Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo and RWBY is owned by Monty Oum (R.I.P.) and Rooster Teeth


"Old Man Zangetsu "






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(Bleach World: Dongai)

Ichigo was finally going home after killing the father of the Quincy Yhwach and ending the thousand-year blood war. He was traveling through the Dongai Precipice World back to the World of the Living. His friends had already gone back days before him but do to his injuries he had to stay longer.

"I should be almost there." said Ichigo as he jogged through the Dongai; but as he jogged a powerful tremor shook the dimensional tunnel forcing Ichigo to stop.

"What the hell was that; it can't be the Cleaner?" Ichigo Thought

"ICHIGO RUN THE RESTRICTIVE CURRENT IS BEGINNING TO MOVE AGAIN!" Old Man Zangetsu screamed in his master's head

Ichigo then felt another tremor and started to run. As he ran Ichigo felt the Dongai collapsing behind him. But when he looked ahead and saw the path being flooded by the Restrictive Current there was no way of escape the walls of the Dongai swallowed him from all directions.

(Remnant: City of Vale)

It was a normal peaceful night in Vale for Glynda Goodwitch as she was walking the streets of the city enjoying her night, then she heard a loud crash come from an alleyway. She quickly went to see what caused the crash. When Glynda found a young orange haired man lying in a small crater.

"Ugh…" he groaned

"Ichigo we have a problem." the Quincy portion of the Substitute Shinigami's soul said in his wielder's mind

"What is it Old Man?" Ichigo replied

"We were swallowed by the Restrictive Current and now we're in another world." said the sword spirit

"Are you serious… why is it always me who gets into trouble!?" Ichigo screamed internally

"Life sucks King but look on the bright side you're alive, aren't you… and from what I can tell normal people can see you so, you might be able to find a way back."

"Yeah… well better tell this chick I'm alright." and with that the mental conversation ended

"Are you okay?" he heard someone ask as he got up and saw a woman with blond hair, glasses and a riding crop for some reason

"Yeah I'm fi-" but before he could finish his answer he heard gunshots in the distance and was about to run off to see what was happening but was held back by the woman

"And where do you think you're going?" she asked Ichigo

"I'm gonna to see what's going on." he replied before he Flash-Stepped towards the commotion

As Ichigo reappeared around where he heard the gunshots he saw a girl in black and red clothes and a red hood who looked to be in her early to mid-teens wielding a mechanical scythe beating up a group of thugs in black suits and a man with orange hair in a white suit, a bowler hat with a cigar in his mouth and was holding a cane. As the girl took down the last thug she turned to face the white clad man. This man was Roman Torchwick and the girl he was fighting, her name was Ruby Rose

"You were worth every cent, truly you were. Well, red I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around I'm afraid this… is where we part ways." said the criminal before he fired a small but powerful explosive from his cane.

As it detonated Ruby vanished from sight. When the smoke cleared Torchwick saw that she and her weapon were nowhere to be seen.

"What the…" Torchwick wondered out loud

"Over here asshole!" shouted the orange haired Shinigami with a swirly eyed Ruby trying to keep herself steady with Crescent Rose behind him.

"Well… this night just keeps getting better but sorry I'm on a bit of a time crunch so I'll be taking my leave now." Torchwick said as he fired more explosives from his cane and made a run for it

"Hmm… weird weapon but deadly for normal people I guess." Ichigo thought

When Ichigo saw Torchwick get to the top of a building he jumped up after him. Torchwick was about to get on a Bullhead Aircraft when Ichigo caught up to him using Flash-Step. When Torchwick noticed his pursuer, he threw the red Dust crystal in his hand and shot at it causing an explosion right in Ichigo's face. The explosion did no damage though and was soon realized by the Dust thief once Ichigo simply walked out of the smoke without a scratch. Ichigo then gripped the handle of the smaller Zangetsu and started glowing blue as he was about to fire a small Getsuga and bring the aircraft down.

"Ichigo stop with your power even a weak Getsuga will still wipe out a part of the city!" The wise sword spirit shouted to his wielder

"Dammit." was all he said before stopped charging his attack Ichigo then sensed someone coming to him very fast; he turned in the direction the person was coming from and saw the blond woman from earlier land in front of him followed by the scythe wielding girl that he left in the street. Glynda looked at Ichigo then to Ruby then back to Ichigo.

