Many HYDRA scientists and workers scrambled around. making the final preperations while the Winter Soldier stood silently in the corner, being the main guard. Watching everything with blank eyes.

In the middle of the underground room was an upward pod that was iced over and brightly lit up. Cold mist rolled off of the tube like pod. And the super soldier vaugely thought that it was similar to his.

The hustle settle down, but the air was tense and thick with anticapation. It wen real quiet, real quickand then there was a loud hiss and low, airy breaths.

A hand appeared against the glass of the pod door - it looked small and fraglie. But the open hand soon clenched into a fist and the pod door was kicked off of its hinges, causing the super soldier to raise his gun to the open pod.

The mist soon cleared, revealing a pale woman with long dirty blonde hair that covered her naked torso.

Her eyes were half liddled, but were the brightest blue - the color of a cloudless summer sky at noon.

She was muscular, but still feminine with soft curves and wide hips. She looked about 19 years old, maybe a little old and was tall at 5 feet and 9 inches.

Her lips, pale red and full, were parted slightly and drew in ragged airy breaths. And her eyes were as dead as his, but unfocused.

The first thing that the assassin noticed was her right leg. It wasn't bone and flesh, but metal and gears - like his left arm. He paused for a second before meeting the woman's eyes again.

They were directly on him with laser focus, her breathing had evened out and had gone silent.

She took a step forward, out of her pod and the doctors stayed put, curious to see how the two assassins would react to each other.

The blonde continued her stalk towards the Winter Soldier, like a tigress stalking her prey. The male soon realized how h was being treated and pointed his gun at the blonde's heart.

She didn't stop her prowl, didn't even flinch, she walked right up to him. The end of his gun pressed flush to the top of her breast.

She wrapped her hand around the barrel of the sniper rifle and stared intently into his ice blue eyes. Some type of long forgotten emotion bubbled up in her summer blue eyes, but then it quickly disappeared.

She pushed the gun away from her chest, the male allowed her to do this for some reason. Then she opened her mouth to speak, but the lanuage that left her lips wasn't Russian. Instead it was English, causing everyone to go on high alarm.

"You are Him." The male didn't get the time to think on this for the next instant there was a sharp pain in his neck and then darkness.


Bucky bolted up in his bed, a cold sweat clung to his heated skin. It was dark, but moonlight streamed in from the open blinds. With his flesh hand, Bucky grasped the knife under his pillow and looked around.

In the bed next to his, Steve was sound asleep curled into a ball. Instead of sleeping with his husband on the floor above them.

Bucky thought about his options with the surfacing of new memories. He could wait until morning to Steve about them, letting them float around his mind for the next couple of hours. Or he cold awake his best friend now while the memories are fresh in his mind. The brunet decided for the latter.

So he crawled out of his sweat soaked bed, knife clutched in his flesh hand as he shook his best friend awake with his mechanic one.

Steve woke instantly with fully alert bright blue eyes. The blue eyes from his dreams were similar, but different, and the blonde woman from his dreams who had those eyes, looked oddly similar to Steve.

The blond male sat up and looked worriedly at his best friend. "Something wrong Buck? A nightmare or memory?" He questioned softly, his eyes taking in the sight of a shaken Bucky .

The brunet took a deep, calming breath. "Yea, I remembered something back during HYDRA." He paused to gather himself, then pushed forward. "I think there's another super soldier like me." He stated, and Steve paused, his body tense.

"Working for HYDRA?" Steve confirmed this with a nod from the brunet. They fell into a momentary silence, both men's expression serious and thinking.

"It was a woman." Bucky stated slowly, and Steve quietly encouraged him to continue. "She was young... maybe 19 or 20... With long blonde hair and blue eyes... She was a couple inches shorter than me..." Bucky seemed to struggle with this next part. As Steve rubbed his back in support, Bucky kept glancing at his cybernetic arm. "She... Her leg was like... it was like my arm..." Bucky sighed ruefully. His face twisted in anger and long age pain.

Steve was quiet for a while, thinking about the newly received information, while rubbing soothing circles on the brunet's back. before checking the clock and seeing that is almost 4:30 in the morning.

The taller super soldier sighed and ran his free hand through his bed head - which wasn't bad, only made him look more like the dork he is, in Bucky's humble opinion - and gave Bucky a small smile.

"Do you want to find her?" Steve asked his long time best friend, though he was fairly certain of the what the brunet's answer would be. He was proven correct when Bucky gave him a stiff nod.

"Can we bring Natasha?" Bucky requested and was given a confirmative nod. "Tell her to bring clothes too." The brunet added, getting a raised brow and a questioning look from the blond besides him. Bucky smiled a little at him, scratching the back of his neck.

"She's frozen naked, from what I remember." The brunet explains and Steve looks surprised and slightly angered.

"Okay, do you remember what her name was?" Steve inquired as he got out of his bed to grab some work out clothes.

