get a glass of water Lucy walked past and poured it for him before he even moved, he smiled appreciatively and gulped it down as he was the last person to finish eating he picked up all the fairly empty plates along with Lucy and started to wash them while his mother dried the dishes and Lucy wiped down all the surfaces.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Wendy questioned looking up from her phone briefly. Natsu's father cleared his throat, "Well, actually before we go to dinner with Zeref in the evening, your mother and I were going to visit some of our old friends from college so I honestly don't believe you're gonna wanna come with us. So... I'm afraid you're going to have to find something to do here with Natsu and Lucy." he finished, putting down the newspaper he was holding removing his reading glasses. He got up and continued speaking, "-in fact I'd prefer you not come with us... who knows what they could say about our college days. Huh Grandine?" He ended smirking and one eyebrow raised at Grandine who now looked shocked and slightly angry, "IGNEEL! Stop giving the kids ideas of things that didn't happen." she answered back in an unconvincing tone, "Come on, we better get going." She then grabbed his arm and chucked the wet towel at Natsu who was now laughing hard at his parents.

They then left the room, Grandine asking her husband what dress she should wear and said person groaning and saying it 'doesn't matter, they're our friends'.

"So, Natsu-ni what should we do tod-" Wendy almost finished asking but when she looked up from her phone she found a sight she couldn't un-see. "Eeeeeww, can't you do that somewhere else!" Looking away from the cuddling couple leaning against the counter. Deciding to walk away from the scene and into the living room.

Natsu ignored his sister and continued to snuggle with his wife who had her arms wrapped around his toned torso and head in the crook of his neck. "Luce, I missed you this morning." He groaned out. "Natsu... we saw each other last night- hell we even slept in each others arms so stop being such a baby and let go of me, you made your sister uncomfortable enough as it is and I need to ask her if she wants to go to the mall with me." She then bit his shoulder and giggled when he groaned she gently pushed him back, cupped his face squishing his cheeks making his lips puckering like a fish, "No complaining mister!"

She let his face go and placed a soft kiss against his lips and tried to move but felt his arms still restriction her from moving, "Where do you think you're going?" Natsu said in a low voice, "don't think you are going to get away from your punishment for biting me!" He carried on and started attacking her with tickles. "STOP, hahhaa st-stop!" she choked out between small giggles. "Nope, not until you apologise!" Natsu answered back his fingers still at her sides. "I give, I give!" she let out eventually.

She pushed away from him and gained back her breath. She smiled and pulled and fixed her maroon off the shoulder top and pushed off invisible dust from her dark blue skinny jeans.

She then padded out of the kitchen joining Wendy in the living room, who was enjoying the show she had playing on the TV. Natsu took a step to join them but stopped when he felt soft vibrations coming from his shorts pocket. He rolled his eyes seeing the caller I.D and answered the phone stepping out into the hallway getting a pillow thrown at him for blocking the TV just as he passed, "yo Gray, what's up." he answered closing the door behind him. "Yh, everything's cool but I just got a call from Laxus, he wants us to come in and talk to a new witness on the ongoing case. Told me to call you and get down to the station." he heard a tired voice speak back. He groaned and questioned, "I thought Erza and Jellal were on today?". "Yh, apparently they had to go follow up on a lead they found in a town over they won't be back till tomorrow. So just hurry up and get down to the station. I know we both have plans and the quicker we get there the quicker we can finish-". Cutting Gray off he spoke, "Yh, yh I'm on my way." the call cut off so he put his phone in his pocket again.

He opened the door to hear quiet chatter, no doubt gossiping about something or other. "Hey guys I'm afraid I have to leave so it's just gonna be you too today." He angrily told them both while walking over to a basket full of their clean folded clothes and grabbed a pair of joggers knowing it didn't really matter what he wore. He turned around to see both the girls frowning. "Natsu-ni, why can't you come?" Wendy asked. "I gotta go to the station and deal with a few things it'll take two or three hours so I can join you before we have dinner with Zeref." Natsu told her ruffling her hair. Wendy waved away his hands and murmured a 'fine' sitting down on the sofa chair keeping her focus on the TV. "Ok Natsu, just be careful, yh." Lucy spoke while her arms found their way around his neck and his around her petite waist. She pecked him lightly and pulled away. Natsu answered with an, "always" and climbed up the stairs to get changed into his pants stuffing all the things he needed into his joggers.