What If?

By: JessePottler7

Chapter 10: Diagon Alley

Hermione's POV

As the weeks passed, things were looking grimmer and grimmer for the teens at Grimmaulds Place.

Hermione had come to stay with the Weasleys soon after summer break began. She had been hopeful that this summer would've been just as fun as the others-maybe even more fun now that Harry didn't have to spend half the summer with those horrid relatives of his.

But two days after Hermione had arrived, an emergency order meeting occurred. Everyone was in a state of panic. After the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had sat Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and the twins down and told them all of the state of their bespectacled friend. It took everything in Hermione power not to start bawling right there. Even then, a few tears fell.

Now, two weeks after his disappearance, there still hadn't been any efforts made to rescue Harry.

It was morning, and Hermione had just woken up. She met Ron and Ginny down in the kitchen, immune to the shock at Ron's presence this early; ever since Harry had been kidnapped, Ron barely got any sleep. Hermione would know as the two of them spent several nights talking since then.

"Morning, Hermione," Ginny said.

The poor girl looked dreadful as well. Even though Ginny had began dating different people, she had never gotten over her massive crush for Harry. Understandably, the redhead hadn't been too happy with this turn of events. Though, neither had anyone else.

Mrs. Weasley paused in her bustling around the kitchen and smiled at Hermione. "Hello, dear. Go ahead and sit down; breakfast will be coming soon."
Hermione attempted to smile back at the woman and sat down in between Ginny and Ron.

They all engaged in small talk before their breakfasts were laid out in front of them and murmurs of thanks were spoken. Before anyone could began eating, Mrs. Weasley cleared her throat. "We'll also be going to visiting Diagon Alley today," Mrs. Weasley said. "I know it's still two weeks away from getting your letters, but Fred and George want us all to be there for the grand opening of their new shop."

No one got a chance to respond because just then Sirius came in.

"Oh, good morning, Sirius, I just made breakfast," Mrs. Weasley said, moving over to his needs.

As the two adults began to talk, the three teenagers began eating. Sirius had been adamant on staying at Grimmaulds place in case of any new information on Harry was released, despite his hatred for his old place of residence. It really did show his love for Harry.

The silence at the table was disconcerting, but at times like these, no one really felt the mood to talk much.

Just then, the twins apparated into the room, a big crack echoing through the room.

"Merlin-you two best be grateful that your store is opening today!" Mrs. Weasley fumed.

"Sorry, mum," Fred apologized.

"Yeah, won't happen again, mum," George added.

Mrs. Weasley huffed. "Don't kid yourself, I know full well that it will indeed happen again."

"Anyways," Fred said, sitting down next to Ginny, "we figured we should have breakfast before we floo off to Diagon Alley."

"Want to prepare ourselves for a big day of serving our customers!" George said eagerly.

"Yeah, and for being a big part," Ron added.

"Right you are, Ron," George said, shoveling a spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

"Ah, yes, no one should be a prat on an empty stomach. Really works up an appetite."

Hermione and Ginny rolled their eyes. "Boys," Hermione whispered.

"Hey! I'm right here and can hear you!" Ron said indignantly.

"We know."

Ron volunteered to floo first, and both Hermione and Ginny followed after him with Mrs. Weasley on their trail.

They had to walk a certain distance down Diagon Alley to finally get to the joke shop, but it was worth it when they got there.

The building was huge, painted purple with orange accents. There was also a sign over the shop reading U-No-Poo in big letters.
Mrs. Weasley went white as she mouthed the letters.

Just then, the twins decided to make an appearance. "Hello, mother! Do you like the sign? Came up with it ours-"

Mrs. Weasley grabbed the two by their ears in anger. "Do you two want to get murdered in your beds?!"

"Ah, okay, okay, we get it, now please, let go!" George winced, doubling into himself in pain of having his ear pulled.

Mrs. Weasley sighed and crossed her arms, her face still red with anger.

