Chapter 13 Jackson Is A What?

Stile POV

It is all a shock to the system but as the meeting became ever closer, I let my mind wrapped around it as I sat content with Derek and Erica on the couch. At the moment Derek's was lost in thought. Whatever it was seemed to put him on edge.

His whole posture seemed ridged and upset as his gray eyes darkened with rage what would have made him this upset. Maybe it was the verbal lashing from his dad or the fact that he felt responsible for all this misfortune.

But I'm starting to worry about it him and then there was Erica, she held Luna in her lap but instead of rejoicing at her daughter's safe return. She seemed frazzled and something else maybe ashamed. But it wasn't like she let Luna be taken away. None of this is her fault but they were both so upset.

"The two of you are so pathetic, you never change. Stop being all depressed right now. Lighten up" I knew the husky and sometimes cold voice. But today she was light and airy, almost ecstatic really. I turn over to see that Cora was standing up.

Her brown eyes lit up with joy as her sweat-drenched hair was washed and pulled back into a soaking wet ponytail. Luna snapped her head up with both surprise and excitement as she jumped from Erica's lap.

"Auntie Cora, you awake? Does this mean your not dead ?" Cora laughed lightly before kneeling down. I could see that she was still a little off because every once in a while her thin frame would shake from exhaustion or pain.

But as she held luna in her arms this continent smile plaster on her face I knew that she was on her way to getting better. "Of course silly, if I am dead would I be standing here." Luna giggled as Cora tickled her neck. "Now I hear that you have been up to a little mischief causing Derek and Erica some grief that true."

Luna laughs it off like being kidnap by a bunch of superpowered nutjobs was just another weekend for her. "It was an accident, are you going to the meeting too." Cora nodded her head slightly for a moment. "Yeah, the last of the wolves just got here so we should get going."

I watched as Erica slowly rises from her seat giving Cora a welcoming smile before pulling her into a one-armed hug. "It's good to have you back. Stiles, Luna let's give Derek and Core time to talk."

I nodded my head giving Derek one last cautious glance as he stared off into space, before moving silently out of the room. As I walked with Erica to the backyard her shoulder seems to be thrown back as her head title up and this arrogant air surrounds her.

She was getting back to normal but I wonder if that was just a front so that their wolves didn't think that she is weak. I sighed heavily as this nervous energy took up residence in my limbs. What the hell would I do if the other wolves didn't want me at this meeting?

I began to gently freak out as the large glass double doors came closer but once I saw the people standing on the other side of them under the large oak tree. It was like my brain just broke, I stared in shock as I noticed a similar set of blue eyes guy with cropped brown hair and an arrogant smile. Jackson?

At the moment he was staring at Scott this smug and trump grin on his face, Scott, on the other hand, seemed dumbfounded and completely confused. I really didn't get it myself but as I felt the cold air hit my skin I noticed the other wolves.

To the right of Jackson was Deucalion who had two other guys standing behind him. One is black and pretty lean but I could tell under that leather jacket that there was some muscle. The other was a guy with blond hair and blue eyes he looked like he was from the children of the corn.

Next to him stood a woman with long brown hair and glowing crimson eyes, I didn't know her but I knew the guy behind her. It was Luca his gray eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of fighting. He had his arms wrapped protectively around her waist and was using her shoulder as a chin rest.

Behind her stood two girls one had bright fiery red hair and emerald green eyes, with freckles covering her cheek and the bridge of her nose. The other girl beside her had midnight black hair and obsidian eyes. Both were pretty buff with toned muscle but not so much so that it looked manly.

Then there were the twins who were standing next to Danny with their three pack members. Then there was a big bald guy with mean looking red eyes and this huge hulking body mass.

Standing behind him were three guys all of them had glowing gold eyes, there fang bared and ready for a fight what the hell am I missing. As me and Erica walked over to the hale family that big buff guy started to get angry as his voice bellowed with rage.

"Your land is attacked but my betas were the ones that were gravely injured why should I fight for you people." His angry voice seemed to be lace with pain his betas must have meant a lot to him.

Danny on the other and didn't say a word he stood there silently as the back door open and Cora walked out with a grim look on her face as Derek followed behind her. His face deadly serious as this clam ran over his eyes. While Cora walked over to her father Derek leaned against the door as he and his eyes ran over each one of the alphas.

"It's wasn't the pack's fault your betas got hurt it was mine for leaving pack land with another beta, leaving out pack vulnerable. Forcing you to pick up the beef is with me and I will gladly fight you, Enis, if that is what you want."

His voice was low and meaning daring Enis to challenge him, his eyes glowed a bright ice blue and narrower as he stared Enis down. Slowly stalking over to him like a true wasn't limping or barely standing on his feet. I don't know what Cora said to him. But this is a completely different Derek.

As I turn it look at Jackson he had both his hand shoved deep into his pockets as he turned to look at Deucalion who seemed to be giving me a loving look. Don't tell me is he sleeping with Deucalion.

I stare at him in confusion as Danny finally spoke "That's enough Derek" Derek didn't say one word as his father command. But Danny voice rang out with both authority but also pride. Derek nodded his head before walking over to me and Erica. He winked at me before turning back to Jackson.

"Hey, Jacky I didn't know that you were going to be here." Cora excited voice called across the divided between the packs forcing Jackson to grin madly as his eyes ran over Scott than me before finally resting on Cora's face.

"Yeah well when my dad and alpha tells me to come to the meeting I'm going to come, I'm not just here to see your pretty it is a bonus." Cora blushed madly as her flushed skin turned bright pink with color. Forcing Danny to clear his throat angrily. "Can we get this meeting start."

Wait for what? Not only is Jackson a werewolf but he is the son of an alpha? What the hell is going on here?