The final chapter has updated at last!! Please read and enjoy the final chapter of The Six Brides!

Chapter 12

Each brother carries their brides to a more comfortable place where they can rest. Shu lays Selena on the sofa that he was sleeping on earlier, Reiji sets Rena on a recliner, Laito lays Sayori on a table, Kanato takes a seat on a sofa and lays Aina down with her head on his lap, and Subaru lays Luna on the cushions of a windowsill. Ayato is still holding onto Yui since she has a knife stuck to her chest still and he doesn't know what to do.

The brothers turn and look at Ayato and Yui, since it's obvious that she's the one who needs help.

"I can't believe that she would actually stab herself. I guess she really does have guts." Laito runs his hand through his hair.

"Not as much as she does." Shu looks at Rena, whose wounds are being bandaged up by Reiji. "She protected Ayato and fought off Ritcher. She even took the blade for her sister. Even for a hunter, that was pretty bold of her."

Kanato strokes Aina's head with a sad expression on his face. "Teddy, you don't think that she'll disappear do you? I hope she doesn't."

Subaru is at Luna's side with her hand in both of his. Her skin is just a little colder than his and that makes him sigh and hang his head down.

"Subaru." He looks at the triplet. "What should I do? Should I pull the knife out now?"

He glances at the knife logged in her chest and sighs. "I don't know Ayato."

He looks down and grabs the handle, getting ready to pull it.

"Wait." Subaru is standing by them now and kneels down. "Let me do it."

He grabs the handle and slowly pulls it out of her bleeding chest. When it's in his clutches, he stares down at it and remembers Luna's confession.

"When you asked me to kill you, I was devastated!! Because I didn't want to kill the man that I fell in love with!!!"

He shuts his eyes closed and brings the knife close to his chest. Laito stares down at Sayori and strokes her cheek with his knuckles. His anger starts to rise when he remembers what Ritcher had done. He tried to kill his girl. He hurt her. He knows that that bastard is still alive somewhere and he storms out of the room to find and finish him once and for all.

Reiji looks down at Rena and stares until he heads to his lab. Ayato carries Yui and lays her down on a sofa and Kanato looks at her face.

"Her face is getting whiter." he notes.

"It's because of the Awakening. She could awaken at any time." Shu states.

"Do you think there's a way to drive the old bitch out from her?"

Reiji flips through the pages of a book about genetic material and picks up the remedy that is almost complete.

"Reiji. If you do find anything that can help save her soul, then please use it. And do take good care of her if she does make it. It will give me peace to know that one of us has survived this. Please Reiji. This is my only request for you to do."

He closes his eyes. "I will save Yui Rena. For you. That's why this needs to work."

Shu kneels down at Selena's side and stares at her snow white face. He places his hand on her forehead, hoping to feel her warmth again. But much to his disappointment, she's just as cold as he is now. He sighs and places her hands on top of her stomach before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Kanato, Shu, Subaru, and Ayato look over at Yui when she moves like she's in pain.

"She must be in a lot of pain right now." Kanato states.

Ayato kneels down next to her. "Hey. Wake up." But she didn't, the only sign she shows on her face is pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Subaru asks as he walks up to the sofa.

"It's the Awakening. It has begun." Shu replies.

"There hasn't been any precedent of a mortal woman to awaken with the powers of a vampire before, has there?" Kanato asks.

"No." Shu replies without taking his eyes off of Selena. "No vessel has ever endured the process, which is why none has ever survived before."

Ayato looks at the girls then back at Yui. "But this time it's different. Yui has that woman's heart inside her."

Kanato stares down at Yui. "Is she really going to die?"

"Isn't there anyway that we can save the girl?" Ayato asks.

"Yes there is." Reiji answers. "But it's incomplete."

Ayato spots the vial in his hand. "Reiji, what is that you got in your hand?"

"A custom made remedy that will kill that woman once and for all."

"This is unusual, it's not like you to come forward with an unfinished product." he says.

"Why is it incomplete? What's missing?" Shu asks finally pulling himself away from Selena.

Reiji looks down at the vial with the purple liquid. "I believe that all I need is a piece of Cordelia." He says.

