The masked man finally nods, hands begin pulling on a large chain, the group stares as a medium sized container is pulled from the depths.

"What the heck is that thing?" Questions Snotlout

Astrid's hands cover her mouth upon sight of the contraption literally being pulled from under the ocean "Hiccup!"

Stoick and Toothless launched forwards, hands and snout banging upon the glass "Can ya hear me son?"

"The boy lives" repeated the masked man, large hands remove a metallic coating, revealing the young heir.

Hiccup pulled at the chains confining his hands behind his back and into the floor, struggled to breathe due to the loops of chain knotted around his neck and attempting to scream through the gag tied firmly over his mouth.

"Let him out of there!" Declared Astrid, the blonde running forward as well, axe in hand.

"The gold, give me the gold" demands the masked man, hand outstretched "The boy will be free"

Stoick meets the eyes of his only child, wishing to comfort his terrified boy more than anything "It's alright son, we're taking ya home."

Hiccup's eyes widen, he tried to calm himself down, but the fear of never escaping this prison was getting to him.

Toothless rests his head upon the chamber, pretending it was Hiccup's hand, this being the dragons only way of consoling his human.

Stoick tosses the gold, all of Berks currency into the man's hands, ignoring that shocked look on his boy's face.

the masked man in turn released the chains attached to the pulley, causing his son to drop "No!"

Snotlout and Fishlegs quick as a flash are on the scene, Hookfang and Meatlug tugging the cage out of the water "Good girl Meatlug! Keep pulling."

"Hookfang, do NOT let go of that chain!" Orders Snotlout, with a huff the dragon agreed.

Toothless rushes to help, the container holding Hiccup is pulled from the water, his little human appears shaken as he's slowly lowered back on onboard.

"Hang on son!" Yells Stoick, his fists banging against the glass

"We have to get him out of there" declares Astrid

"Break it open, then! It's not that hard ... Hookfang!"

Said Monstrous Nightmare rears his scaly head, fire puffs emanating from his mouth.

Snotlouts pudgy finger points towards the dome prison "Annihilate!" Hookfang hurriedly agrees, he was tired of all this non-sense, the sooner that scrawny human was free, the sooner they could go home.

Hiccup tries to shield his head as the heated flame soars towards him, melting into the cool glass and hopefully freeing him ... rather than burn him to a crisp.

"Snotlout, no you idiot!" Screams Astrid, followed close behind by Stoick and Fishlegs "That'll kill him!"

"HICCUP, SON!" Yells Stoick as the father falls to his knees, flashbacks to the fight with the red death looping through his head, how powerless he'd felt back then ... He wasn't going to let it happen again.

"I won't lose him again!" Roars the chief as he braves the flames, ignoring the singe and burn "I'm not giving up on you, son"

Stoick was reaching Hiccup, his only child wasn't going to die, not here and especially not now "I'm coming!"

Hands reach out blindly, red and irritated as the fire licks at his uncovered flesh, palms smacking against the burning glass.

The heat finally ceased, Stoick uncovering his head from his fur coat "Hiccup?"

A lanky, huddled figure braced against the back wall, gag chewed all the way through and chains slowly melting.

Stoick charges through the gapping opening the fire had left, fists clenched as the father pulls on the chains with all his vigor.

Astrid quits beating Snotlout as the chains binding Hiccup are snapped, said teen reaching up to remove the shackles and neck brace.

"Are you alright, son?" Expressed Stoick, father helping his boy remove the restraints "I'm so sorry, Hiccup"

Hiccup relishes as the freedom to breath properly is returned "I'm ok"

Hiccup's husky and dry voice brings back all that hope of saving the heir, Astrid running to help the man she loved reach his feet.

"Hiccup ... Where's your leg?" Questions the blonde

Hiccup turns away from her, facing where the masked man had been standing earlier "Let's just go home"

Astrid shakily nods and leads the teen over to his waiting dragon and father, the blonde jumping a top Stormfly "Come on guys, let's go get the twins and meet up at Berk."

"Oh, ok ok, bye Hiccup! Glad you're alright" says Fishlegs

"As usual we save the day, fly off into the sunset and not even a thank you!" Begrudges Snotlout "some people"

"Thank you, guys" Hiccup smiles as his friends all fly off, green eyes roam upon his Dragon "Hey bud, miss me?"

Toothless snorts, ears flapping at his human as if to say I told you so. Stoick laughs "Couldn't have said it any better myself, Toothless"

Hiccup's head lowers, he screwed up big time "Dad, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you about the bounty, it's just-"

"Hiccup, I'm to blame for all this too, I've been to hard on ya about losing all of Berks gold ... I agreed to your plan and almost lost ya. I'm so sorry son"

"No, it's my fault. I've let Viggo beat me too many times, I just can't seem to beat the guy! He's always seven steps ahead of me ... I lost all of Berks gold, almost got the gang and Gobber killed, Toothless sold!"

Hiccup begins to hyperventilate, gasps leaving his now coughing mouth, causing Stoick to hold his son closer, gently patting his back.

"Hiccup! Hiccup, you're alright son, calm down"

Crushed sobs meet Stoick's ears as his only son breaks down in his arms, strong hands hold the wailing boy.

"I ... Can't do this anymore dad! Beating Viggo is all I can think about, if I don't the dragons, you, the gang even all of Berk will be in danger!"

Stoick forces Hiccup's head upwards, emerald meeting sapphire "You listen to me son, it's not all up to you to defeat that mad man. We are a team, you're never alone in this fight. You have to trust in us, Hiccup."

Hiccup's erratic breathing slows, tears freeze as the words are heard "But the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few ... I can't ask for anyone else to put themselves in this position, dad"

Stoick smiles "We're Vikings son, it's an occupational hazard" Hiccup laughs "That, that we do"

"Ya don't have to ask us to join the fight, the moment Viggo came after you I became involved. We're a team son, all of us. They come after one, they get us all. I'm sorry for everything, I shouldn't have been so hard on ya lately."

Hiccup shrugs, hand patting his now gummily smiling Dragon "Eh, I've been pretty difficult to talk to lately, I just lost sight of everything, but that's over. We're going to take Viggo down, together."

Stoick bellows, hand clapping over Hiccup's shoulder "Aye son, that we will, let's go home."

And there we have it! This episode was by far my favorite in the series, can't wait for season 5 premiering August 25th! Hope you all enjoyed it