So I've never done SasuHina month before. I participated in NaruHina month a couple of times, but this year it was shortened to a week and I didn't love the prompts so this will be my first go of this kind of thing in a year and a half. I've had a lot of people ask that I do a SasuHina story and while I don't want to take on another chapter story until I get two of the three I'm currently working on completed, I thought I could give this a shot.

I don't really have a plan for the month and can pretty much guarantee I won't be doing all the prompts, but the people who have continued to read and review and leave me messages and kind words have really made my life so happy lately that I'd like to do what I can for you guys. So I'll do what I can, depending on what thought strikes me as I read the prompt. The stories will vary in length and there will be little to no editing (I might go back in at a later date and fix any mistakes or if you see something please feel free to point it out in the review section and I'll make the correction).

And here we go!

Day 1: Trampoline




Oh, god.


Sasuke lay on deck chair on his back porch, attempting to read beneath the summer sun. Attempting being the key word. It was hard to concentrate when Hinata and Hanabi Hyuga were jumping and laughing on his family's new trampoline just a few yards away. Well, it wasn't Hanabi who was distracting so much as Hinata. And it wasn't the laughter so much as the elder sister's rather large, erm, assets that moved generously with each new bounce.

Now, Sasuke wasn't a pervert. He really was trying to read and not stare at his neighbor and classmate as she enjoyed herself on the trampoline. But it was so damn hard not to look when her t-shirt was tight enough to provide a rather graphic view on each jump up and loose enough to reveal a glimpse of a flat, pale stomach underneath when coming down.


Sasuke stared hard at the page his book had been open to for the last twenty minutes. Should he turn the page to at least make it look like he was reading? Would she suspect something if he didn't? Or would she even notice? He didn't think she'd peg him for a voyeur, but then again, she was usually pretty shy about her figure so she could be on high alert.

It's not like any of this was on purpose, Sasuke thought despairingly. He'd been out here reading before the sisters had shown up at his front door asking if they could try out the new addition to the Uchiha's back yard. Hell, the trampoline hadn't been his idea in the first place either. His parents had gotten it for his little cousins to help entertain them during one of their many Uchiha family gatherings. He was sure they didn't have anything so… obscene in mind when they had made the purchase.

He groaned. Why did Hinata have to jump anyway? He could see why she'd come over with her little sister, but it's not like she needed to join in. She could just supervise until the twelve year old wore herself out or got hungry. It's not like he'd told her to jump. So why did he feel like the guilty one here?

Oh yeah, because he had been staring at Hinata Hyuga's bouncing breasts for the better part of a half hour and despite his intentions, it didn't seem like he would stop. In fact, even once she was done jumping he was pretty sure the images would be burned in his mind forever as if by the summer sun itself.

"Oooooi, Bastard!"

Sasuke heard the loud voice of his friend and his eyes widened a bit in a panic. What would Naruto do when he saw what was going on? Before he could begin to think of a way to distract the blond long enough to get him back inside, the Uzumaki was next to him grinning.

"What's up! You know there are better ways to spend your summer than reading, right?"

Sasuke arched an eyebrow. "You mean making yourself sick on junk food and binging terrible television all night?"

Naruto stuck a tongue out at his friend. "I was thinking more like driving down to the beach and checking out the girls in their swimsuits. Or heading downtown and watching the girls walk by in their skimpy sundresses. Or checking out the fitness club to watch the - "

"Yeah I'm going to stop you right there. I get the feeling all your suggestions have a similar theme and I'm not interested."

The Uchiha prayed to everything that was good that Naruto wouldn't notice the 'show' happening in his own backyard.

"You asshole, you're no fun. Do you know how many girls will notice us in your fancy car? We won't even have to do anything! They'll come straight to us!"

"Why don't we go inside and play some video games or something, instead? Mom just made a grocery run so there's plenty of food - including a shit ton of instant ramen."

If anything would distract his friend it was ramen. Sure enough, Sasuke noted with relief, the blond threw his fist in the air in excitement.

"Aw, man, your mom is the best! She totally loves me."