"That's impossible. We disposed every trace of that woman." Subaru says.

Kanato gently removes Aina's head from his lap and stands up. "Actually. I have something."

He grabs his teddy's head and rips it open. He pulls a purple vial with his mother's ashes from the stuffing and walks up to Reiji.

"Maybe you could use this. I don't need it anymore."

He hands it over to the second son and he observes it.

"Is this what I think it is?"

He adds the ashes in the vial and shakes it up. The purple liquid turns blue which gives Reiji a satisfied grin.

"So that did the trick huh?" Ayato asks grinning as well.

Earlier Laito found Ritcher in a hidden room where he stored Cordelia's bloody dress and now he's speaking to him with such warning.

"Here's a little truth for you. My brothers and I have had it with you and that horrible woman. Stay the hell away from us and this house." he hisses calmly.

"We will never let either of you run our lives again." Ritcher scoffs weakly. "Listen you fool, you think you can escape us but you're wrong, dead wrong."

If you don't know that by know, then I... then I... I pity you!" He groans while collapsing on his knees from the large amount of blood loss.

Laito chuckles. "Who would've thought that it would come down to this. A full blooded vampire wounded by a mortal vampire hunter. I guess you were wrong about her, she along with my Little Bitch, are one of the strongest girls I know. And the fact that they both took you down just makes it even better."

Ritcher lifts his head up and Laito uncrossed his arms.

"Well then I guess that's it for you my dear uncle."

He lifts a lantern with a green flame and throws it on the floor beside the wounded vampire, flames spreading the minute it shatters.

The green flames start to eat up everything, including Cordelia's dress. The only one left unharmed right now is Ritcher. He smirks at his nephew, who turns his back on him.

"Goodbye Uncle Ritcher. I sure hope that you'll have a nice time burning in hell."

He walks away as the stone wall closes, sealing Ritcher inside the flaming room. When he goes back to the den room, he finds that Ayato had drunk the remedy and is planning on giving it to Yui.

The triplet places his mouth on hers and release the antidote. She gulps it down and after a short while, her skin color returns to normal. Ayato leans down towards her face.


The blonde slowly opens her eyes until she sees Ayato.


"Hi." He smiles and she looks at her hand.

"I'm alive. I don't believe it." She glances at Ayato. "What am I... doing here?"

"Don't worry about it. There's no need for you to know about that." he says.

She then looks over and sees the rest of the brothers looking at her.

"You're all here."

She sits up and touches her dry throat. "I'm so thirsty. I wonder why." She wonders.

Then something catches her full attention. Rena's wounded, white limp body. She gasps as she remembers what happened to her.

"Rena!!" She gets off the couch and runs over to the huntress.

She cups her pale cheek and gently shakes her shoulders.

"Rena, it's me Yui! Open your eyes please!"

"Forget it Pancake." She looks at Ayato. "She's as good as dead."

He looks at the rest of the girls and so does Yui.

"All of them are."

Yui stares at them with devastation and despair in her eyes.

"No. No it can't be!" She looks at Rena's lifeless face and tears up.

"They can't be dead!!" She buries her face in her hands. "They just can't be!!"

Ayato kneels down next to her and takes the sobbing heroine into his arms. He glances up at Rena and the only thing he regrets is not being able to save her. She protected him when he was down and he is forever grateful to her.

"No one. Hurts my family."

She actually considered them to be her family. And that just makes him feel a little worse now. He hugs Yui tightly and buries his face in her hair.

The brothers solemnly approach their dead brides and either hold their hands or stare down at them.

Kanato presses his forehead against Aina's while holding her hand in his. Laito sits Sayori up in his arms and holds her close while Shu presses his forehead against Selena's. Reiji grabs Rena's hand and plants a kiss on it before resting it on her stomach with her other one.

Subaru grabs Luna's hand in both of his once again and stares at her peaceful face. He once again has lost someone that was precious to him and that was the love of his life.

He grits his teeth and brings her hand to his face.


He straightens up and hovers over her face, stroking her cheek fondly.

