Author's Note: I do not own Gundam Wing... I wish... Lord knows I wish! I want to thank everyone who has reviewed so far, it's been a long time!

My co-writer and I haven't talked in years now, which is sad, but I will still give him credit where credit is due. Josh, if you're out there, I MISS YOU BUDDY!

On with the show!

Wedding Preparations

By: White Roze and Josh

Continuing from previous chapter:

Heero looked to him and then back down at the floor thinking for a minute. "Duo..."


"This will probably be the only time I ever say this but... I need your help."

"Help? With what?" Duo asked, his eyebrows rose as he looked to his friend.

"I need Relena to choose me over Barton..." he stated simply.

Duo smirked, "Why is that?"

Heero became irritated. He didn't like asking for people's help but this he needed. He needed help because he could not fully express his emotions and if he didn't... "Just because! Will you help me or not?"

Shaking his head, "Nu uh... If you don't tell me why then I'm not helping... Why do want Relena to choose you?"

His head was lowered and he spoke very softly, "Because I realized I love her and I don't want her with anyone but me..."

Duo smiled and nodded, "See that wasn't so hard!" He came over to hug him but was quickly drawn away as Heero sent him another death glare.

"So you'll do it?" he asked.

He nodded, "Yeah man... But I swear you better make Relena happy if you end up with her."

The Remington Hotel

The girls had indeed gone back to the hotel with Dorothy, mainly to have another impromptu girls night. Though, some of them had other agendas in mind. While Hilde and was talking to Dorothy in depth of all the plans so far, Catherine and Relena where in the kitchenette, making drinks.

Catherine started the mixer after pouring different liquors and juices in the appliance, leaning against the counter with a small smile to the absentminded blonde across from her who was on the stool. After a minute, she would let Relena sample her creation, "How is it?"

Relena smiled, "It's good! Strong, but good."

The older woman smiled, "Good, then I'll just pour these into some glasses…"

Looking in the cabinet she would grab four and begin to pour, "So, Relena.. How is the decision making going?"

"Decisions?" Dorothy piped in about then, her and Hilde coming to grab their glasses of fruity alcohol to take to the living room area, the other two followed shortly after. Relena took a seat on the couch, curling up her legs while Cathy sat next to her. Hilde and Dorothy were sitting on the floor with magazines and papers strewn about.

Relena looked down at her glass, "Ah.. Well, you know about Trowa and.. Heero.."

"Well, I thought you were dating Trowa, no?" Dorothy asked.

The blonde politician responded, "It's.. complicated. Technically, I guess that's what you would call it. It's hard to put into words."

Hilde sighed, "It's not that complicated, Lena.."

All of the girls raised their brows and Relena dared ask, "How do you figure?"

A shake of her head, "Honestly, this is good. You're opening yourself up to someone who isn't Heero. You've been pining after him for years, and he's never given much indication if he cares for you more than in a platonic way. It's healthy to actually like someone who likes you back. It's also good, that you're giving it time to make a decision on whether to get serious.."

Dorothy nodded, "I agree. But you also have to think that what will happen in the end. What happens if you choose one over the other? You have to add in their feelings, or lack thereof, as well."

The redhead spoke after sipping her drink, "For example, if you choose Heero and he doesn't want anything with you, that means you gave up on someone who actually did want something."

"Yes, Cathy, but what if she chooses Trowa? It may make Heero realize how much he cares…" Dorothy retorted.

"Wait.. so what are you guys trying to say? That Trowa is a safe bet?" Relena asked.

Hilde bit her lip, "Lena, it's not so much that but.. He's never disappointed you before, or made you cry… Heero, has. Countless times."

That stung the former princess, "Yes, but not all relationships are a walk in the park like you and Duo.."

"You're right Relena, not all relationships are as great as theirs. But you don't deserve someone who keeps running away from you. Who only gives you bits and pieces of themselves every few years… You need someone to accept you, to love you, and ultimately be there. And not by just protecting you, but by actually being someone you can talk to.." When Cathy was done speaking the other girls nodded in agreement.