"Whatever you say," Sasuke deadpanned, "Let's just get inside."

Unfortunately Sasuke's luck ran out because at that moment the Hyuga sisters let out a particularly loud series of giggles. As he looked over it seemed to him that Hanabi had attempted some kind of acrobatics that had ended up knocking both sisters down. They weren't out of commision for long, though, and sure enough Hinata and her bosom were quickly bouncing again. It didn't take long for Naruto to notice.

"Woah," Naruto said, mouth agape.

"You should shut your mouth before something flies in," Sasuke said irritably.

"Dude, do you see what I see?"

"What, two girls jumping on a trampoline?"

Blue eyes stared transfixed in the direction of the Hyuga sisters and Sasuke pursed his lips, knowing exactly what had his friend staring so intently.

"They are not the only ones doing some jumping, if you know what I mean."

"That was remarkably stupid, even for you."

"Hey! Don't be such an asshole, I'm trying to show you the most glorious thing I've seen all week! Look!"

"I know, okay? I know," the Uchiha hissed.

"Woah, you do?"

Naruto looked genuinely surprised and it annoyed him.

"Of course I do. I have eyes, don't I?"

Naruto looked at him for a moment before his eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"Oh my god, you're not gay!"

"Don't yell shit like that so loud!" Sasuke scolded, peeking furtively over to the trampoline to see if Naruto's voice had carried. Luckily they still seemed fully engaged in what they were doing.

"And what the fuck do you mean I'm not gay?"

"Dude, Kiba owes me fifty bucks," Naruto said.

"What the hell?"

"I mean I'll be honest, I wasn't entirely sure it was a bet I was going to win. Don't get me wrong, I was totally okay with you being gay, but even though you seem to hate girls I didn't think you were into guys either. I figured if anything you were asexual. But damn."

Sasuke pinched his brow, wondering not for the first time why he cared about the blond. Couldn't he have a different, not so crazy best friend? Was that too much to ask?

"Anyway, we need to call them."

"What?" Sasuke asked, not having heard the last minute or so of Naruto's talking.

"I said we need to call the guys up and tell them to get over here quick. They have to see this!"

"No," he responded. It came out harsher than he meant it to.

"Come on, man! We can't let them miss this. It's straight out of one of Jiraiya's books!"

"You mean your godfather's smutty books your mother banned from the house? The books you have hidden in a box in the back of your closet? The books your mom might find if someone was to call her and ask her to look for something back there? Those books?" His tone conveyed a warning.

"That's not fair," Naruto whined, "I just want to share the wealth!"

"No," Sasuke stated again.

"Why not? It's not like - " the Uzumaki stopped talking and his mouth formed an "o".

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod," Naruto said, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a kid who was just told to go wild in a candy store.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!"

"What now?" Sasuke said with an exasperated sigh.

"You like her!" Naruto said, grinning.


"You do! You like her!" he insisted, looking like he was ready to burst with excitement.

"I mean I can see why you'd be interested. She's seriously hot. I mean, who knew she had all that under those cardigans she's always wearing?"

"That's not -" Sasuke caught himself before he could say anything more damning. "Don't you ever think about anything else?" he amended.

Naruto shrugged. "Dude, we're seventeen. You're allowed to like boobs. You're also allowed to like girls. And she's pretty cool. She made an extra bento to give to me for like a month straight last year."

Sasuke's eye twitched at the reminder of Hinata's past crush on his oblivious best friend.

"Seriously, they were delicious and then there's the fact that she's smart. I think I've seen her in the library so maybe she likes books, too? I bet you guys have stuff in common. And she lives right next to you so it'd be easy to sneak out if you know what I mean." The blond wiggled his eyebrows and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Naruto, let's just go inside. Didn't you want that ramen?" Sasuke tried distracting his friend again. It seemed as if he was cursed, however, as Hinata chose that moment to come over to them.

"Hello!" she greeted them, her cheeks rosy with exertion and her long hair falling loosely around her face and shoulders.

Sasuke could feel his cheeks heating slightly and cursed under his breath at Naruto's knowing grin.