"Luna, I am so sorry. If I could, I'd take your place so you could live again."

He presses his lips to her cold yet soft ones in a gentle and loving kiss. He pulls away and press his forehead to hers, cupping her face.

"I too have always loved you."

He pulls away from her and looks away. He couldn't look at her anymore because he is close to tears. He sighs and runs his hand through his white hair.

Suddenly Luna's eyes snap open and she takes a huge gasp for oxygen as she shoots straight up. She coughs and everyone whips around at her, not believing their eyes.

Luna pants softly and looks at her hands. Subaru stares at her with disbelief and she slowly looks up at him.


Yui covers her mouth and runs over to her friend.


She throws her arms around her and sobs on her shoulder.

"Thank God, you're alive!!"

"Yui? You're here too?" Luna asks in confusion.

Yui pulls away when Subaru is on his knees in front of the white maiden. They stare at each other until Luna smiles and busts out crying. She throws her arms around his neck and he hugs her like the world is ending.

"Don't you ever leave me like that again."

"I won't Subaru. I promise." She whimpers before kissing him. "I love you."

"I love you." He hugs her tighter.

"I don't understand. How is this possible? She shouldn't even be alive." Reiji states in shock.

"I'll say. It actually makes me wonder about the rest." Laito says looking down at Sayori.

He cups her cheek and places his mouth over hers, giving her a kiss. After a minute, her skin color is back to normal and her eyes snap open as well.

Laito pulls away when she gasps and coughs. She pants hard and stares at him until she punches his arm.

"Jeez!! I just died and you're already sticking your tongue down my throat?!"

"Sayori!!" Luna and Yui calls.

She ignores them and still chews out Laito. "Seriously, I'm dead for like 10 minutes and you can't even control yourself around me! You really are a sick-hmph?!?"

Laito silences her in a passionate kiss and she instantly wraps her arms around his neck, returning the kiss with just as much force. They pull away but still hold each other.

"I'm never letting you go again. Little Bitch."

She rolls her eyes. "Pbft! You said that you wouldn't let me die and I just did. But I'm back now so... I guess I'll take your word for it."

They kiss again Kanato looks down at Aina.

"Teddy. Both brides woke up after they got a kiss from my brothers. Do you think that Aina will wake up if I give her a kiss? Like in a fairy tale? Let's give it a try."

He kneels down on one knee and locks his lips with hers. After a minute she too wakes up suddenly and Kanato hugs her.

"Aina!! It worked Teddy! My princess woke up!!"

"Kanato?" Aina whispers before locking eyes with Sayori, who hops off the table.

"Aina!" She runs over to her little sister and hugs her. "Sayori!! You're alive!!" She cries and so does Sayori. "It's a miracle!"

Now Shu looks over at Selena and stares. He sits her up and his lips slowly consumes hers, waking her up too. He pulls away when he feels her hand on his cheek. She's smiling happily and tears run down her face.

"Oh Shu." She hugs him and buries her face on his shoulder, crying softly. "I thought that I would never see you again!"

Shu says nothing. He only wraps his arms around her body and holds onto her tightly.

There is now one bride left. Everyone turns to Rena and both Sayori and Aina are at her side. The second eldest sister looks at Reiji with pleading eyes.

"Reiji, you have to kiss her. It worked on us, it can work on her too."

The bespectacled vampire looks down at Rena and then her wounds.

"Even if I did, I don't think she would awaken. Her wounds are extremely severe and she has lost large amounts of blood. For all we know, her soul could already be long gone."

"I don't care!! Just do it anyways Reiji!!! Bring her back to us!!" Sayori yells with tears pouring out from her eyes. "You love her just as much as we do, the least you could do is try!"

Reiji looks at the huntress again and sighs. He kneels down on one knee and cups her cold cheek. He presses his lips against hers in a long soft kiss and he pulls away to look for any signs. Everyone waits for a couple of minutes but nothing happens. Her skin is still white and she's still not breathing. Both Sayori and Aina's tears start to come up again.

"No. No!" Sayori shakes her head and sniffles. "Rena? Rena wake up!" She shakes her.

