Sitting on the couch next to the other man, Sanji couldn't help the anxious flush that insisted on climbing up his neck to spread across his face in an embarrassing blush. Hands fisting in the fabric on his knees as he tried to keep himself from hyperventilating or breaking out in a nervous sweat; neither of which would be conducive right now. Casting a furtive glance to his left, Sanji found the man still watching him with an enigmatic stare – eyes burning excitedly – while a predatory grin lit up his face. Quickly shifting his gaze back to the white knuckled grip poised on his knees as he tried to calm himself despite the completely unbelievable situation he was currently in.

At nineteen years old, Sanji found himself in Mugiwara Studios next to none other than Zoro Roronoa; famous porn star. Rated hottest gay porn star three years running in Grand Line Guys, second highest viewed on Mugiwara, and voted as one of the Top Twelve "Supernova" male porn stars of the decade. Sanji had been hopelessly lost on the man ever since he had gotten a hold of his first male erotica magazine when he had been thirteen years old.

Now here he sat next to the man that had not only been his teenage obsession but the main protagonist in nearly all of his masturbation fantasies, and in a few minutes they'd be having sex. Sanji didn't know how he was expected to make it through the session without cumming embarrassingly early, or even look the man in the eye without turning bright red. It was one thing to jack off to someone, but meeting them in person just made it too surreal.


Startled out of his panicked musings, Sanji jerked his head up to face Zoro whom was still watching him far too intently, and for the first time Sanji really got a good look at the man. Iconic green hair – a darker shade of emerald when not under lights and cameras – was far less vibrant in person and his skin was an erotic bronze that made Sanji's mouth water. A strong jaw bordered a classically handsome face – the lines Sanji had more than memorized at this point – which contained those sharp eyes that Sanji could stare into for days.

"Hm?" Sanji hummed innocently, not entirely trusting himself to speak just yet as he wasn't sure he would be able to articulate anything properly at the moment. Lips pressing into a thin line as his eyes widened curiously, gaze flickering between the man's stare and his naked torso in hopes that he wasn't too obviously flustered by the other man's presence.

Zoro jerked his head to the side and Sanji followed the motion, finding the camera having been set up along with the few crew members that were there to assist in the shoot. Mics angled above them to no doubt catch every moan and whimper that was about to take place, and lights being angled and turned in their direction to illuminate the room. Sanji was suddenly very aware of the fact that he was soon going to be having sex in front of all these people.

They had been waiting for the crew to get set up to film the pre-sex interview between him and Zoro, and it seemed that Sanji's time was finally up. The main cameraman – Ace – hovered behind his recorder as he just finished setting up the device before looking up at the two men with a large grin. Motioning towards them, he turned the camera on and Sanji was faced with the sharp red light that meant recording had begun.

"So... Sanji," Ace crooned, angling the camera a little more towards the blond as Sanji gaze darted up to the other man, "First time on camera; nervous?"

"A little." Sanji admitted hoarsely, relieved that his voice came out in a gruff grumble rather than with a nervous crack. The last thing he needed was to squeak out a response and have his first impression make him out as a blushing, timid twink. Swallowing thickly, he noted the expectantly look on Ace's face as he remembered that these pre-session interviews were about divulging a little to get the viewers invested before adding, "I'm a bit of an exhibitionist so I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Well, you'll be with a seasoned expert." Ace offered cheekily, turning the camera back to catch the both of them once more and adding, "Is it intimidating starting off with such a legend?"

"I've seen some of his work," Sanji mused humorously, deciding against admitting the fact that not only was he well versed in all the man's work, but he had probably seen all of his videos hundreds of times over. Remaining aloof as he cast a playful glance at the other man and shrugged, "I'm not threatened."

Zoro's eyebrows shot upwards at the comment, and Sanji turned back to Ace with a cocky grin plastered across his face; more than a little smug at being able to unnerve the other man. Ace cackled loudly in response as he no doubt got Zoro's reaction on camera before taunting Zoro loudly, "Oh ho, Roronoa; looks like he's calling you out."

