HELLLOOO WORLD! I'm not dead, but back with another fanfic yaay

I'll shut up so you can enjoy it

Chapter one

"What is Phase 2?"Tony asked Fury. He sighed and opened his moth to explain, but Steve cut him off by slamming a weapon on the table

"Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons." He said looking at Fury. He then turned to Tony. "Sorry, computers working a little low for me."

Fury sighed "Rogers we gathered everything related to the Tesseract this doesn't mean-". But he was interrupted by Tony

"I-I-Im sorry Nick," Tony said, sliding the screen to the Director and the Capitan. "What were you lying?" He said.

Steve turned to Fury. "I was wrong Director, the world hasn't changed a bit." He said as Natasha and Thor walked in. Bruce, who had been quiet, turned to her, pointing at the screen.

"You knew about this?" He asked. She ignored the question.

"You wanna think about removing your self from the premises, Doctor." She said. Bruce chuckled as he stood up

"I was in Calcutta I was pretty well removed." He said.

She stalked over to him."Loki is manipulating you," she began, but he cut her off.

"And what exactly have you been doing what exactly?" He asked.

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you." She snarked.

"Yes but I'm not leaving suddenly because you get a little twitchy." He said as he walked over to the board. "I wanna know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to create weapons of mass destruction." He said, turning to Fury.

Fury was silent before he made a move. "Because of him." He said, pointing to Thor, who's brows furrowed. "Me?" He said.

Fury sighed. "Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge mass that leveled a whole town." He said to Banner, who turned to Thor. Fury continued.

"We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly,hilariously, outgunned."

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor said. Fury turned to him.

"But you're not the only people out there are you?" He said. "And you're not the only threat." He said turning back to everybody. "The worlds filling up with people that can't be matched." He said. "They can't be controlled."

"Like how you control the cube?" Steve asked. Thor cut in.

"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies." He began. "It is a signal to all the realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war." He said.

"A higher form?" Steve questioned. Fury spoke.

"You forced our hand, we had to come up with-"

"A nuclear detureant." Tony said finishing him off. "Cause that always calms everything right down." He said sarcastically.

Fury turned to him. "Remind me again how you made your fortune Stark." He said. Steve cut in

"I'm sure if Stark started making weapons again he'd be-"

"Hang on, how's this now about me?" Tony asked, walking over to the Captain, who titled his head mockingly.

"I'm sorry, isn't everything?" He mocked.

"I though humans were more evolved than this." Thor said. Fury turned to him.

" 'Scuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" He asked.

As they started arguing, the scepter starred glowing. No one paid any attention until it shot a ray of light out the window for a few seconds, before stopping. Everyone backed up and stared at it, before Tony interrupted.

"Brucie we gotta track that ray down." He said as they walked over to the scepter. Everyone else started to walk over, but Tony shooed them away.

"Nuh uh, time for the scientist to have a playtime with their new toy. We'll call you back when were ready to share with you." He said. They rolled there eyes as they one by one cleared out. Fury turned to them.

"Find out where that beam went. It could lead us to finding the Tesseract." He said before walking out.

Tony sighed and picked up the bag of blueberries he was eating. He took a bite before turning to Bruce and holding the bag out.

"Blueberry?" He asked as they set to work.

Line break

Stephanie Rogers woke up on the ground.

"Wait what?!" She shouted as she stood up grabbing her shield and pulling back the hoodie to look at her comrades.

Toni, Brenda, Claire, Nathan, Thoreline and Everybody else were sprawled all over the ground, unconscious.

'At least we have our armour.' She said as Toni groaned, followed by the others.

"Fuck, my head." She said, rubbing it as she stood up, her Ironette mask being pulled back over her head.

"Janis, where the hell are we?!" She said to her AI.

"We appear to be at Avengers tower, but slightly different." Said the female British voice that replied back.

