Hey everybody Fierynitemare here, and as promised I've started on the Celestial Trio rewrite. Now before I begin, I have a few words and warnings.

1)This chapter is just a longer description since the one before was very vague. So chapter two will be chapter one.

2) Lisanna and Natsu will be OOC in some chapters so don't give me grief, remember this is FANFICTION anything can happen.

3) Sorry for any punctuation and grammar mistakes, I'm Trying my best to root them out, but Grammar, as well as Punctuation, are not my strong suits.

That is all.

Happy reading


In the wake of Lisanna's return, everybody is ecstatic. They're so happy that they fail to notice key things about the youngest Straus sibling. Things that Lucy does see, and that's just because she's been moved to the back burner. Forgotten as Lisanna is remembered, Lucy picks up on her odd mannerisms and behaviors. But when she confronts the white haired mage, who seems to have everybody caught in her trap. The girl has Lucy kicked out of the guild.

Fading in the wind, as she's cast aside like last weeks trash, and feeling betrayed Lucy becomes jaded and aloof. Anger consumes her, and she begins to lose herself. It isn't until the blonde meets two devilish twins, who save her from herself, that she begins to love again. And as the ice starts to melt around her heart, she slowly forgets the problem that started it all.

Years later she runs into her old team at the GMG, and that's when it all comes back to her. She needs to save her team, if only she cared enough to do it. Will time run out before she's able to save them, or will she watch as they all rot, laughing as they meet their demise, or will she put the past behind her and rescue all of those that she once loved.

(A/N: I made two descriptions, One is just a jazzed up version of the other. Which one is better?)

When asked her opinion on Lisanna, Lucy never would've described the girl as a threat. She wouldn't have been able to say anything. The truth is Lucy doesn't know who Lisanna is. The white haired mage seems sweet, but there is something that seems a bit off about her. There are things she does when she thinks nobody is watching, and there are things about her behavior that only Lucy notices. When confronted on the matter the white haired mage has Lucy kicked out of the guild. Why would she do something like that? The truth is that oh so sweet girl that lives on in everybody's memory is dead, and someone new has taken over.

I used to be yours… coming soon