"He is your son Lily." Dumbledore looked Lily, she cried and smiled.

"Harry," the boy's mother approached him, she had not spoken that name for so long. "Oh, my dear Harry. Mommy's here, you'll be fine."

Lily Potter sat on the edge of the litter and removed her son's hair from the front of his face, does he have those green eyes like thrush that she remembered? Did he have a girlfriend? The woman wanted to know everything about her son. Which of the brothers he will like the most? The little princess of the family, Alice? Maybe, Alice's twin, the adventurer Sirius Remus. Or the younger one, who has only 12 years old. The redhead can not help thinking about her family reunited, for the first time, with everyone. She and James ...

"Oh, my Merlin! " Exclaimed the potions teacher. "Your father!" Harry, I forgot about James."

The woman kissed her son's forehead and noticed a strange scar in the shape of a thunderbolt. Decided to find out what it means later. The director said he would keep an eye on Harry while she fetched her husband.

"Lily, don't worry. It's not like he's going to get any problems at the ward.

Mrs. Potter can not help but worry, Potters had the ability to get in trouble all the time. The woman sighed and ran to the gates that marked the boundaries of Hogwarts, sitting on a rock was James Potter. He looked up at the sky and sighed, probably thinking that his wife was taking too long. And lying on the floor were three more children. The girl had short hair, she screamed at one of the boys for some reason. The younger boy was asleep and hugged with the other boy. The other was red and just agreeing with the girl. Lily did not know whether to laugh or quarrel with her husband, he was not even telling them to stop.

"Finally, Lily." Said the man "What happened that took you so long?"

The Potter family stared at her and she began to cry. Willian, the youngest son, woke up and asked why his mother was crying. The twins stopped fighting.

"Do you remember what we talked about your brother?" Lily asked her children.

"That he lived in two worlds, but in the other he was more necessary than in ours," said Will.

"Looks like his mission is over, our Harry is back. He's in the infirmary."

James Potter's eyes widened and he remembered his little green-eyed baby. Every year the family celebrates the birthday of the little prongs. James always wanted to know which house his son could have belong to, who werw his friends, whether he would be like him or more like Lily.

He saw how his children were shaken, they always knew of an older brother, but could never imagine that they would know him. Not even in the craziest dreams of James did he think he would again.

Harry opened his eyes and watched the light around him, the atmosphere seemed like the infirmary of hogwarts. He could almost hear Ron and Hermione talking to him. If it was possible to believe he was in a better place ... but where he is ?

Madame Pomfrey and Director Dumbledore were discussing how to treat Harry, until they heard a small groan. The boy who was supposed to be in the coma was looking stunned at the infirmary.

"Albus?" The boy murmured, Pomfrey and Dumbledore stared at him. "Madam Pomfrey?" "That-that's not possible. Am I dead? I do not think so, I'm too sore to be."

Dumbledore wondered how intimate the boy was talking, and faster than they could react Harry Potter was holding two wands pointing at them.

"Who are you? And how did you get the hair for the polyjuice? "Harry barely stood up.

The director noticed that one of the wands was the "wand of wands," his old wand which in this world no longer exists ... or at least did not exist.

"I'm Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, director of Hogwarts. And this is the Hogwarts nurse, Madam Pomfrey, I assure you we're not under Polyjuice"

"Dumbledore is dead, and Pomfrey too, I saw them die." - said the brunet remembering the director falling from the tower of Astronomy and Pomprey being killed by Bellatrix Lestranger.

"Say where I am! If you two are followers of Voldemort, your leader is dead. "Harry demanded again, his voice cold, and then he remembered that he had nowhere to turn or to whom to return." They were all dead. "Kill me, I have no reason to fight, Voldemort is dead, I do not have to save anyone else. And my friends are gone, you're going to please me if you kill me."

"Harry James Potter, we're not going to hurt you. You're at Hogwarts and in this world I'm sure you'll find again who you can live for. Your mother just knew you're alive, it would be a shame if you left so soon." The blue-eyed man adjusted his half-moon glasses. "I'll explain to you everything please sit down, if you feel more comfortable you can continue with your wands on hand." Albus told about Harry's illness from his world, and how the boy in front of him shared the same magical core.

"You lived in two worlds until October 31st, if you had not died so young in your dimension you'd have memories of both places. For some reason you were more important in the world in which you lived. And I see it's true for the wand you're holding." He saw the darkhair man pulling the other wand nearby, which was not one of the relics of death, he was surprised, because that the wand he was referring to was the wand of the wands. " In that world I once owned the wand, but she was destroyed in a fight."

"Oh, you're talking about that wand." Harry Potter looked at one of the relics and remembered the others,he can't let them get into the wrong hands again. "Prove that you really is Dumbledore."

"As? I do not have the memories of my other self ..".

"You faced Grindelwald?" Asked the dark-haired man.


"Do you had two brothers?"


"Did you have a student named Tom Marvolo Riddle?"

"You mean Tom Marvolo Gaunt Riddle? If so, yes."

"Which house he belonged to." Harry began to realize where the world had changed.

"Ravenclaw. The Gaunts are usually Slytherins, but the boy's father was a Muggle".

"What happened to him? He was raised by who, and where? What did he do after Hogwarts?"

"Riddle was raised by his parents at Riddle Manor. He was one of the best students at Hogwarts and last year retired from the position of Prime Minister of Magic. I believe he's living in Florence with his wife ...

"Wife?" Harry realized it was a different world, but ... he never thought Voldemort could marry. -"Who?"

"Minerva Riddle, neƩ MCGonagall."

The boy's eyes widened and he choked on his own saliva. It took a few minutes to recover. MCGonagall?His old teacher? Really? He married someone from Gryffindor? Voldemort ... Harry swore that if Draco Malfoy appears kissing Ron and in Gryffindor's outfit he would not be so shocked.

"Was she from Gryffindor?"

"Was it, but should not I prove that I am Dumbledore?" Albus mouthed, wondering what the Potter boy thought.

"I needed to know where our worlds differ. Mione had already told me about other worlds and about this disease; All the worlds are equal until a certain moment, until a small change generates a butterfly effect that changes the whole world, I think I discovered where our worlds become different. However, what matters now is what is the same."

"Why Ariana was hidden from the world, we both know she was not an squib".- Harry knew it was a delicate matter, the other question he could ask was about his relationship with Grindelwald. But this could be a common knowledge,

The man's eyes widened, and he was suddenly sad. Your little sister. She was not even buried after being killed by him or by Gallert. He lost both brothers that day. Aberforth never spoke to Albus . How did Lily's son know that?

"Was that common knowledge in your world?"

"No." Potter said just that.

"When she was six ... Muggles ... they ..." Harry realized how the subject shook his old master, master because Dumbledore had guided him in various ways. Even after the war.

"You do not have to continue, I know the rest of the story. " The boy looked at him with those intense green eyes ... with an intensity that a boy of 17 years should not have." Aberforth misses you, and he has a portrait of Ariana, her death was not your fault. And... one last thing ... Do you have lemon drops?"

The boy gave a small sad smile, Dumbledore was alive. And in front of him. He wanted to cry when he saw his old master. The nurse looked shocked at the brunette's questions, until she realized she should give the other potions to him. He took the ones that would heal the ribs and some to supplement the food. It seemed that the boy had not eaten for months.

" Mr. Potter- The nurse called Harry and handed out the potions." The bones potion taste bad, the others are food supplements, you were not eating well, were you?

"I was in a war, Madame Pomfrey."