I would just like to preface this story by saying I am a queer woman so none of the things I say in this story are meant to be offensive. Some terms could be taken that way, but I promise they're not meant to be. Nothing will be hurtful, no triggering words if possible. If you read something that triggers you, please let me know so I can edit that part.

With that being said, this is a story with a same sex relationship. So, be aware of that while reading.

Lily-Luna: Luca Hollestelle

Aria: Camila Mendes

She wasn't out, but I knew Lily-Luna Potter was gay as a Kristen Stewart movie. The girl played Quidditch ruthlessly and looked way too sexy doing it. She was also gorgeous as hell, but that was a given if you'd ever seen her. With her curtain of red hair and flared hips, I'd taken note of her the second I admitted I liked girls -age twelve if you're curious. She was covered in freckles, something usually written off as childish or unattractive, but hers highlighted her body and I wanted to trace every one of them with my tongue.

We were both Gryffindors and shared a dormitory, we even had the same friends. Most of our time was probably spent together, unless she had a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, some heterosexual dudes were cool to hang around, but not the ones she dated. They were all jackasses who only cared about how tight her ass was and who she called daddy. I mean, her ass was life changing, but she was so much more than that. I wasn't in love with her by any means, I made it a point to not mess with closeted girls, but I wouldn't mind helping her realize her homosexual potential.

I was sitting in the stands watching Lily-Luna's practice with J'mari and Hayden like always. J'mari was talking about some girl he had his eye on this year and Hayden was telling him he had no shot -our normal conversations. They were my best friends and fellow Gryffindors, the two people I spent the most time with.

"Well, Ri, I'd ask who you were going after this year, but you're practically flooding the stands as you watch Lily-Luna," Hayden quipped, slapping palms with J'mari. "I'm glad my shoes are waterproof."

"I'm surprised you know what happens to a woman when she's aroused. Merlin knows you've never seen it," I replied without looking away from the redhead zooming around on the field.

"You are lusting after a straight girl, Aria," J'mari sighed, tossing his arm around my shoulder. "I thought you sworn off hooking up with closeted chicks after last year."

I rolled my eyes at his use of the word 'chicks' to refer to girls before cutting them over to him. "She just doesn't know she's gay yet, give me some time. She'll be naked in my bed by the Christmas hols."

Hayden smirked and asked, "Care to make it interesting, Ri?"

"I'm not betting on her," I replied before he could suggest it. "That's twisted on so many levels. Even if I'm not in love with her, she deserves more than that."

"You guys came!" Lily-Luna shrieked, swooping over to us and floating just across from the stands. "I'm so happy!"

"Like I'd miss your first practice as a seeker, Luna," I teased, watching the tips of her ears turn pink. "Do you want me to braid your hair for you?"

She grinned and nodded enthusiastically, flying over and dropping to her feet. After leaning her broom against the bench, she sat beside me. I turned to straddle the same bench and took her hair in my fingers. I made sure to rub her scalp because I knew how much she loved it. When she let out a tiny moan at the feeling, my thighs clenched against the sides of the wooden bench. God, she had no idea how bloody sexy she was.

I tied off the plait and squeezed her shoulders. When she turned and hugged me, it took every bit of self-control I had not to use the very plait I'd just put in her hair to hold her in place while I kissed her senseless. She stood back up soon after and waved to the three of us before diving back down to the ground on her broom, a blur of speed.

"Good lord, you were practically humping the bench, you slut!" J'mari exclaimed, making me punch him in the shoulder as hard as I could. "God damn, Aria, that hurt!"

"Then don't be a prat," I hissed, watching as the other players gathered on the field with Lily and Hugo. "Why is Weasley trying out again?"

"Which one?" Hayden asked, picking out a handful of Weasleys on the field below.

I looked at the two of them with an eyebrow arched. "Rose is captain and Roxie is a banging beater. Which one do you think?"

"I think he's still trying to make up for being bollocks at the sport," J'mari suggested. "Godric knows his dad's mad about it."