Sanji could feel how tense the man had gotten just from sitting a few feet away from him and soon felt that burning gaze back on him. Holding his breath as he turned to look at him as Zoro cracked a feral grin and muttered, "Well, if he's seen my stuff then he knows what's in store for him."

Sanji mouth went dry under the force of that gaze accompanied with such a sexually charged comment; it was like living one of his fantasies despite the fact that none of them could hold up to the real thing. Zoro's gaze was pinned on him and it was as though Sanji were the only other person on the planet, the look taking Sanji's breath away as he really had not been prepared for the sexual demon that was Zoro Roronoa.

"No better time than now to prove it." Ace noted, casting a glance behind him to make sure that the guy with the mic was ready before turning back to the two men on the couch. Giving a short signal which Sanji was still deciphering before being swiftly interrupted by Zoro.

A strong hand was grabbing his jaw and pulling him into the other man for an aggressive kiss, Sanji not nearly prepared for the fact that he was currently being kissed by the man he had dreamed about for years. Barely able to savour the moment before Zoro was shoving him back into the couch to deepen it, tongue forcing its way into his mouth with little warning.

Reaching out a trembling hand, he tried to get a hold of himself as he grasped at the other man's bare arm in an attempt to get a firm hold. Eyes darting up in minute worry as the man had no doubt felt the shake of his hand and the nervous quaking that was still rocking through his body. When he met Zoro's gaze, he found a knowing look smouldering back before he angled his mouth away from the camera to very subtly murmur in Sanji's ear, "What happened to all your big talk?"

All of Sanji's nervousness suddenly drained away to be replaced by seething indignation, unable to stop himself from reacting to the taunting words as he surged forward. Hands tangling in the man's short hair to give near painful tugs as he angled his mouth once more over Zoro's to kiss him. Taken aback for only a moment, Zoro soon reciprocated and it quickly became one of the hottest, messiest, and most arousing kisses Sanji had ever had in his short life.

Pushing the blond even further into the plush cushions, Zoro climbed almost fully on top of Sanji while his hands began making quick work of the shirt he had been supplied by the studio. Fingers crooking in the gaps of the fabric before tearing it open with a swift jerk, a ripping sound echoed in the room followed by the pinging of several buttons skittering across the floor. Sanji failed at smothering his gasp of arousal at the dominating action, pants instantly growing tighter as he felt Zoro's smirk against his lips.

A hand dropped to palm at his pants and this time he didn't even bother to try and withhold his breathy moan, head tipping back against the armrest. Zoro's mouth latched onto Sanji's neck – teeth and tongue worshipping the flesh it found – while his hands began working at getting Sanji's pants undone. It seemed that the kissing portion was finished and it was time to move onto the next scene; a blowjob and three position changes Sanji reminded himself idly.

Clothes were very quickly discarded, and Sanji soon found himself on his knees in front of Zoro's throbbing cock as he could hardly believe he was moments from sucking it. The member far bigger and much darker than in any of the magazines – which was a damn shame – as Sanji swallowed thickly at the notion that it was going to be inside him soon. Impatiently thrusted towards Sanji's face, the blond forced himself to stop staring and leaned forward to lick the tip curiously.

A little salty, but mostly just tasting of the dull musk of the other man, Sanji soon found himself throat deep on the cock as he eagerly took the man as far as he could. Zoro made a pleased sound in response that only urged Sanji on as he was quickly becoming addicted to the taste of the other man; not to mention still in disbelief that he had Zoro Roronoa's cock in his mouth.

Relaxing his throat, he guided Zoro's hands into his hair to let the man set the pace and moaned thickly as Zoro didn't even hesitate before taking advantage of him. Large hands fisted in Sanji's hair to keep him in place as Zoro set up a wicked pace that had saliva coursing down Sanji's slick chin to drip into his lap, eyes rolling back into his head as all he could do was moan as his mouth was perfectly abused.

A guttural groan of shock slipped passed Zoro's lips, accompanied by a panicked look as he swiftly removed from himself from Sanji's mouth. Hand still tangled in the blond locks as Sanji managed a small smile of triumph in disbelief that he had managed to make the porn star nearly cum with his mouth alone. His breathless gloating was short lived however, as Zoro was quickly picking him up and carrying him over to the nearby bed.