Nothing happens and she shakes her harder. "Rena?! Rena please!! Please you can't do this to us!! You promised!!! You promised you wouldn't leave us alone!!! You promised!!!" She sobs.

She buries her face on her stomach and bawls. "You promised." She whimpers.

Laito gently takes the distraught girl in his arms and she holds onto him and cries on his chest.

"It's not fair Laito! She shouldn't have died like this! Not like this!!"

He strokes her head and Kanato takes Aina in his arms and comforts her as she begins to cry. Then the rest of the remaining brides hold onto their lovers and start to weep, for they have lost a bride, Rena Tanaka. Reiji closes his eyes and places his hand on top of hers, taking it to his lips and planting a soft kiss on it.

"May you rest in peace Rena Tanaka."

All of the girls then surround Rena and hug her.

"Rest in peace Rena. We will miss you." Luna whispers.

"Thank you for everything you've done for us." Yui adds.

"We will never forget you." Selena wipes her tears away.

Sayori sniffles and kisses her sister's forehead. "Say hi to mom and dad for us okay? Tell them I'll take good care of Aina."

Aina sniffles and wipes her eyes. "We love you so much Rena. Goodbye."

They wrap their arms around each other and their eldest sister and cry. The brothers look down solemnly and close their eyes while the girls weep for her. They all would never forget her and her brave actions. She was a real strong woman. Ayato steps forward and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you. For everything."

He closes his eyes again and bows his head down. When everyone is mourning for her, Rena's fingers start to twitch and then her hands raise up to touch her sisters arms, immediately getting their attention. They gasp and everyone else looks back at her as she slowly starts to flutter her eyes open.

They all stare at her with shock and disbelief written on their faces, including Reiji's and she smiles softly.

"You obviously don't know me well enough to see that it takes a lot more to take me down." She rasps softly.

The girls faces lit up and smile with extreme joy.

"Rena!!!!" They all hug her and she laughs. "Take it easy girls, I'm still wounded here."

Sayori grabs her face. "But how?!? You were dead!!! You wouldn't wake up when Reiji kissed you!!"

She looks at Reiji and smiles before looking back Sayori. "Well..."

She moves her blazer aside and exposes the bite mark on her neck where Ritcher had left behind.

"Let's just say that Ritcher had plans for me."

Sayori looks closely at the bite mark and looks back up at her in shock.

"He turned you?"

She nods and chuckles. "You sound so surprised. You all awakened as one as well." She slightly winces when she sits up a little. "Though this does ruin my reputation as a hunter. And you know! I don't really care."

Sayori laughs and the girls hug her again before helping her up on her feet. Ayato grins and walks up to her.

"Glad to see you're still alive. Even though you're a..." he gestures to her and she smiles. "Yes I know. And I'm glad to be part of the family now. All of us are." She wraps her arms around her sisters shoulders.

"I don't know! I mean I don't feel any different!" Sayori looks at her hands. "Thirsty as hell but other than that, nothing!"

Laito wraps his arms around her waist from behind and whispers in her ear. "Would you like me to do the honors of giving you my blood Little Bitch?"

"What?! No!!" Her forearm hits his gut hard. "Don't make this weird between us!"

He coughs and hold his stomach. "So maybe later then." He rasps a little and Sayori looks at her hands again.

"Whoa. I have vampire strength!" She gasps and points to Ayato. "I can finally kick your ass now!!"

"What?!" Rena rolls her eyes and walks away. "It never ends."

"Just because you're a vampire now, doesn't mean that you can take me down so easily!" He snaps.

"You want to bet on that? Because if I can take you down as a mortal, then I can definitely wipe the floor with you as a vampire."

"Oh yeah?!" He challenges. "Yeah!!"

As those two are arguing, Luna looks up at Subaru and he looks at her.

"Do you... do you still want me to... you know kill you when you asks me to?"

She gasps when pulls her in. "And leave you alone so some other man can claim you? Don't be stupid."

She smiles and giggles before sharing a kiss with him.

"Why don't you come at me right now?! I'll crush you into ashes!" Ayato clenches his fist.

"Challenge excepted!!"