It wasn't a secret Hugo and his father didn't get along, Lily-Luna talked to me about it sometimes. We were both night owls whenever we were stressed and congregated in the common room. She and I talked about everything under the sun during those nights. Another reason we could never be in love, I feel like I knew way too much about her for that to happen.

Back to Hugo, he and Ron butted heads because he wasn't the son he wanted. Ron made it pretty clear he would've preferred James Potter, a big fight resulted at Christmas dinner because of it. Him trying out for Quidditch every single year since he was twelve was his way of trying to get into his father's good graces. I thought the entire thing was utterly selfish on his father's part, but it wasn't my place to say anything.

Lily-Luna was the only person going out for seeker so I knew she'd win. Regardless, my eyes were on the little scarlet lightning bolt as she streaked across the field -no pun intended. She was really good, anyone with eyes could see that, but she wasn't as much of a show off as her cousins. Roxie was a jokester and Rose was cocky, the two of them commanding most of the crowd's attention during matches.

"Jesus, do you need a bib, girl?" Nicki teased, coming to sit on my other side.

Nicki was one of the girls I shared my dorm with who knew about my infatuation with the youngest Potter. "I wish the lot of you would stop giving me shit for my bodily fluids!"

"You tell 'em, Aria!" Albus said, coming up behind me with Scorpius in tow.

The two of them couldn't have cared less about Quidditch if you paid them so they were welcome at the Gryffindor practices. Albus wasn't an unremarkable bookworm by any means, he and Scorpius joined Roxie in a pranking group that rivaled both the Weasley twins and the Marauders. Their pranks were quite the spectacle to witness.

"So, we're having a back to school party tomorrow night," Albus announced as Rose started trying out chasers and I lost interest for a few minutes. "Are you four in?"

"Aren't we always, Sevvy?" Nicki replied, batting her lashes at him obnoxiously.

"You're aware we fuck each other, yes?" Scorpius asked, placing a territorial hand on Albus' knee as he spoke. "Like, sexually fuck each other. Because he's homosexual. With me. Anally."

I snorted at his bluntness and leaned back to knock knuckles with him. Nicki was insatiable when it came to Albus Severus Potter. She was convinced he was at least bisexual and flirted with him constantly, even if he and Scorpius had been together for almost three years now. We all gave her shit for it all the time, but she never ceased to amaze me with her outlandish her flirting got.

"Speaking of homosexuals, Aria is convinced your sister is part of her club of clit lickers," Hayden announced, making me roll my eyes and sit back up straight.

"Charming," I sneered. "Also, you lick clits, too."

"That's what I've been saying for years," Scorpius announced, making us all look at him and everyone ignore what I said. "What? You think gaydar knows a gender?"

Everyone started talking about the authenticity of gaydar, but my attention as back on the field because I saw number 14 hovering just a little below where we were sitting. Some of her fine hair had escaped the braid and her eyes were bright, giving me a vision of her looking like that from a completely different activity. When she saw me watching her, she waved dorkily and I waved back instantly with my bottom lip trapped between my teeth. I'd never been one to think innocence was sexy before, but Lily-Luna made it almost sinful.

I watched the rest of their tryouts as the others talked and gossiped around me. Once Rose dismissed everyone, the group of us got up and headed inside for dinner. The only time the field was open was right after classes ended on Friday so Rose jumped at the chance to get her team looking good before practices started in a couple weeks.

"This party is going to have alcohol, right?" Nicki asked, linking her arm with mine as the group of us walked with Albus and Scorpius.

"Don't they always?" Scorpius remarked, smiling lazily at me.

That was true, their back to school parties were always ragers -actually, all their parties were ragers. They could basically do whatever they wanted because McGonagall had a soft spot for all Potters. Scorpius was head boy so people just averted their eyes whenever he did anything bad, making it possible for the two of them to do wonderful things together.

We parted ways once we entered the Great Hall and went to our designated tables. Thankfully, there were no announcements so Headmaster McGonagall let us eat as soon as everyone was seated. Lily-Luna shuffled in a few minutes later and sat across from me with Hugo beside her. The two of them were best friends and were together often.

"You were fantastic as usual," I complimented as I reached for some napkins. "Being a seeker must run in your blood."