Sanji could distantly hear the cameras following, but he was far more interested in the determined glare currently plastered on Zoro's face. An expression he didn't think he'd ever really seen before, but before he could contemplate it further he was being tossed face first on the bed and a tongue was shoved deep in his ass. Barely able to get up on his knees as Zoro's hands grasped his ass almost painfully and seemed to be set on getting his tongue as far inside the blond as possible.

Time blurred as Sanji gasped into the bed covers and everything melted into a hazy wave of pleasure, the only thing he was able to concentrate on was Zoro's tongue and the throbbing of his own cock. Pleasure mounted far too quickly as he couldn't remember anything having ever felt this good in his life, orgasm pooling in his gut as he thrusted his hips back into Zoro's face and-


Sanji was slammed back into the harsh reality that was the room they were in and the people that accompanied them as he turned over and found Zoro pulling away from him with a detached look. Cock still firmly erect between his tanned thighs with traces of Sanji's saliva glistening on the tip, the member bobbing tantalizingly as he walked away to the amenities table to grab a bottle of water and begin chugging it.

"C'mon, blondie." Ace commanded as he made his way over to the bed, nabbing the blond's attention and jerking a thumb over in the direction of the bathroom, "Need to get you prepped."

"Uh," Sanji grunted out unintelligibly, a blush once more creeping up his chest and onto his neck as he vaguely pointed in the direction of Zoro. Still a little dazed over what had just happened and what he had just done with the famous porn star, "But he already..."

"Yeah..." Ace chuckled in amusement, shaking his head in childish reprimand, "That's not going to be nearly enough for what's going to happen."

That comment effectively had the blush climbing the rest of the way up to envelope his face, as he stood and followed after the man with his head ducked low. Refusing to meet the eyes of any of the cast members, and definitely not wanting to meet Zoro's gaze as he made it into the bathroom. A few minutes of prep – with a far more lube than he would have deemed necessary – and he was back on the bed in much the same position he had been in earlier.

Zoro taking his place behind him, Sanji began clenching and relaxing his hands in preparation as he was still mildly in shock over the fact that the other man was going to be inside him in a few moments. The idea absolutely unbelievable as the events that had lead him up to this moment still didn't feel entirely possible. Swallowing nervously as he glanced over his shoulder to find the other man watching him closely.

"Ready?" Zoro bit out with his trademark grin – the one that always got Sanji hot no matter what video he watched – it was always the expression the man gave before he really got started at what he was good at. Saliva drying up once more, Sanji was left with a parched throat and a slack jaw as he stared back at the man.

Taking a moment of reprieve, Sanji noticed Ace and crew finishing up getting set for the next shot before turning his back on Zoro and snapping haughtily, "Try not to bore me."

"Alright." Ace purred happily, Sanji enjoying the growl of annoyance that came from behind him, "Action."

Zoro's hand – which had seconds ago been placed gently on his hip – took a biting grip on his hip as his other grasped his own cock which he slapped against Sanji's opening playfully. Sanji could almost hear the other man grinning happily behind him and had to refrain from saying something snippy as he waited for the man to just get on with it. A few more slaps had Sanji impatiently wiggling his ass back at the other man before he felt a firm press of the head at his entrance.

And without any more warning Zoro was slamming all the way inside him with a single thrust, the motion a tangible concoction of pain and pleasure as Sanji was forced breathless. Sanji forgot where he was for several seconds as the glorious slide of the other man entering had him lurching forward with an obscene moan, "Oh, fuck yes."

Zoro stilled behind him, and Sanji's whole body tensed in fear as he realized that that had definitely been off script, but no one called them to stop. In a few more moments Zoro began moving again – after he must've gotten a cue to continue from Ace – hips easing forward as Sanji completely forgot about his slip up and instead began basking in the indescribable glory that was Zoro Roronoa's cock.