"Why hello! Fancy seeing you here!" Naruto said, not at all as smoothly as Sasuke knew he thought he was being.

"Do you come here often?" The blonde accented his silly question with a wink, earning a giggle from Hinata and a glare from his friend.

"Sasuke's family was nice enough to let me and my sister come enjoy their trampoline. Hanabi saw it being delivered the other day and hadn't stopped talking about it."

"You don't have one?" Naruto asked.

"No," Hinata said, twisting a lock of hair between her fingers. "My father always said they weren't befitting of a family like ours. But a twelve year old is a twelve year old so I really appreciate Sasuke letting us out here."

She turned to look at him. "Really, it means a lot to me."

Her lavender eyes were wide and earnest and Sasuke had to look away after a moment, overwhelmed by the sincere thanks.

"It's no big deal," he said. Then he hastily added, "You're welcome here anytime."

Hinata smiled, raising clasped hands to her chest in a sign of gratitude.

"Thank you!"

They looked at each other for a few long moments until Hanabi came over and stood beside her sister.

"You ready?" she asked Hinata.

"Mhm," Hinata nodded, "But you should say thank you before we go," Hinata said.

"Didn't you just do that?" Hanabi quipped, earning herself a stern look from her older sister.

"You guys leaving already?" Naruto asked. Sasuke tried not to show his annoyance at his friend's genuine disappointment. He was quite relieved the blond wouldn't be able to ogle any longer.

"Yes, Hanabi has a couple of friends coming over in a little while so I thought it was about time to let you have your back yard back."

"Oh, what will you be doing while her friends are there?" Naruto asked, making Hinata blush a bit at the inquiry.

"I'll probably just read," she said.

"Oh really? You know Sasuke was just saying he wanted to go see that new movie, but I actually had something I needed to take care of. If you don't have any plans you should go with him so he doesn't have to go alone."

If looks could kill Naruto would be dead ten times over.

"Oh! Um, I hadn't really heard about it, but that might be okay," she said shyly.

"You don't have to," Sasuke piped up. "Really, it's not a big deal."

"If you don't want to then - "

"That's not it. I just don't want you to force yourself to do something you didn't want to do. If you just want to stay home and read you can do that."

"I, um, I don't exactly mind it. I don't really keep up with what movies are coming out, but if you're interested in it I'm sure it'll be good. And going to the movies is always fun."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto who looked entirely too self congratulatory to be healthy. He'd have to smack him later for this.

"I'm not sure when the showings are. Do you still have my number from that project last year? I can text you and you can meet me back here. I'll drive."

Hinata bit her lip and nodded. Hanabi rolled her eyes and pulled on her sister's shirt. "Great, it's a date," she said, causing both Hinata and Sasuke to inhale sharply. "Now come on. Konohamaru is going to be here soon and you promised you'd make my hair look nice."

Her sister continued to talk and pull her inside and out the front door, not giving either party a chance to deny the "date". Hinata looked like a deer in headlights and while Sasuke kept cool on the outside, his heart was racing and his stomach was doing something incredibly uncomfortable.

Sasuke watched her go and turned to glare at Naruto who immediately put his hands up in a placating gesture.

"Hey, you should be thankful. I totally got you a date!"

"You're dead," was the only thing he said before he took off after the blond.

"You have to promise I'll be the best man at your wedding!" Naruto yelled, jumping over Sasuke's foot as he nearly managed to trip him.

"Seriously, you have a death wish."

"Come on, you don't want a black eye for your first date! You don't want her to think you're a deviant!"

Sasuke continued to chase his friend around the back yard.

"Or are you hoping she'll kiss it and make it - AH!" Naruto yelped as Sasuke tackled him to the ground. The two wrestled for a few minutes, but Sasuke knew he wouldn't be able to put up as much of a fight as he normally would. After all, he thought secretly as he trapped Naruto in a head lock, he had a date to get ready for.

There you have it! Again, I'm not sure how many I'll end up doing for the month, but we'll see how it goes! I'd like to do at least a few. Please let me know what you think!