Bucky's brows pinched together in thought. "No.. I don't know her real name, but I remember what they called her." Bucky stated, at the end looking up and meeting Steve's baby blue eyes.

"What did they call her Buck?" Steve pushed softly as he sat back down next to Bucky.



Over the next several weeks Bucky, Steve and Natasha looked all over the world for Tigress.

But she was like the same ghost story that Bucky once was. And Natasha had actually met the Tigress before. During her Black Widow training in the Red Room.

She also said that Tigress had long blonde hair with blue eyes and a cybernetic right leg, similar to Bucky's arm. Though Natasha said that she looked a year or two older than what Bucky said. Maybe 21 or 22.

It was the sixth week into there hunt when the trio located the underground facility speculated to harbor the Tigress. Bucky even vaguely recognized it.

Though when they get to where she's suppose to be, they find her pod door barely hanging onto its hinges and the pod itself, riddled with bullet holes.

There was blood everywhere. In large puddles on the stone floor and splattered along the walls, some managing to get on the ceiling. Some of the blood patterns look like they came from guns, most are from a blade attack. Looks like a massacre. But there weren't any bodies. And the blood was barely over a week old.

Suddenly several knives were thrown at the trio. Thanks to his reflexes, the Captain jumped in front of the two assassins and blocks the attack with his shield.

When Steve lowered his shield, he saw a young woman who matched the description of Tigress. Metal leg and all.

She was indeed naked with her long hair the only thing covering her nudeness. Her blue eyes were wild and scared, pupils tiny, but were focused intensely on Steve and his every movement. Her breathing was ragged as her summer blue eyes locked with Steve's baby blue ones.

There was a long, tense moment of silence as a huge range of emotions blazed in Tigress' eyes and played out on her face; before her eyes widen in disbelief and shock. Her puplis going huge as she visibly recoils, though she begins to tremble and takes a shaky step forward. She began to mumble incoherent Russian, which neither fluent Russian speaker could decipher.

But there were two words that they could make out as she continued to get closer and louder. She kept saying, " Steve?..." The rest was still to muddled to understand clearly.

Bucky's eyes widen with recognition as the realization hit him. This was Joyce Rogers, Steve's baby sister.

Steve figured it out a split second after Bucky did. "Joyce?" He called out uncertain, but you could hear the hope in his voice.

Joyce instantly froze to her spot and whimpered, flinching away from them. Accidentally dropping the knives in her hands as she wrapped her arms around her torso, taking a step back.

Steve took a slow step towards his sister, heart beating like a war drum. The larger blond placed his shield on his back and took off his helmet, slowing placing it on the ground, keeping his eyes on Joyce's the entire time. He stood up just as slowly with his hands open and perfectly in her view.

Joyce stared at Steve's face for a long silent moment, then took a tentative step forwards. She took another after a moment of nothing happening, then another shortly after, and another - until she was within touching distance.

One of her arms slowly pulled away from her body and brushed her fingertips along his jaw and cheekbone. Steve leaning minutely into the feather light touch.

Though Joyce abruptly pulled back and she snapped her eyes to Natasha, then whipped them over to Bucky. The two cybernetic assassins locked eyes, just like in Bucky's dreams. Though he got an opposite reaction from her.

Her pupils sunk and her eyes darkened with fear and hatred. Steve took a step forward, causing Joyce to whip her eyes to him and hiss as she backed away.

"Stay back!" She yelled at them in English, shocking the trio. Joyce took their momentary pause and sprinted away into the shadows. Bucky was the first to react, followed by Steve and Natasha a half second later.

However, due to her metal leg, Joyce was able to out run the three of them and escape into the wilderness that surrounded the compound.

Steve slumped against a tree after they lost all traces of Joyce, sliding down it, looking ready to cry as he held his face with his hands.

"Who was Joyce?" Natasha asked Bucky in Russian quietly, as they gave the grieving brother some space.

"She's Steve's little sister." Bucky replied quietly in Russian, his voice downcast. Natasha looked slightly suprised, though hid it well.

"I didn't know." She said slowly.

"Not many did. She died in October of 1939 from double pneumonia..." Bucky trailed off, his brows knitting together. "But appearantly she didn't die and was taken by HYDRA." Bucky's eyes drifted over to Steve, his back was turned to them, with his shoulders slumped in.

"Joyce was more ill- bodied then Steve before the serum. If you could believe it, she was tinnier and skinner than he was. But she made it up with her spirit and always had her nose buried in some book from the library. She and Steve were really close and when she die..." Bucky trailed off, shaking his head. "He was devastated for lack of better words. He would into more fights and cared less for himself... It wasn't a good time for him."

Natasha nodded sadly, both former assassins looked at the grieving Captain. He stood up all of a sudden and told them that they were leaving with a emotionless voice, that both could see right through. Yet both silently followed his commands and soon they were on the Quinjet heading back to New York.

Though they were unaware of the being that clung to roof of the plane as it zoomed through the air to the Big Apple.