It had been years since they had seen each other, Karma had become one of the youngest government officials. Rising in the ranks, despite being in his early twenties. Nagisa on the other hand, became an assassin. Earning the name 'The Blue Serpent'. When Nagisa had first become aware of this new name the public had given him he had felt indifferent. The colour blue had always been associated with his appearance and he wasn't surprised at being called a serpent. The target would rarely see him coming, he was restrained and could conceal his presence until the opportunity to strike arose. His kills were often well-known individuals, going through each target swiftly like a rapid working venom wiping out those in the higher ranks of society. Now he stood, defying his reputation as a direct confrontation between himself and his former classmate took place.

Karma's POV

As the tall redheaded man shifted his body weight to face his former classmate, it was like a ripple effect had been sent throughout his entire body. The emotions that dispersed throughout his mind were the same as he had felt for the last few weeks as the assassin had stalked his every move. This time it was all coupled with a light sensation in the pit of his stomach as he gazed back into the pure blue eyes clouded with an indecisive conflict.

Only seconds had passed but the assassin had not lowered his gun. Karma remained alert and aware of every change in the bluenette's posture and expression, waiting for the younger man to decide. He kept a cool, relaxed exterior as he further examined the boy he had known throughout his years in E-Class.

So many memories flashed through Karma's mind. All the times they had laughed together and how he would catch himself smiling down at Nagisa with a fond expression, the shorter boy always returned his gaze, mimicking the emotions Karma felt and making them stronger.

After their big fight, over if we should save or kill Koro-sensei, Karma had relaxed his walls and finally began to accept his feelings. Since that fight, Karma had been gazing at the blue haired boy in class, a few rows in front of him. He remembered feeling the same light sensation in the pit of his stomach as he did now. Each time Nagisa felt as if he was being watched, turning to look, Karma would resume his attention to Koro-sensei, pushing aside any desire to voice his feelings. Karma loved the boy's eyes more than anything, they always shone so brightly when looking back at him, as if Nagisa had adored him.

Karma had lost touch with Nagisa years ago, the bluenette had vanished with no warning to any of his former classmates. Karma had tried to track him down but Nagisa had not wanted to be found, remaining well hidden. At first, the emotions that overcame the redhead left him with an urge to outstretch his hand to the bluenette. This urge quickly dissipated when they made eye contact.

It was clear to him now that the blue haired figure standing in front of him was different to the one he once held dear, something had changed Nagisa. That much was clear as he continued to gaze back into those eyes. Whatever pain had changed his Nagisa, he wanted to erase it so they could smile together like they used to.

As the years had passed Karma had pictured their reunion a thousand times, imagining what he would say to the person he had always treasured. Karma had wanted to confess everything he had felt when they were close friends, years ago. He wanted to blurt it all out right this second and hope he would see the same feelings and admiration in those mesmerising eyes.

Karma let his smile fade, replaced with a feeling of sadness as the reunion wasn't supposed to be like this. That was when Nagisa's stance faltered, lowering the gun and relaxing his posture. Karma immediately noted that at the same time, small tears were beginning to cloud the assassin's eyes. They fell onto his fair skin as a soft voice escaped his lips, accompanied with a warm smile mixed with affection and regret.

''Karma-kun, I'm sorry''

The blue haired man began to turn, as if to leave Karma standing alone, unable to process what he was feeling. At that moment, Karma crossed the darkening room in a few large steps, grasping Nagisa's wrist and embracing the blue haired assassin gently, as if he were afraid he would break the man who seemed to be falling apart before his eyes. Karma had always had a forceful, instinctive need to protect the smaller figure from anyone or anything trying to hurt him.

Nagisa's POV

After the initial shock of realizing Karma had been expecting him, Nagisa realised how much he loved that smile. He loved how the man could stand so relaxed, giving off an air of ease while facing the barrel of a gun. Perhaps he was wrong about Karma's senses being dulled. The redhead had been waiting for him all along and had hid it well.

Nagisa felt as if a war was going on inside him, his mind was screaming at him to put down the gun and embrace the figure he had always admired and looked up. He wanted to remember how it felt for Karma to call him names or tease him or hold him. He had missed those things. Karma had always told him that Nagisa had a talent for assassination.

After Koro-sensei died he had an empty feeling. He knew he was good at assassination, it was a talent that he could develop and then maybe one day, maybe he could find a target he couldn't kill, that'd replace the empty feeling he felt after his first, elusive target disappeared beneath his knife.

Looking towards the figure of the man he was supposed to kill, Nagisa felt a warm sensation as he gazed into those mercury eyes, carefree but still held the same affection for the bluenette that Nagisa cherished years ago. All the emotions he had felt watching the redhead, the ones he had suppressed and numbed, came running into his mind and all he could feel was regret and the deep love he felt for the man as he lowered the gun and said;

''Karma-kun, I'm sorry''.

He began to turn away from the man in front of him, desperate for Karma not to see him like this. He had failed in his assassination task, not only that but he had once again failed to find the words that voiced how he felt. Nagisa remembered how in E-Class he would feel Karmas eyes on him and see the warmth they held, mimicking his own feelings. Neither of them had voiced anything they felt to the other. Nagisa had been afraid of Karma looking down at him, that the affection he saw in the redhead's eyes would fade, replaced with disgust.

He tensed when he felt a hand grab his wrist. Before he could open his mouth to protest he was then being pulled into the taller man's chest in a gentle embrace. He was warm despite the cold breeze coming from the window and the darkening night. He wished he could stay like this forever because he felt safe, he didn't feel alone.

He could feel himself breaking as he held onto the redhead. Tears falling faster as the regret of what he had just done washed over him. He had tried to kill the man who was now holding him together in his arms.

Karma and Nagisa had been holding each other in their arms for a while. The night had grown darker, the moon shining brightly and the breeze becoming colder. The smaller frame, just a silhouette in the darkness, had left out a soft moan when the redheaded man pulled apart, breaking the sweet embrace. Karmas face had been lit up by the moonlight. His eyes were fixed on the blue orbs that gazed back at him. A smile, so warm and accepting, etched its way onto the man's face as he leant down, his face inches away from Nagisa's. Before he could open his mouth to speak and voice how he had felt for so long, the blue haired assassin had closed the gap between them. After a moment's hesitation from Karma he leaned into the touch and deepened the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away. The bluenette had let out a small moan as they parted, Karma's signature smirked made an appearance as he met the assassin's lips once again.