Danny never thought it turn out like this, it wasn't bad actually. The half human half phantom was free from a long sentence in the Ghost Zone.

Things were complicated now, more than ever. The hero never thought he would have these kind of feelings for another ghost before. Why did it have to be Walker? Just why?


Sam: Do you have eyes on Skulker?

Danny: No? Do you guys?

Tucker: Out of luck today, maybe tomorrow. When ever that ghost shows his face again, we'll have him!

The goth female known as Sam and the tech geek named Tucker had been in a pod waiting for Danny as the scouted out the Ghost Zone tracking down Skulker who had been causing trouble for the teens.

Danny: I'm coming bac-

Walker: Not so fast Ghost Boy!

Danny: C'mon! Skulker and now you?!

The warden of the Ghost Zone took Danny's communication device and snapped on handcuffs on Danny as he was dragged away struggling, the tech geek Tucker started trying to contact his friend.

Tucker: Come in Danny? Calling Danny? Danny?

Sam: He went radio silent?

Tucker: What now?

Sam: We have to keep looking for him.

The two teens drove off in the wrong direction looking for Danny as the half human was thrown in a prison cell by the warden. Danny tried to escape as the door was shut in his face.

Danny: What about my basic human rights?

Walker: You are half phantom, you don't have rights in the Ghost Zone.

Danny: Then what is stopping you from killing me, violating me, assaulting me?

Walker: Human decency.

Danny: You're not even human!

Walker: You want to be violated?! you want things to get UGLY?!

The warden unlocks the cell and pins Danny against the walk staring bullets into his soul. The warden closes and locks the cell from the inside. The teen us scared and defenseless tries to block his face with his fist.

Walker: I don't want to hurt you Danny.

Danny: I find that hard to believe with the way you are looking at me.

Walker: You don't know that I kind of like you.

Danny: Like me?

Walker: I like what you do, you try to clean up this place. That's more than I've done, you are a good kid Danny.

Danny: Then why am I here, what did I do wrong?

Walker: You didn't do anything wrong, I told you. I just...like you.

Danny: Like me? or...

Walker: Yeah.

The young teen sighed as the ghost warden backed up from him giving him space to breathe. The warden unlocks the cell and motions with the his arm for the boy to leave.

Walker: I've uuuuuuuh...stepped over my jurisdiction.

Danny: No kidding.

Walker: Sorry.

Danny: If it makes you feel better I fe...

Walker: Huh?

Danny: Oh nevermind.

The half human half phantom was free from a long sentence in the Ghost Zone. Things were complicated now, more than ever. The hero never thought he would have these kind of feelings for another ghost before. He didn't say that he shared feeling with Walker but he was going to. That is a scary thought, did he actually like the ghost. Things were going to be complicated if Danny ever came back to the Ghost Zone. The phantom knew he would return to stop the likes of Skulker, Vlad, Ember, Youngblood, and Box Ghost. He just wondered if he came back, would he make a stop at the prison. If the half human ever came back to the prison, why would he be there? The boy was handed back his communication device as he turned it on and left the prison.

Danny: Sam, Tucker? You there?

Tucker: Where are you?

Sam: What happened?

Danny: I'm at the prison, can you pick me up.

Sam: Why are you there?

Danny: Uuuuuuh, just got into...a bit of trouble.

Sam: Anything serious.

Danny: Nothing for you two to worry about.

Tucker: That's good to hear. You had me worried.

Danny: I was worried too.

The two teens picked up Danny as the drove off, Walker smiled as he turned away from the kids. Danny tried hard not to make eye contact in fear of what Sam or Tucker would see or say.