Full Summary: Li Syaoran is an illustrious doctor of the small town in Japan called, Tomoeda. Everyone reverences him because of his talented skills in the ER. What most people aren't aware of, is the one thing that he struggles with every second of the day. This doesn't remain unnoticed for too long when a psychologist meddles her way into his life in the most predictable way. Syaoran never expected to like her, so how did he find himself pulling the psychologist into his unhealthy lifestyle?


After lying in the room for a solid hour with my eyes closed, they were finally beginning to adjust to the darkness that the room possessed.

What I encountered was something so familiar that I had loved from the moment I saw. Beautiful, luscious, auburn locks in my face as I looked down at the angel lying on my bare chest.

My arms were wrapped securely around her small waist, being sure that her naked body remained molded against mine.

I was used to waking up to the angel lying on my chest like this and I could not help but feel a sense of pride course through my blood, staring at her exhausted form on me.

She was worn out because of my earlier ministrations on her body. As sick as it may have sounded, I was proud of it. I had already taken her three times today, but my body still was not fully satisfied of her yet, especially knowing that the naked goddess was enmeshed in my arms, in my bed.

The thought of her in my bed always aroused me more than it probably should have, so it was no surprise when I felt myself rising under the covers. There had been countless of women in my arms before, but none of them had ever had the same effect on me like this goddess does.

She stirred in her sleep and a slight moan escaped her mouth. Instantly, my manhood enlarged more than it already had.

It was always like this with her and there had still been no explanation for it. After the many therapy sessions that we had together over the past months, this was still not resolved. We did not know why my body reacted this way to her. It was almost scary how she had this effect on me. There was a love-hate relationship between us.

That was nothing to worry about right now, though. Not at a time like this, because there was a thing under the blanket that needed to be taken care of as soon as possible if I wanted to get some shut eye in.

Mentally groaning, my hand slid down my body slowly, avoiding the angel lying on my chest, and grasped my problem. There was no point in waking her up when it was something that could be handled by my own hand. She was tired, so she needed to rest for a bit at least.

Thankfully, it was still wet from being cradled inside of her.

My hand began to stroke up and down the shaft slowly as a mental image of Sakura straddling my waist, while riding me invaded my mind.

My hand tightened around myself, thinking about how tight she always was around me. After a few slow strokes, they became faster as the seconds passed, thinking about her.

My body could just feel her petite body on top of mine; riding me faster and faster as her tight core squeezed the blood out of me; her moans loud as my name dripped from her lips like honey...

The muscles in my lower abdomen began to tighten and my hand tightened around myself and stroked even faster, keeping my mouth shut tightly so noise would not be made to wake the goddess up in my other arm. I was so close.

A soft hand touched mine and my stroking immediately came to a halt.

"Syaoran..." That damn euphonious voice…

Not being able to resist the urge, my hand moved to grab a hold of her smaller one, making her wrap her own soft hand around me.

A gasp tumbled from my lips when her soft fingers enraptured me tightly.

There were no doubts about my upcoming orgasm quickly. Her fingers alone were sending waves of electricity throughout my entire body like they always had. They were making me feel a fire throughout my entire body as they always had.

A hiss escaped my mouth as her hand capitulated to my silent demand. Her stroking started to increase in its pace quickly, making every single fiber on my skin tingle sensationally.

I moved my hand up from her waist, to her head and grabbed her soft locks a little roughly, pulling her head up against mine so my lips could capture hers in a tight lip lock.

She sighed into my mouth as my tongue probed her lips apart. Her stroking never seized while my tongue invaded her mouth, licking every inch and crevice of it. She tasted so damn good…

She had become my new addiction over the last months that we had been together like this...

We had been at this for months and my body was not even remotely close to being used to those sounds she made at my touch. To her soft hair, silky skin, and those lips…

My body began to tremble, silently warning me and her that my release was close. My other hand that was not occupied grabbed the sheets tightly and my toes curled uncontrollably when her fingers began to stroke me even faster.

A loud groan slipped pass my mouth into hers as my essence spilled all over her hand.

It was embarrassing to have released so early on, but those fingers...

That hair...

That naked, silky skin against mine...

My body automatically became aroused again at those thoughts. A groan of protest left my mouth when she moved her hand from my body.

"This has to stop, Syaoran," her euphonious voice chastised me softly.

A smirk crept onto my lips and my grip remained tight in her soft locks. "I know baby, but you know that I can't get enough of you. Just one more round, I promise," I almost begged. "You can't get enough of this cock anyway." My hot breath brushed against her ear, using the husky tone that always turned her on.

My lips moved over to her face and captured hers again in a hot kiss, but she pulled back immediately, to my dismay.

She frowned at me. "No, Syaoran...really, this needs to stop. We can't keep doing this."

"Why not?" I asked as my tone was dripping with irritation.

She had been avoiding me for almost a month and she was finally in my bed again, where she belonged. Her games were beginning to piss me off.

"You know why..." she said it so softly that instantly, regret washed over my entire body because of my rude tone of voice with her.