Loki groaned as she tried to lift herself up, only to be sopped by her sister, Thoreline who was unconscious and sprawled on top of her. She screamed and started flailing her arms around. Claire sat up, picking up her bow and arrows and watching the sisters with amusement written all over her face. Loki pouted, her shoulder length hair falling in front of her.

"Oh I bet you'd be amused if you had the goddess of thunder on top of you." she said. Toni smiled at the sisters shaking her back head. She turned to Brenda and Nikki, Nathan, who were just waking up.

"Brenda, give Loki some help would ja." Toni said. Brenda rolled her eyes before taking in her surroundings.

"Thoreline, wake up." Nikki shouted, her black hair falling g into the goddesses face. She blinked her eyes and looked around.

"Fathers beard," she said. It was then she realized Mljnora was in her lap and she was on her baby sister.

"Loki!" She said standing up and holding the hammer in one hand as she held out the other to help her sister, who took it gratefully as she stretched.

Nikki looked around from the balcony as Stephanie walked over to her. *AN: Toni, Brenda and Thoreline's outfits are different. Everybody else's looks like the male version, just on a female.* "Nikki, can you contact SHIELD?' She asked. Nikki sighed and flipped her black hair on one side, before turning to the Capitan.

"Steph, I'm not getting in touch with anybody. Philicia and Martin won't pick up." She said, "At least we've got all our armour." Stephanie said as Toni took off.

"Toni we seemed to be fully charged." Said her AI. She grinned as she looked around.

Thoreline and Loki flew up to meet her *AN: Yes this Loki can fly, now get over it.* Thoreline scanned the city, her scarlet cape flowing behind her, as well as her sisters. Toni sighed as she wrapped her arms around Loki, who looked at her and rested her head against her best friends shoulder.

"Where are we?" Toni asked Loki as they landed on the balcony again, followed by Thoreline.

"I don't know." Said Loki as she turned to Toni, resting her nose in her cheek. Toni smiled as she separated herself from Loki. She waked over to Clarke and Nathan, who were there legs dangling down the balcony. Loki rolled her emerald eyes at them.

"When you fall nobody will catch you to." She said. Claire suck her tongue out and smiled. Loki rolled her eyes.

"Guys, JANIS found something!" Toni squealed. They all ran to her as a hologram showed up.

A floating ship was in the sky. Brenda straightened her glasses and gasped.

"Guys that the Helicarrier!" She said. "JANIS, map out the location."

"The Helicarrier seemed to be over the Atlantic Ocean at 30,000 feet above sea level. It would take us approximately 2 hours to reach there." Replied the AI. Stephanie nodded as she went to Captain mode.

"Alright, Toni, Brenda and I wi-" But Toni cut her off.

"Ya know, the jets right there". She said, pointing to the Quinjet. Stephanie blinked.

"Huh." She said. " Uh okay um. Toni, Thoreline and Loki you guys can fly while me, Brenda, Nikki, Claire and Nathan can take the jet. Everyone good?' They nodded." Great. Avengers, assemble!" She yelled as Thoreline, Loki and Toni Took off, followed by the Quinjet.

What the girls didn't notice was that the didn't have the 'A' on it, it said 'STARK' on it.

And JARVIS had recorded the whole thing.

Line break


Here's a clearup on who's who

Clint Barton-Claire Barton(both Hawkeye)


Steve Rogers-Stephanie Rogers(both Captain America)

Tony Stark-Toni Stark(F:Ironette)

Natasha Romanoff-Nathan Romanoff (both Black Widow)

Nick Fury-Nikki Fury(Nikki has hair lol)

Bruce Banner-Brenda Banner(F:She-Hulk)

Maria Hill-Martin Hill

Phill Coulson-Philicia Coulson

And I think that's it for now enjoy the story. There is a little frostiron between female Loki and Toni but I am just putting them as friends who have been through a lot and they have each others backs and are there to support each other when the going gets rough.

Alsox I can't decide a code name for Nathan, so put some names down in the reviews thanks.