"Blimey, woman, that hurt!" Fred exclaimed, rubbing his ear.

"Well, I thought that was bloody brilliant," Ron said as he stepped forward, a small grin breaking out on his face.

Fred and George puffed out their chests in pride. "Why thank you dear brother," George said in a snotty voice. "Now, we don't you all come in?"

Okay, Hermione had to admit, the place was brilliant. There was so much energy everywhere that it was hard not to be impressed!

Hermione and Ginny were now standing by the love potions when the twins came over to talk to them. "Hello, ladies!" The two boys chorused as they made their ways over to the girls.

"Love potions, eh?" Fred asks, a grin on his face.

"Yes, before you ask, they really do work. Made them all ourselves," George says.

"Then again, from what we've heard, it's not like you need any help."

Ginny blushes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

The famous Weasley blush is back at it again as she ducks her head.

Just then, Hermione catches sight of a cage of fluffy little creatures. "Those are adorable!" She says, pointing them out to Ginny.

"They're called Pygmy Puffs, and they can't breed fast enough. We've already gotten out of stock after the hour we've been open," Fred says, shaking his head.

Just then, as the twins were leaving due to someone attempting to sneak out with something, Hermione caught sight of the Malfoys walking past the shop.

Hermione quickly elbowed Ron who was standing next to her, observing the Pygmy Puffs.

"Ow! Blimey, Hermione, what was that for?" Ron complained as he grasped his side.

"Look! There's Malfoy and his mum... Don't they look suspicious?"

Ron narrowed his eyes at the boy at mention. "Yeah they do..." Then Hermione turned to face Ron.

"Do you think we should follow him?"

Ron inhaled sharply. "We could. Who knows, maybe he knows something about Harry or something." Ron paused before smirking at Hermione. "I guess we're turning into Harry now, aren't we?"

Hermione chuckled sadly at the comparison and sighed. "I suppose so. Now, come on!"

The trio-turned-duo exited the shop and made their way down the street of Diagon Alley, which was quickly turning into Knockturn Alley. Luckily, just as they were at the entrance at Knockturn Alley, the two blondes made a swift turn into Gringotts. Ron and Hermione made sure to keep them in sight but also kept their distance.

Narcissa Malfoy made her son wait by the door as she made her way up to the goblins. Draco sighed and leaned against the wall tiredly. Hermione noticed a dark bruise on the side of his face.

"Oi, Malfoy!" Ron suddenly yelled. Hermione groaned. Did Ron have zero tact?

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Mudblood and the Weasel."

Ron and Hermione both drew their wands, aiming them towards Malfoy.

Malfoy sneered at the two. Just then, Hermione noticed how Draco kept averting his eyes, glancing in the opposite direction for some odd reason. Following Malfoy's gaze, Hermione saw that Malfoy was looking towards his mother.

But why?

Just as Mrs. Malfoy finally disappeared, Draco suddenly sighed, dropping a façade of some sorts.

"Look, Granger, Weasley, I don't have much time to explain. All I can say is that Har-er, Potter is okay. Sure, he's a little roughed up from the cruciatus curse, and he's got a few scratches here or there, but from what I've seen of him, he's okay. And also, he'd kill me if I didn't tell you this, so here we go. Potter wanted me to tell you two that he loves you and hopes you're both doing okay. He also wishes that to the Weaslette and his Dogfather."

There was a good few seconds where no words were exchanged. Hermione gaped at the blonde in front of her while Ron looked mad.

Suddenly, Ron slammed Draco up against the wall with his wand against Draco's throat. "How the hell do you know that, huh? Unless you're-you're a Death Eater!" Ron spat, shaking with anger. "What the fuck have you done to Harry?!"

"Ron, no!" Hermione cried out, pointing her wand at her friend. Ron seemed to hesitate for a moment before letting Malfoy go.

"What are you doing?" Ron hissed.

Hermione ignored him. She went over to the pale blond and helped him up. Draco looked at her offered hand with disdain. He outright ignored the help, getting to his feet by himself.

