Okay so I know what you're thinking. Weren't you dead-set on Tagiru/Yuu? I was and I still love the pairing myself personally and it'll always be my first OTP. But since then I've entered a relationship myself and it's made me realise a lot of things. I feel Taiki and Tagiru would be really good together because they take care of each other a lot in canon. So this will be my first ever Taigiru fic because the pairing needs more love.

Chapter 1: Loyalty

Seven years had passed since the defeat of Quartzmon. Everyone had moved on with their lives for the most part. Taiki had moved to England to study teaching and help children with special needs. Akari was studying Medicine in Japan and doing quite well in the degree, Kiriha was usually off travelling with his brother and Nene was still one of the most well-known idols in the entire world now. Zenjirou was one of the lead competitors in the world-wide International Kendo competition and was on his way to way to become a kendo master. Kotone was now in high school.

Tagiru had joined a local basketball club hoping to become a professional basketball player and entered competitions every now and again, for a chance to progress in his choice career. Yuu had started a Psychology degree and was in his first year of it. Ryouma was also in his first year at University doing a Policing degree while Ren had started composing his music and making CDs out. Airu worked part-time as an events manager and organized events in the local halls. Hideaki had managed to get enough money for his takoyaki shop and had started a small shop which was doing quite well. Kiichi was doing a small creative writing course and tended to spend most of his time writing nowadays.

Due to Taiki being in England, Xros Heart had scattered about somewhat but Tagiru and Yuu still kept in touch. Yuu sometimes came to join Tagiru in playing basketball after he was done with University as was the case today.

"You really have improved, Tagiru," Yuu said impressed.

Tagiru grinned. "I told you so! You didn't believe me!"

Yuu rolled his eyes. "Don't get too cocky. How are things going between you and Taiki-san?"

Tagiru put his hands behind his head and shrugged. "Pretty good actually. We had an amazing time when I visited England during my two week break and we talk every day but it's been great! We don't get to spend too much time together so the time we do get to spend is more special." He did miss Taiki-san a lot but if anyone deserved to think of himself, it was Taiki-san and he wasn't going to spoil that for him.

Yuu smiled a bit. "I never considered you patient enough for a long distance relationship."

Tagiru rolled his eyes. "Me neither. But…I really like Taiki-san. Like a lot. I couldn't even think of anyone else in my life to be honest." His cheeks flushed a bit at saying that and he averted his gaze.

Yuu chuckled. "Aw isn't that cute? Has my best friend fallen in love?"

Tagiru turned red and glowered at Yuu. "Yuu! Stop!"

Yuu laughed, humming as he ran while Tagiru chased him around the courts. "Should I tell Taiki-san that your feelings are so strong?"

"Yuu!" Tagiru protested as he chased the other to tackle him down. "Don't you dare!" He finally managed to reach the other, tickling him until the other gave in to him. They both were out of breath by then. "Don't say anything Yuu…"

Yuu laughed. "Relax, I won't. Besides, I think he'll figure out it anyway. Taiki-san is smart and all."

"You two squabbling again?" Another voice interrupted them causing the two of them to turn to see Ryouma and Ren. There was silence for a moment before Tagiru turned away from Ryouma while Yuu winced.

Tagiru barely heard Yuu's response to them and he knew he was being protective over Taiki but he needed it. He lacked self-preservation so someone needed to get mad for his sake sometimes even if Ryouma was possessed at the time, they had still almost lost him to Quartzmon. He didn't know if he could ever truly forgive that, especially now that Taiki had become someone so precious to him.

"Tagiru," Ryouma said quietly. "I don't know how many times I can say I'm sorry. Don't I deserve a second chance?"

Tagiru sighed. "Ryouma, I don't hate you and you've got your second chance and everything but…I just feel protective over Taiki-san since he doesn't hold his own life that valuable and all. Anyway, I'm gonna head home." He felt bad for brushing Ryouma off like this but Taiki came first, always, even if he didn't realise it himself. He waved them a final goodbye before heading home.

"Tagiru," Taiki sighed when his boyfriend told him what had happened. "Ryouma really does feel bad for what happened back then so you shouldn't hold it against him for my sake. I've forgiven him already."

"You would, Taiki-san," Tagiru muttered with a snort. "He nearly killed you, possessed or not. And since you don't defend yourself, someone's gotta."

Taiki sighed although this time it was more of a fond sigh then the exasperated one he gave out before. He knew he lacked self-preservation but it was nice to hear that Tagiru was protective over him, even if he didn't need it at the moment. "You dork…what am I going to do with you?"

"Come visit your dork?" Tagiru teased.

Taiki rolled his eyes. "I'd love to but I can't in the middle of University. Anyway, how are the others? I know Akari's still a hen but…"

Tagiru snorted. "She says she can relax now since I hen over you as much as she did."

Taiki chuckled. "Well, she's definitely given you her fretting lessons considering you're always telling me not to overwork myself and to remember to take a break. Not that it isn't cute but…" He could literally feel Tagiru's face going red and was tempted to video call him to see if it was true but resisted the urge.

"T-Taiki-san!" Tagiru spluttered out. "T-that's just the natural thing to do!"

"I know," Taiki said playfully. "It's quite cute coming from you too."

Tagiru pouted. "I'm better than I used to be." He knew he was still quite hyper and he probably always would be but he had grown up some, as much as you could when you were Tagiru.

"Hmm," Taiki agreed softly. "I actually miss your energy over here…it's too quiet nowadays."

"I miss you too," Tagiru said quietly. He sighed a little. "But at least we're still close, Taiki-san and we made this work."

Taiki blinked a bit. There was something about Tagiru's tone. "Tagiru? Is everything okay over there?" He knew even though in their relationship, he had taught Tagiru slowly about intimacy and the sexual parts of a relationship but his boyfriend was still quite innocent and he felt as if the other was hiding something from him.

"Yeah! Everything's fine!" Tagiru assured. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Tagiru," Taiki said, tone completely serious now. "I'm meant to be the one who lacks self-preservation, not you."

Tagiru flushed. "I can take perfectly good care of myself, Taiki-san."

Taiki sighed. "You're worried about something."

"I don't want to worry you though," Tagiru admitted. "I haven't even discussed this with Yuu yet because it's fine. I'm tough I can handle it."

"Tagiru," Taiki chided exasperated. "Please don't run into walls when I can't be there to stop you from crashing. What is it? Has someone given you trouble?"

Tagiru hesitated again but then finally spoke up. "Well, it's weird but a few days ago, I went to Hideaki's takoyaki shop to have some lunch and all and well…he was acting really strange. The look in his eyes…I dunno I didn't like it and he kept on calling me cute and saying those strange pick up lines you and Yuu warned me about."

Taiki frowned a bit. Admittedly, he didn't know Hideaki that well but from Tagiru's description, it was clear that Hideaki was hitting on Tagiru and making him uncomfortable. A twinge of burning anger filled up inside him but he quickly dismissed it. "Tagiru, tell Yuu about it. And don't go to visit Hideaki if Yuu's not there."

Tagiru blinked. "Taiki-san?"

Taiki smiled a bit. "Just trust me on this one."

Tagiru nodded even though Taiki couldn't see it. "Alright but I promise Taiki-san, I didn't respond to any of his weird stuff."

Taiki couldn't help but laugh at Tagiru calling Hideaki's behavior 'weird' instead of creepy which showed how innocent the other was. "I know, Tagiru. I have complete faith in you."