For the next several minutes Zoro worked away at him with a pounding pace that was meant more for the cameras than it was for Sanji's sake, but the blond couldn't stop himself from enjoying it anyway. For the most part he just had to moan and take what Zoro had to offer, and he was more than grateful to do that. Drooling on to the bedspread as he whined happily at each burning thrust, a camera occasionally pointed in his face before returning to Zoro.

After several angle changes and different speeds, Zoro eventually pulled out and grabbed Sanji's ankle in a firm grip and flipped him over in a single motion. Leaning down, he scooped the blond up as easily as he had before and hefted him up until Sanji was able to wrapped his legs around the man's broad hips. A little bit of manoeuvring and Zoro was soon sliding back inside as Sanji clung to him desperately, shivering at the renewed stretch.

This had not been the position they had discussed, but no one seemed to want to stop them, and Sanji was still in shock that he was being fucked in such a crazy position. Arms tightening around Zoro's neck, he moaned breathlessly into the other man's ear as Zoro took a firm grip on Sanji's hips and proceeded to pound into him with much more control than Sanji would've thought possible in this position.

Though Sanji should've expected as much from the man and soon found himself once more getting back into the rhythm that Zoro had set. Ignoring the cameras hovering far too close, Sanji tightened his legs and began working his hips back in time with each of Zoro's movements; crying out as each thrust managed to get deeper than he had ever felt before.

"What are you doing?" Zoro grunted roughly into his ear, trying to keep his words hushed so the mic wouldn't pick up on it but unable to keep the breathy arousal from his tone. Hands readjusting for a better hold as seemed to be trying to speed up his thrusts to break out of Sanji's timing.

"Helping." Sanji murmured back through a heady groan, teeth coming to latch onto Zoro's earlobe and nipping playfully as he tightened around Zoro's next thrust. Sanji's moan echoing Zoro's own choked gasp as the man's thrusts were beginning to become a little less controlled as he opted for a more rapid pace; Sanji still able to match it however, to Zoro's clear annoyance.

"Stop it." Zoro warned, with a hint of aggregation slipping into his tone, the notion completely shattered however by the glorious sensation of his cock inside Sanji urging the blond on. Becoming more bold, he unwrapped his arms from around the man's shoulders and clasped his neck with his hands. Leaning back to place a sloppy kiss to the man's slack mouth as he murmured against thin lips.


Angling Sanji farther back so Zoro had more leverage to rock the blond onto his cock, using Sanji's arms on his neck to swing the blond onto himself. Zoro slammed into the blond a few times so Sanji's cries could cover his bitten response, "Cuz I'm going to come."

The answer alone was enough to have Sanji's legs stilling in shock and his guts twisting in arousal as that was never something he'd thought he'd ever hear the man say. Especially not from the guy that was praised as being able to last for as long as he damn well pleased; had Sanji really had enough of an effect on the guy to...

Sanji must've been musing for too long and missed the cue as Zoro was quickly walking them back towards the bed – and if that wasn't an incredibly new sensation – before being tackled onto the sheets with Zoro still inside him. Back on the bed, Zoro had Sanji's legs hooked over his shoulders as he bent the blond in half while attempting to bruise Sanji's ass with each thrust. Knees touching his ears as Zoro made a guttural off hand comment of, "Fuck, you're flexible."

The arousing praise setting a fire in his gut which was just enough to send him over the edge, Zoro keeping up his pace as it just caused the waves of pleasure to hit him harder. Each slamming thrust pushed another squirt of cum from his quivering dick, the spunk splattering across Sanji's unbashedly euphoric face.

Reeling in the waves of his orgasm, he could barely focus on Zoro beyond the sensation of the man eventually stilling over him and the pulsing sensation that quickly followed inside of him. Blinking dizzily up at the other man that was braced above him, brow furrowed and mouth gaping as he quivered through his orgasm. Sanji could feel his spent cock twitching as seeing the man cumming was a millions times more arousing in person.