Irritation flared inside Hermione, however, she kept it at bay.

"Now," Hermione said, "I must say I am a tad curious too. How do you know all of this?"

Draco lowered his head. "Weasel, I am not one of those monsters, despite the fact that my father wishes I was. This summer seeing Harry the way he is changed me wanting to be one. And, to answer your question, Granger, Harry and I have talked. He's the only decent company I have as of now."

Hermione stared in shock at the boy.

Draco suddenly glowered. "By the way, this meeting might as well never happened. Just because Harry wanted me to tell you two these things does not make us friends."

Ron narrowed his pale eyes. "Good," Ron snarled. "I wouldn't want to be friends with your arse anyways, Malfoy."

Hermione nodded in agreement. "Agreed. But," Hermione's facial expression softened, "I do have to thank for informing us of Harry's condition. It means a lot."

Draco looked away. "Merlin, don't get all sappy."

Ron nodded, looking strangely at Hermione. "Right. Anyways, we best be going now."

"Yes, I suppose..." Hermione said, trailing off. "Goodbye, Malfoy."

Malfoy rolled his eyes, but Hermione saw through his harsh exterior. While Hermione liked the pureblood boy no more than she previously had, she definitely sympathized more with him.

And that was a shock in itself.

"What do you think, Hermione? Do you think he's in pain?"

Ron and Hermione were in Ron's room. It was just after dinner, and the two had immediately began talking about what had happened just a few hours earlier.

Hermione sighed. "As much as I hope he isn't, it is Voldemort, right? Harry's surely in pain," Hermione said with a grimace.

Ron nodded, a sad expression on his face. "Yeah... Oh Merlin, I just really hope the Order somehow finds out how they're getting Harry back soon."

Hermione sighed. "Me too, Ron. Me too." The two sat there together in silence. Suddenly, Ron turned to Hermione with an odd look on his face.

"Hey 'Mione? You don't you don't fancy Malfoy, do you?"

If Hermione had taken a sip of water she probably would've choked. "What?" Hermione said in shock.
"Well," Ron began, "You being all, I dunno, nice to him and I-"

"Ron, first of all, why on Earth do you think I would ever want to date Malfoy? He's Malfoy! He's terrible!"

Ron sighed. "I don't know but you really don't like him, right? You're not just saying that?"

"No, of course I don't like him. Ron, why are you asking me this?"

Ron turned red suddenly. "No reason. Uh. Goodnight!" Ron said, standing up to flee from the room.

"Ron, this is your room."

"Er, right."

Hermione laughed. "I'll be leaving now, Ron. Goodnight."

And so, with a smile, Hermione left the room.

A/N: Whew! Sorry about the long gap in between the last chapter and this chapter but yay! Now it's summer!

Millie072: The answer to your question on who hit Draco will be coming soon. Yes, it was quite the filler chapter, but Harry's and Draco's new relationship will advance plot, as you saw in this chapter. You know the sandwich tray that McGonagall gave Harry and Ron when they missed the sorting in CoS? The sandwich is like that, and the same thing can be said for the water. And as I keep saying, even though there is Hinny, it is not at all the focal part of this fanfic. The point of this fanfic is supposed to be based on the fatherly relationship between Sirius and Harry. Thank you for leaving a review!

RosalinaRuby: I hope you're satisfied with this chapter and still love this fanfic 3. Thank you for leaving a review!

prince711: Well, see it by my headcanon; I believe that all ministry workers, whether you're just a worker confined to your office, that understanding how to break and make wards are a must to be able to work for the ministry, therefore allowing Umbridge to break past the small and relatively weak wards Sirius had set up. Thank you for leaving a review!

Guest: Thank you! I had been looking for an AU like this as well, and I'd found a few, but they were only one-shots that didn't provide much of Sirius' POV, so then I decided to write my own fanfic! Thank you for leaving a review!