A few moments later Dorothy spoke up, "Miss Relena, whatever you decide we will be behind your decision, we want you to be happy."

The other two nodded with smiles, "Yep!"

"Well, I told Trowa that I wanted to spend more time with him, to see where these feelings go.. And that, at your wedding Hilde, I'd decide if I want to pursue something with him or just stay.. single. I mean let's face it, Heero is just not interested.." Relena said somewhat sadly.

"I wouldn't go that far, but perhaps this will be a nudge and you can choose between two men! How exciting!" Dorothy said, quite entertained by the idea.

Hilde almost glared at the woman, "We do not want this to be a competition or anything, now."

A grin was placed on the former White Fang member, "Of course not.."

Cathy decided it was best to break up this conversation, "Well, with that settled, let's discuss the bridal luncheon and showers…"

Relena exclaimed, "Along with the bachelorette party!"

The girls all laughed and started planning once more.

The guys decided to order pizza and sit around boob tube with beers in hand, or in Quatre's case a glass of wine. He always had impeccable tastes, and it didn't bother anyone. Still, not much interaction went on between the guys till the pizza guy actually arrived.

"Yo, guys, food's here so you better hurry before I eat it all!" Duo yelled from the front door, making his way to the kitchen.

Trowa had come in first, followed by the other two. Duo had already begun opening the boxes and grabbing a slice when he heard Heero, "You better get a plate or napkin, else Hilde may strangle you."

A cheesy grin and Duo looked like he had a light bulb flash on and moved to the cabinets to grab a few paper plates and paper towels. The guys looked at him quizzically, "What?! Paper towels are stronger… Besides, the best pizza is the greasiest!"

Quatre laughed while the former pilots of Zero and Heavyarms nodded, each of them grabbing a few slices and heading back to their places at the dining room table. A few moments of silence, except for the munching of food, and the braided man spoke up, "So, umm, guys…Thanks for coming out and helping with everything... I bet Hilde is having a ball with the girls too.."

The young Arabian cleared his throat, noticing the unease between Heero and Trowa. Duo noticed it as well and just laughed, "Yeah so.. How about some poker?"

"Gambling I don't think is a good idea, Duo.." Quatre spoke softly sipping on some water he had gotten from the faucet.

Trowa started to speak, "I'm in."

"Likewise.." Heero commented afterwards.

A nervous glance from Quatre and Duo just grinned. This would be interesting, indeed. "Well, we don't have to gamble money…"

"Alright, so we have everything set for the luncheon and showers. The Astonia Hotel is very excited to have your patronage…" Relena smiled to Hilde.

The short-haired woman laughed, "I think it's more like they are excited that you are booking it and would be in attendance!"

The blonde shrugged and glanced to Cathy, "Well, we've decided on the bachelorette party… Well, at least where it's gonna start!"

"Oh?" Hilde blinked.

Relena asked, "Where?"

A mischievous grin emitted from Dorothy, "Let's just say, tequila is always a good start to any party…"

"I fold…" Quatre set his cards face down on the table.

"Call and raise 40." Trowa said, his face expressionless.

Heero smirked, "I see your 40 and raise you… everything I got. All in."

Duo whistled, "Ooooh, too rich for my blood, folding ladies!"

The clown would nod, "I'll match you."

Quatre shook his head while looking to Duo. This was a bad idea… A sigh and he would move his fingers to either side of his head, rubbing his temples.

"Okay boys, the river! Looks like there could be a Three of a Kind, or Full House…!" Duo commented. He felt like a ring announcer, which made him happy. "Now, what do these young men have?"

"Maxwell, shut it." Heero cut in.

And just like that, the kid in Duo felt scolded and he pouted, "Well, gee, I was just trying to lighten' the mood up a bit…"

Though, they all knew that this game was serious. It had high stakes, mainly – an entire day with anyone of their choice, no interruptions, period.


Alright, as you can see people are forming alliances.

Who will win the poker game?


Thank you again for reading and staying with the story. It means a lot~!

So PLEASE stay and R/R!!!


White Roze