
Two weeks had passed since Adrien and Marinette had confessed their feelings and become boyfriend and girlfriend, and Marinette was finally sewing together the last part of the dress she had started designing that fateful day by the side of the Seine. It needed to have the detailing done but the form was definitely taking shape. As she was draping it over her mannequin, she heard the familiar thud of feet on her roof. She couldn't help the giddy little dance she did before sobering up and making her way towards the balcony. The boys ego was big enough, he didn't need her to stroke it.

Before she made it over, a head popped through the trap-door, quickly followed by the rest of Chat Noir's leather clad body.

"Good evening, Chat Noir, what are you doing here?"

"Just visiting my princess in her tower," the cat hero explained with a small smirk. "I didn't think I needed a reason."

"Oh, your princess, is it?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I'm sorry kitty, but I've got a boyfriend now. I don't think he'd be too happy knowing that I had another boy alone in my room with me."

Chat's smile grew wider. So she wants to play?

"A boyfriend, hmm?" Chat started to slowly slink towards the bluenette. "So, what's this boyfriend of yours got that I don't?" The corner of his lip curled. "Is he handsome?"

The aspiring designer nodded, a soft smile on her lips. "Very," she replied.

His smile twitched at that. He stalked closer. "Is he as charming as me?" the cat persisted.

"Well, he's a little less flirty and doesn't use as many puns as you," she parried again. We'll see about that, he thought.

"He'd never be able to protect you the way that I can," he stated, sure of himself.

"That might be true," she agreed, "but he would put my life before his." She suddenly realised how close Chat had gotten and started to take a step back. "You probably shouldn't be here," she whispered to him, her heart starting to quicken at the predatory look in Chat's eyes.

"Probably," he agreed, stepping forward as she stepped back, keeping pace with her until she had her back against the wall. One of his hands came to rest on the wall next to her head. He leaned closer but he didn't touch her.

"Do you like him better than me?" Chat queried, still teasing, but with a hint of genuine vulnerability there.

"No, I lo-like you both the same," she sighed, gazing up him with half-lidded eyes, her breath shortening at the look he was giving her. He brushed his thumb down her cheek, gently running it across her bottom lip. The feel of the leather on her sensitive skin made her shiver.

"My b-boyfriend..." she lost track of her train of thought as he started leaning in, brushing his nose against hers, his breath ghosting across her lips.

"What about him?" he asked, his lips brushing hers as he spoke.

"I-I... can't remember..." she admitted, her heart pounding and her breath becoming shallower.

Chat captured her lips in a sweet, chaste kiss and pulled back slightly. Marinette sighed, whimpering gently. She felt more than saw the smirk that crossed his lips before he settled them more firmly against hers, moving them in tandem. With one hand still on the wall, his other came to settle on her hip before he brushed it up her side and wrapped it around her back. He pulled her closer to him so that their chests were flush against each other then pushed her back against the wall.

With one hand now settled on the small of her back, holding her against him, and the other cradling her head, fingers speared through her hair, Chat slanted his lips across hers to deepen the kiss and nipped lightly at her lower lip, gently sucking on it.

Marinette gasped, and Chat quickly took advantage and slipped his tongue into her mouth, his tongue stroking across hers.

In a sudden, bold move that Chat didn't see coming, Marinette hooked one leg around his hip and hoisted herself up so that she was wrapped around his waist. Her impulsive move had him staggering slightly and his hands came to grip under her thighs. Her abrupt height advantage now put her in control and he could feel her grin against him, pulling his lower lip between hers and nipping it before running a soothing tongue across it. He felt a purr rumble in his chest and she drew back with a smug look of satisfaction.

His eyes were glazed as he looked at her flushed cheeks and kiss swollen lips. She had never looked more beautiful.

Chat trailed soft kisses along her jaw and down the column of her throat. When he reached her collar bone he bit down and sucked, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from the bluenette followed by a low moan in the back of her throat.

"Ch-Chat... you need to leave," she murmured, lacking the conviction she needed to make him go.

"Soon enough, Princess, after you've forgotten all about that pretty boy boyfriend of yours," he assured and captured her lips in a kiss again.

"So, remind me," he purred against her lips, "who is it that you love?"

"A-Adrien," she stuttered, and Chat shook his head in mock regret.

"Wrong answer, Princess," he whispered and kissed her again. After several minutes they drew away again, gasping for breath. Chat pressed his forehead to hers.

"Who do you love?"

Marinette panted and licked her bruised, swollen lips.

"You, I love you," she sighed, moving to take his lips again but he drew back slightly.

"Say my name," he urged and pecked her lips, teasing.

"I love you, Chat Noir," came the response and he smiled.

"I love you too, Marinette," he replied and once more pulled her in for a drugging kiss. He let her go, kissing her forehead gently and moved towards the window. Perching on the sill he looked back at her dazed face and plump red lips. His heart was full of love for this girl. Giving her a two fingered salute, he leaped out of the open window.

The stunned bluenette heard her mother calling her from downstairs as she tried to catch her breath back, a blush staining her cheeks red.

"Marinette! Adrien's here!"

That damn cat!

And that's all for now folks. Thank you so much for taking this journey with me. Until next time.