"You two come with me I have some questions for you." the blond ordered

"Hey… do you think I should follow her?" Ichigo asked his reasonable partner

"It couldn't hurt, who knows maybe we can get some information." said the sensible Zanpakuto spirit

(Vale Police Station)

As Ichigo waited to be questioned he sensed that the girl he helped leave the building twenty minutes ago and that two people were watching him through the one-way mirror in the room. He knew that one was the woman who had brought him there and had taken his Zanpakuto when they had gotten to the station. He had his permanent scowl on his face and was getting tired of waiting and turned to where the one-way mirror was.

"I know you're there, so why not get this over with already." Ichigo said mildly annoyed

In a few seconds Glynda came into the room followed by a man that Ichigo had never seen before. He had gray hair, glasses, he was wearing an expensive looking suit with a long silver briefcase in one hand and a coffee mug in the other.

"Hello young man I am Professor Ozpin it's a pleasure to meet you; and mind if you tell me your name? Ozpin asked kindly

"Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo simply answered

"Well Ichigo, Glynda has told me that she found you in an alley in a small crater, you then disappeared from the sight of a trained Huntress, saved a young girl, fought a wanted criminal and despite you not being injured in the slightest he still managed to escape… so let me ask you this why did you let Roman Torchwick get away? Seeing as you got there so fast that even if we slowed down the cameras in the area frame by frame we still couldn't find you until you suddenly appeared after you saved Ms. Rose from the explosive Torchwick fired. Normally I would think the reason for your speed would be your Semblance… but then I watched this footage." said the Professor to which Glynda showed a clip of Ichigo glowing blue ready to launch a Getsuga

"From the looks of it you were about to fire some sort of attack but then you stopped and Torchwick escaped. Then when Ms. Goodwitch confiscated your weapons I decided to examine them and I noticed that they don't have any Dust-Round chambers." Glynda then came up and whispered into Ozpin's ear causing his eyes to narrow "But I'm also curious as to why you don't appear on any kingdoms records it's as if you don't exist." Ozpin said to the teen in front of him

"Should I tell him the truth or should I try to bullshit my way out of this?" Ichigo asked the spirits of his Zanpakuto

"You've never been a good liar King might as well come clean it's not like they can beat you so what's the harm?" true Zangetsu said in his partners mind

"For once I agree. they might be able to help us." said the Quincy aspect of Ichigo's soul

"Alright I'll tell you everything but it's long story so I'll try to keep it short." Ichigo said to the professor

(One explanation later)

"I must say that's quite the explanation Ichigo and unbelievable…but I can clearly see that you are sincere and since we couldn't find any trace of your existence and someone of your capabilities going unnoticed seems impossible if what you told me is true. So, you being from another world seems more likely and the fact that you described your world in such great detail only helps to prove that conclusion." Ozpin said as he was about to take a sip from his mug

"So, what do you plan to do now Mr. Kurosaki?" Glynda asked with concern in her voice

"Just call me Ichigo I don't like formalities and to answer your question I have no idea." Ichigo replied

"If that's the case why don't you come work for me at Beacon as an Assistant Combat Instructor with Glynda?" Ozpin offered

"What are you thinking Professor Ozpin!?" Glynda questioned loudly

"I have to agree with her on this one why are you offering me a job out of nowhere?" a confused Ichigo asked

"Let me explain since I've decided to believe in your story for now. We did just meet however so I have to keep an eye on you and being Glynda's assistant would benefit everyone at Beacon. Glynda can be my eyes and ears, the students will learn from someone who has won two wars and despite you being so young you have more experience and have seen more action than most Huntsmen and Huntresses see in their whole lives making you the perfect choice for an Assistant Combat Instructor. The ways this benefits you are simple you'll have a place to stay rent free, you'll be getting paid and you can gather information from our library at the school. I think those are good reason for you to take the job. However, I don't' completely trust you; infact I'm still very skeptical about you being from another world. So, you will go on a mission with Ms. Goodwitch here tomorrow to see if your trustworthy and evaluate your skills in combat. if you don't measure up then we send you to an insane asylum… nothing personal." Ozpin said to his potentially newest employee

"Guess I have no other options might as well see how this turns out." Ichigo said with a smirk

"Great now please come with us." said Ozpin as he walked out of the room followed by Ichigo and Glynda

"By the way where are my Zanpakuto?" Ichigo asked the Huntress

"What…oh your swords, I put them in that silver briefcase Professor Ozpin is carrying." answered Glynda

"Sorry, forgot I had this… hear you can't be a combat instructor without a weapon." Ozpin said as he opened it and let Ichigo take his swords back with that they left the station and got on an air-bus that would take them to Beacon Academy.