"It was nice knowing you were there," she smiled, then realized what she said and quickly recovered. "All of you, it was nice knowing all of you were there."

I smirked at her slipup and winked when our eyes met before going back to my dinner. We played this game a lot, her accidently saying things like that and me teasing her for them. It was another big hint she played for the other team, if ya know what I'm saying.

"Are you two going to the party tomorrow?" J'mari asked a few minutes later. "Rephrase, Lily-Luna, are you coming to the party tomorrow? I know Weasley isn't."

Hugo huffed but didn't disagree. He never came to parties, he always said they 'weren't his scene.' Lily-Luna on the other hand shrugged her shoulders and took a drink from her goblet before she answered.

"I figured I'd stop by for a couple minutes, make an appearance," she replied, eyeing J'mari playfully. "Why?"

I knew he was going to say something about me wanting her to come, so I beat him to the punch. "Because I wanted to dance with the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen, duh!"

She grinned happily and nodded. "Count on it., Ari."

My heart did disgusting things when she called me that, making me wince a bit in my head. Okay, so maybe my feelings for her were a hair stronger than I originally said. I wasn't in love with her, but I definitely fancied her a little bit. I mean, the girl was gorgeous and I was only human.

We all went back to eating and started different conversations. I was eating without talking much because I was a little afraid I'd say something stupid. I kept my cool most of the time, but that rarity did happen and it wasn't a fun experience. Even if Hayden and J'mari were my best friends, they never missed a chance to give me hell over literally anything they possibly could. We roasted the hell out of each other on a daily basis, it was the basis of our relationship.

I woke up Saturday morning and made my way to the bathroom to shower. Sharing a room with nine other girls meant there wasn't always the most privacy and I saw a lot of naked girls. The first few weeks of third year after I came out things were rocky amongst all of us, except me and Lily-Luna who insisted nothing was different. Now, they treated me like normal which meant I saw more than my fair share of lady bits. It was impossible to not see bits and pieces of each other over the past six years. I can reassure you, I didn't enjoy it.

I stripped down and got into one of the showers, turning on the water and moaning when the water hit my tight muscles. I didn't sleep very well last night, I tossed and turned as I tried to find a comfortable spot in my bed. It was just one of those nights, you know? The ones where you can't find one single spot in your bed that feels good enough to fall asleep in.

"Oh, sorry!" Lily-Luna squeaked, making me open my eyes and see I'd forgotten to close the curtain on my shower cubicle. "I'm sorry, Aria!"

She was in a red terry cloth towel with her hair piled on top of her head. In her surprise, she let it slip lower and I saw her freckles lead all the way down to the tops of her boobs. Christ, she was so fucking pretty.

"It's fine, I forgot to close the curtain. It's my fault," I told her, moving forward to close the curtain and keep her from exploding on the spot.

"No, wait!" she cried suddenly, moving closer to me and grabbing the curtain before I could pull it shut.

We were standing face to face with only a couple inches between our bodies. She'd always been a few inches taller than me, now was no exception. I waited for her to say something or explain what she was doing, but she reached out and trailed her fingers over my collarbone instead. I felt my nipples tightening at the feeling and sucked in a breath, my eyes holding hers fiercely.

Then her fingers slid down the center of my chest to rest just above the valley between my breast. Her fingertip had just brushed the side of one when she realized what she was doing and yanked her hand back. She spat out apologies with flaming cheeks as she hurried over to a shower stall for herself.

I yanked the curtain shut a beat later and cast a silencing charm around the cubicle. Then I leaned against the tiled wall and tried to calm my breathing. She'd never touched me anywhere that wasn't friendly. I don't think I'd ever felt that electrified in my entire life, not even when I was having sex.

I didn't feel completely in control of my movements when I slid my hand down my belly and parted my thighs. The little minx had no idea the effect she had on me and I think that was the sexiest part about it.

I hope you enjoyed this! Like I said earlier, let me know what you think. All thoughts are welcome unless they're homophobic, sexist, racist, or anything of that caliber. Creative criticism, however, is very much appreciated.