Authors Note: Told you id give you a second chapter. so yeah here it is.
I only own the plot of this nothing else.

Draco was pissed to say the least. He had just been mistaken for a servant by a girl who seemed to be some kind of harlot in his eyes. Her clothes sure looked like it. She had demanded that he tell her where Harry was and that she needed to talk to him then. When he calmly told her that he was a guest in this house she didn't even seem sorry. He said he did not know where Harry was she just stormed off. He did not know what that girl wanted with his fiancé but he was trying to find him first.

But unfortunately, she got to him first. He had heard the screech form down the hall so he started to run. As soon as he turned the corner he saw the girl push Harry into the wall and kiss him. At this moment Draco saw red. He walked over and not so gently pulled Harry away from the girl. He stood in between the two to keep her away from Harry.

"What do you think you are doing!? He has a fiancé and I know damn well that you are not."

The girl placed her hands on her hips and spat back. "And how do you know I'm not her? Do you even know who I am?"

The glare Draco gave her made her flinch back. "I know you are not his fiancé because I am his fiancé. And I sure as hell don't even care who you are you will keep away from Harry. If I ever see you or hear of you touching him, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

With that Draco dragged Harry down the hall. He threw open the door to Harry's room and slammed it shut. He pushed Harry against the wall and started kissing him. Trying to overpower the taste of that girl. Draco started to calm down as Harry draped his arms around his waist and took over the kiss. When the need for air hit the two Draco pulled away and hid his face in Harry's neck.

"Draco, please don't be mad at me. I swear I had nothing to do with that."

Draco nodded, "I heard and saw the whole thing Harry. I never thought you had anything to do with it. I'm pissed at that slut not you. You would never do something like that to me. I just want to know why she was kissing you and who the hell she was."

"Her name is Ginny Weasley. She is the youngest child of Lord Weasley. She thinks I'm in love with her but I don't know why. I never lead her on that I know of but she had it in her mind that we would be married one day. I will admit that I never told her that would never happen but I never lead her on. She kissed me because she was trying to get me to leave you for her. She has no idea that even if you and I were at each other's throats she could not brake us up. Which when I tell her this I'm sure she will be floored and be pissed. In all honesty, I would find funny. I would have warned you but I forgot the family was coming over today. I just thought they were not coming till after lunch."

Just then a knock came to the door. Draco sighed and moved so Harry could open the door. Outside the door was a boy with red hair and a girl that had long curly brown hair. Draco watched Harry smile and invite them in.

"Hey Ron, Herminie. How are the two of you?"

"Harry before I act nice I would like to know why you let a servant lie to my sister and say that he was your fiancé?"

Draco didn't know who was in front of him but he was going to set him straight. "First of all," All three-people turned. Draco guessed that Harry knew this might get heated because he pushed his glasses up on his nose and walked over to stand beside him. "I am not a servant. I am Draco Malfoy the youngest child of Lord Malfoy. And second I AM his fiancé."

Draco smirked as the girl and boy's mouth dropped and Harry wrapped his arm around his waist.

The red head, I think his name was Ron. Stepped a bit forward. "Harry are you telling me you are happy about this? I didn't think that you were gay."

Draco leaned against Harry as he explained things. "Ron, I never told anyone I was gay. I didn't know how people would react. I don't want to lose friends over this but if you don't like it than too bad. I'm in love with Draco. I have been for about two weeks."

"You have got to be kidding me. I never thought my best friend would be gay. Harry, you know that's unnatural. You are a guy, guys like girls. that's the way things started and anything else is just wrong! Please tell me you are just pulling my leg."

Draco gripped Harry's arm. "Listen here Weasley, it wouldn't matter if we thought the same way as you. There is a contract that is so binding we can't even get a divorce in the future. But as it is I, we do disagree with you. I don't give a rat's ass whether you think that it 'natural' or not. Harry loves me and I love him too." Draco heard Harry's breath catch.

Herminie huffed, "Harry if you too feel that way well I guess you'll just have to live with us out of your life. I can't be friends with someone as unnatural and sinful as you. After the wedding don't expect to ever see us again!" and with that the two stormed out of the room.

Authors Note: I know its another slight cliff hanger. But i cant give you more than that. I guess ill see you all next month.

Midnight OUT!