Summary: Jacob imprints on Edward, and it sets everything off balance, various consequences kick-starting others. Can balance be restored in time for the birth?

The story was originally written by ExquisiteRose and can be found on AO3 under an orphan_account and can also be found on Twilight Archives under the name Entranced (there are six chapters on there). I was asked by one of ExquisiteRose's readers—teamjacob2012—to finish the story and spoke to the original writer too, who allowed me to do so. I hope I can do the last three chapters justice!

A/N: I am equal parts nervous and excited about this. I've never been asked to finish someone else's story so like yeah, I'm feeling hella special right now. Kay, so some people may be familiar with my word so they may know what to expect (mostly) with the last three chapters. The first 37 chapters are all taken straight from ExquisiteRose's original story and have been slightly edited (even if you don't read these new chapters it will make little, nothing major was changed). So uh… I don't have much more to say, just that I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I can do the ending justice. Thank you (:.


The author's notes from the original story have been removed but the story is still up in ExquisiteRose's page (now under an orphan_account on AO3), so you can still go see the original story there that doesn't have my lame editing skills!

Sentences written this way mean the character is thinking

All Disclaimers and Notes will be kept from the original story.


There's mostly nothing to warn you about, beside the fact that the story will be finished by me. I'm sorry in advance.

There are only minor adjustments to the original story so there's no real need for you to read any of these chapters if you've already read them on ExquisiteRose's page.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, they all belong to Stephanie Meyers and Co., nor do I own the plot of the story that belongs to ExquisiteRose. Anywhoo, read on!

Where The Light Is by ExquisiteRose

Edited and Completed by DeMoNzUnLeAsHeD

Chapter 1: Missing

Jacob's POV:

Jacob didn't really feel as though this were that big a deal. Considering what he had to go through the past few weeks, he thought that this would be a piece of cake. Bella had just gone on a walk, and had lost track of time, that's all it was, no need to worry.

That was all it was, up until he found out how long she had actually been gone and what must have happened. It wasn't hard to connect the dots.

When he had heard that Bella hadn't just gone for a walk but was actually missing, he had panicked. Where could she be? He ran all the way to the Swan household without second thought. Charlie was outside, looking anxious. He gave no sign that he noticed Jacob's arrival, but for a nod of the head.

"Charlie," Jacob said nodding back. The worry in his tone was evident. Maybe that was what persuaded Charlie to finally look at Jacob.

"She went out with that Edward boy," the older man spat without preamble. "That was almost five hours ago. We have people scouting the forests. They were headed in that direction," he said, indicating the pathway to his left. "Figured they were going for a walk and would be back before night fell."

Jacob thought about this, looking in the direction Charlie had pointed to before turning back to the man. "How do you know they're not still together? That they're not still walking, or have gone to his house?"

"I saw him," Charlie said between his teeth.

Jacob's eyebrow rose at that. "When? Where?"

"About two hours ago. He passed by the house. Said that he needed to retrieve something from Bella's room and that she would be coming out shortly, 'no need to worry'. Then he left."

"Just like that? Didn't say anything else?"

"No, nothing."

"Strange," Jacob said, thinking. He glanced up at Charlie. "Did he look different to you? Different than when he went into the forest?"

"Come to think of it," Charlie said gruffly, "he did. He looked… sad? Well, maybe that's too strong a word. He looked… sombre— solemn, like he just did something that put a bad taste in his mouth."

Jacob nodded, as if he expected as much. He then proceeded to nod again, clearly coming to a decision of some sort. "I'll find him. Where do the Cullens live?"

Charlie frowned for a moment then shook his head. "Not sure. Bella always drove there, or got picked up. Maybe you can call Alice? She's a nice girl; she'll tell you if he's there." Charlie passed his phone to Jacob, the number already dialled. Jacob hit the call button.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

"Hello," greeted a tinkling feminine voice.

"Hello, Alice Cullen? This is Jacob Black. I know it must seem strange for you to be getting a call from me, but I'd like to know if you've seen your brother Edward in the past hour? It's very important that I speak to him."

"Jacob Black, you said? I'm afraid that I have seen Edward, but it won't do you much good. He left about ten minutes ago, all his things packed into some duffle bags."

"He didn't tell you where he was going?"

"I'm afraid not. He was very quiet, except for his mumbling under his breath. Jasper thinks he may be upset. I suspect there may be some trouble in paradise for him."

"You think he and Bella got into a fight?"

"I'm not sure, maybe?"

"Well, you may not be far off," Jacob said biting the corner of his thumb as he thought of his next move. "If it's not any trouble, do you think I may ask another question?"

"Yes, of course. What is it?"

"What was it that he was mumbling about?"

"When he was coherent, he said things like, 'Unbearable', 'Idiotic', 'La Push' and 'Werewolves'."