After a few moments of heavy panting as they both recovered, Zoro pulled out which prompted an illicit moan to be dragged from deep in Sanji's chest. The cameras were likely filming his quivering hole and the obscene amount of cum leaking out of it, but Sanji was far too distracted by the man still half on top of him. Panting heady, moist breaths onto his face as he watched Sanji with an eager expression despite the fact that he had just cum moments before, surely not able to go another round though the look on his face was telling of a different answer.

Through the euphoric daze of his orgasm, Sanji managed to flick out his tongue to lazily lick up a glob of cum smeared across his lower lip. Sucking it into his mouth with a pleased moan as Zoro watched the entire display with wide eyes and a jaw hanging minutely open, a twitch on Sanji's hip giving away just how affected Zoro was by the small action. A victorious smirk plastered across Sanji's still blissful face which caused an indignant scowl to form on Zoro's, the man pushing away with a huff and climbing off the bed.

Barely getting himself pushed up in time to find Zoro already ducking into the showers, trying to ignore the small twinge of rejection in the pit of his stomach as Ace made his way over. Blatantly ignoring the obvious erection the other man had as Sanji looked up expectantly, awaiting the critique on his first session.

"Not bad." Ace cajoled with a wide grin, "You're pretty damn good."

Sanji just gave a relieved nod in gratitude, not really confident enough to talk while he still had cum all over his face. Though he was a lot less bashful in front of the crew members now than he had been earlier; after having them all watch him get fucked there was little that was embarrassing to him at the moment.

"Go shower." Ace jerked his head in the direction Zoro had gone, "Video will be posted on Monday; Nami will contact you with information on your next session."

Nodding as he pushed himself to his feet, Sanji stumbled for a moment on still very unsteady legs as he became aware of what his body had just been put through. A pleasant ache in his rear as a reward as he meandered over to showers, still a little unsure how he was supposed to feel after everything that had just happened.

In the bathroom there were several large, luxurious stalls to choose from – many of which were likely used for filming – as he chose one and immediately stepped underneath the hot spray. Having already showered before the shoot, he was relatively clean aside from what Zoro had gotten all over – and inside – him. A blush once more lighting up his cheeks as his hands stilled in their scrubbing, eyes closing as he was already reliving each touch and caress to his body from the other man.

Distantly, he could hear the other shower running as thoughts of the other man began circling in his head. It had been his ultimate fantasy for years to be able to sleep with that man, and having finally done it his dreams had easily paled in comparison to the real thing; but now that it had happened he wasn't sure what he had was supposed to be feeling.

Sex wasn't a particularly new thing to him, and while getting filmed had been a fun experience it hadn't been that disconcerting, but as far as Zoro went he couldn't shake the weird ache in his chest that hadn't gone away. While Zoro had completely lived up to his expectations – both sexually and personally – Sanji couldn't help but feel a little disheartened that the session had only been that.

By the time he had finished showering, Zoro had long since left the bathroom and Sanji was able to take his time getting dressed in solitude. Pulling on a button up and beginning to do up the front as he began to wonder what exactly the etiquette was for after such situations; was he supposed to go say hi and thank him for a good shoot? Or ignore him and pretend it hadn't happened?

Fingers faltering on the final button he couldn't help the rejuvenated pang of rejection in the pit of his stomach at how distant and bored the man had acted around him all day. Though Sanji knew he shouldn't have expected any different, it was all exactly like his normally portrayed character in any of his videos; to him Sanji was just another notch in his bedpost.

"Stupid." Sanji muttered softly to himself, doing up the last button as he shook off the morose thoughts. It was utterly ridiculous for Sanji to expect anything to happen afterwards; it was nothing personal. Grabbing his bag and making to leave the bathroom, he made a mental note to forget any remnants of his teenage crush and reminded himself that it was just work.

When Sanji exited, he noted Ace and Zoro chatting just off set, the brunette cackling wildly about something while a deep scowl was etched into the other man's face. Sanji paused for a moment – sorely tempted to go over and introduce himself to the other man without the presence of cameras – but remembering the cold shoulder he had been given moments before had him deciding against it. Readjusting the strap on his backpack as he turned and made his way out of the studio, desperately trying to come to terms with what had just happened.