Hey, sorry this was late. (I had so much stuff going on at school, I forgot to post it until I got home.)

Here is the final installment. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me through this.

This chapter is dedicated to my neices and nephews (Wyatt, 13, Genevieve, 11, Danika, 9, and Garrett, 7) who like Murdock best of all.

Enjoy ...

Captain H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock kept a sharp eye on the river below him. He could see debris floating across the water long before he saw the burned-out shells that were once bridges. That was going to make a few people up North angry. Only thing was, where were the guys that made them go boom? Gunfire coming his way gave the pilot an idea that he was close, but the men were too well camouflaged to spot from the air.

"Come on, guys," he muttered to himself. "Give me a target."

A flash of red caught his eye and H.M. circled around to hover over the flare's last position. It was a little tricky with the trees so close, but he managed to lower down just above the water. Three sets of arms latched on to his skids and he spared a quick look to make sure they were on his side and not the enemy. Once satisfied that no Vietcong were bumming a ride, he lifted off as quickly as possible.

"Hey!" one of the men yelled. "You think you could wait until we're in the chopper!"

"Nope!" he called back, guiding them out of range of the gunfire.

He didn't know what they were complaining about. They all had good grips – or at least none of them let go. One managed to crawl inside and help the other two up, so it was all okay in the end.

"How long until we reach camp?" someone called from the back.

"ETA, four minutes," H.M. replied. "Are you Colonel Smith?"

"That's right."

"It's an honor to have you in my bird, Sir."

He had heard a lot about Colonel Smith, especially from the evac pilots. As a medivac, he got close to the front lines, but nowhere near as close as this guy. It seemed the Lt. Colonel had a habit of jumping into the fire, though he rarely got burned.

"That was quite a stunt you pulled back there," one of the colonel's companions commented. "What's your name, Captain?"


"What's that stand for," the third man asked gruffly.

"I'll tell you on the ground."

He could feel the nerves raising in the section behind him, but decided to ignore it. The way the big guy was white knuckling the seat, he was going to have permanent marks in it. But, better the seat than his neck – and he wasn't about to tell his nickname to a guy that size while they were still in the air. Nope, he would wait until they were on solid ground and had an open space to run, if needed. Something about his name just rubbed people the wrong way. Go figure.

"Thank you for flying Medivac airlines," H.M. stated, as he shut down the chopper upon landing. "Please return your seats to the upright position and make sure all your tray tables are properly stowed."

"This guy is crazy," he heard the big guy mutter as they climbed out.

"Yeah, but sometimes crazy works; look at the colonel" the second man replied, before thanking him for the pick up. "I didn't know a helicopter could fit in that tight of a space."

"A helicopter can fit just about anywhere, so long as 'Howling Mad' Murdock is at the controls," Colonel Morrison stated, coming up to meet them.

H.M. beamed at the compliment, choosing to ignore the way the color drained from the faces of his passengers – well, two of his passengers; Colonel Smith just laughed. Their commanding officer commended all of them on a job well done. H.M. thanked him and was about to head back to his bird when Smith asked him to wait. It seemed the Colonel and his team were needed on another mission and there was only one person he trusted to fly them in.


I love it when a story comes together. ;)

I hope you enjoyed my take on how the team was form. Feedback is always welcome and I do take requests. (I may work them into one of the other half dozen stories I am writing on the side.)