I disregarded the feeling, though. "No, I don't know why actually. You've been avoiding me for the past couple of weeks and it's been driving me insane. You know I can't fucking be away from you for that long, yet you've made me endure it!"

Her eyes softened and both of her hands moved up to my face. Her fingers caressed my cheeks, lovingly.

At any other time, my body would have loved it. But she was doing it again — this again. The fucking sympathy trick that she had used on me this entire time during our therapy sessions together.

"It's not right for me to be with a patient like this. Especially one who has an addiction to —"

"Don't say it!"

No one liked to hear this type of shit like it was not a problem, so why was she trying to provoke me at a time like this?

I was fucking harder than a rock for her and she had the desire to remind me of that shit. She knew how much hatred my heart held for the addiction, yet she still shoved it in my face like it was cake and ice cream.

"Syaoran, you know I didn't mean it like that—"

I cut her off with my lips from further speaking, in a bruising kiss. My body automatically found its way on top of hers as my tongue and teeth assaulted her mouth roughly, taking each breath, she exhaled.

She needed to be punished, just like she had punished me for these last torturous weeks. She would never understand how she made me feel mentally, emotionally, and physically. It was just too much for me and I hated it. I did not want to feel this way about her, but her mind-fucking games were like a spell. I could not get rid of them no matter how hard I tried to.

I licked the surfaces in her mouth wildly, as my hand roughly slid up her naked torso and grabbed the familiar soft, but firm mound while my other hand moved down between us to spread her legs open for me.

My mouth abandoned hers and traveled down to her neck, leaving hot, wet kisses and a few licks with my hot tongue. My fingers rubbed between her legs a little rougher than normal, causing her legs to automatically close. However, my body made it between them before they could.

She moaned out loud when my lips enraptured her collarbone, one of my favorite places.

My teeth grazed against it a little harder than normal, punishing her for all the crimes she had committed to me. A familiar moan of pain and pleasure escaped her mouth, to my satisfaction.

The head of my manhood brushed against her lips while my tongue snaked out on her collarbone, to ease the pain that was caused.

My hand started to squeeze her mound roughly before my fingers moved down to her perky, hard nipple and tweaked it.

She moaned in ecstasy and during mid-moan, my hips pushed into hers, burying myself deep inside of her. A loud groan slipped from my mouth at the sensation of how tight and ready she was for me.

My hips began to thrust in and out of her fast and hard, not even caring if she adjusted to me yet. She felt so good, it was almost hard to stop. Thankfully, I heard her moaning in pleasure instead of pain as my rhythm increased and my mouth found hers again in another hard, bruising kiss to punish her.

She tried to respond back just as hard, but failed miserably because it was not in her nature to punish anyone, even though she had punished me mentally and emotionally without knowing it.

My hips kept thrusting in and out of her, feeling encouraged by the loud thumping of my headboard against the wall.

She began to tighten around me and we both moaned into the others mouth. She was so close...

My hand slid down between our bodies and my finger started to rub her pleasure bud quickly. My hips began to pound into hers harder and faster all the while.

Flesh against flesh, and breathy moans and groans was the only thing that could be heard throughout the room.

"Say my name…" My hips slammed against hers harder as I held onto her shoulders so she did not slide back from the force of my thrusts.


My thrusting quickened if that was even possible and her moans became louder and shrieked in ecstasy as if she was some wild animal. She had never made such noises before while we were doing this. The sounds were turning me on even more.

"Now Sakura!" I commanded with clenched teeth.

It was harsh to demand such a thing when she could barely speak because of my rough assaults on her body, but I needed to hear it from her lips for me to be pushed over the edge. It was what always pushed me over.

My hips thrust even faster and harder against hers, making the thumping against the wall become louder. It was now a mission to make it harder for her to speak. My body loved to see and feel the ecstasy that it brought to hers whenever our bodies were joined together.


She tightened around me, moaning loudly and convulsed around my manhood, while digging her nails into my back painfully as she trembled underneath me.

That pushed me over the edge and I climaxed, spilling deep inside of her warm cavern.

I pulled out of her and laid on the bed beside her, so I did not crush her small frame. Panting was the only thing that could be heard throughout the entire room before reality came crashing back down on me.

She was trying to end us or whatever the fuck we had. She would not be the one to end this, though.

"Syaoran...we can't—"

"Get the hell out, Sakura. I'm done with your mind games fucking with my head."

My breathing was still uneven, but it was beginning to come at an even pace finally.

"But Syaoran—"

I glared at her dangerously, almost daring her to say anything else to me. She seemed to take the hint because she flinched back from me, which was okay to me for a first.

She stood up from the bed quietly with tears threatening to spill from her eyes. A look that never sat well in my stomach.

I looked away from her sparkling, emerald eyes, not being able to take that look any longer.

She slipped one of my large shirts on that reached past her mid-thigh, and then left the room and my apartment without another word.

She did not even bother to grab her own clothes before leaving me in my apartment alone.

For once, I felt happy that she did not even bother to look back at me and beg me to forgive her so she could help me understand.

I was done playing the patient with the problem who desperately needed her help.

What really happened between these two doctors to cause such a bad outcome?