Before she could attack, she's suddenly thrown over Laito's shoulder.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not letting my brother put his hands on you before I do." Laito grins slyly.

"Damn it Laito!! Will you shut up and put me down!!! This is hardly the time to have sex again!!!"

She covers her mouth when she blurts that out, earning shocked or disgusted gazes from everyone.

"Again?" Rena asks.

"You two banged each other? That's gross!" Ayato grimaces. "I mean who would ever screw psychopath here?"

She gets red in the face with extreme embarrassment and rage.

"That's it!! I'm really gonna kick your ass now!!!" She barks while struggling with Laito. "You little piece of shit!!!"

"This subject obviously needs some time to process so I guess we'll be off now. Later." He waves his fingers before teleporting away.

Selena looks away and crosses her arms. "Oookay! I don't think I need to remember that! And I won't! Simple as that!"

She squeals when she's scooped up in Shu's arms, bridal style. "Shu!! Shu what are you doing?!?"

"Taking you up to my room. What else?"

Her face blushes cherry red "Wha-What?! Shu I-I don't think that-"

"I've worked up quite a thirst and I'm sure you did too. So stop whining and be quiet."

She buries her face in her hands as he walks away with her in his arms. Aina watches them go until she feels Kanato wrap his arms around her waist from behind.

"You know now that he mentioned it, I'm pretty thirsty too. And I'm sure you are too, aren't you Aina?"

That look in his eyes makes Aina blush and look away, which makes him smile.

"I see. Please excuse us for a while. I need to take care of my princess's needs."

She squeaks when he scoops her up and teleports away. Yui looks at Ayato, who's obviously eyeing her and notices the look of lust and want in his eyes. She blushes and looks at everyone.

"Uhh. I think I'm going to bed right now. I had a long night and I think I need to rest so... bye!!"

She runs up the stairs but she didn't get far enough when Ayato throws her over her shoulder. She squeals and pounds on his back.

"Ayato!! Put me down this instant!!"

"See ya in the morning everyone!" He waves at everyone. "Oh and Rena!"

She looks up at the triplet and he nods once to her. "Thanks a lot."

She smiles softly and nods back. "It's my pleasure Ayato."

With that he teleports away with Yui, leaving only Reiji, Rena, Luna, and Subaru left. Luna grabs Subaru's hand and stands on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He blushes and she giggles before bowing down to Rena.

"I'm so happy that you're alive Rena. I really hope that you'll be okay from now on."

"Thank you Luna. Now you two go get some rest. I need to speak with Reiji alone."

Luna giggles when she meets Subaru's lusting gaze and waves when she runs off with him hot on her tail.

"Have a good night Rena and Reiji!"

Rena chuckles before looking at Reiji.

"So what do you think?" She crosses her arms.

"Think about what exactly? You'll have be more specific." He crosses his arms.

She smiles. "How do you feel about us becoming vampires? Do you think you can handle five more in the family?"

He grins and picks up her hand. "You make it sound like it's a challenge that I cannot handle. That's plucky of you." He kisses her hand and fingers.

"Well what do you expect? I'm a hunter. I need to be cautious."

He looks up from her hand. "You still consider yourself as a hunter even though you're one of us now?"

She stares at him and cups his cheek.

"Not all vampires are as trustworthy as you are Reiji. You should know that by now."

He pinches her chin and tilts her head up.

"The only thing I find repulsive is that my own uncle is your maker."

She grins and wraps her arms around his neck, bringing her closer to him.

"I suppose you'll try to fix that by making me a potion to become human again. That way you'll make me yours completely."

"My thoughts exactly." He grins as he pushes up his glasses.

They both share an affectionate kiss as Reiji sweeps her off her feet.

"Now let us retire to my laboratory so I can tend to your wounds."

"Hmm. I'd appreciate that. Darling." She whispers in his ear.

Yayyyy!!!! I finished this story!!! ...Well now that I said that, now I'm sad that it's over:( Oh well! There's always another story with these oc's! That is if you all want me to. Well! That's all for this story, thank you so much for supporting this story by your favorites, following, and reviewing! I hoped you all loved it! Later:)