a/n: this fic's not great


Yusuke sucks in a breath as he waves his fingers to ease the sting.

"Layoff Inari!"

Futaba scowls as she moves her chips to the other end of the bench.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten since... w-well in a while."

Futaba rolls her eyes but brings the bag closer to his side.

"You could've just got some curry off Sojiro while we were there."

Yusuke mumbles through his mouthful of chips before swallowing and actual articulating what he wants to say. "Forgive me. But I'd feel bad for taking advantage of him like that."

"As if, consider it like payment for the Sayuri."

Yusuks sighs and turns back to look ahead.

"When you invited yourself to go people watching with me." A chip bounces off his head. He goes to catch it in rebound but it bounces off and lands on the sidewalk. Futaba snickers before Yusuke continues. "-I expected more watching and less arguing over food."

She shrugs. "You can't really call it an argument when i'm so clearly winning."

Yusuke tries to ignore the quip but regardless she smiles at his poorly hidden smirk.


"Yusuke if its not too much to of a bother, may I ask you something?

Yusuke sprays a small spritz of water on the tomato plant before standing back up straight.

"What is it Haru?"

"I know i'm overstepping my bounds but I can't help but be curious about you and Futaba?"

Yusuke raises an eyebrow. "How so?"

Haru puts a hand up to her chin. "When are you going to come clean and tell everyone you're dating?"

Yusuke coughs suddenly. "What? Where the devil did you get that idea?"

"Well... from everything. The way you two fight and argue is much different from Ryuji and Ann. Its more... of a playful teasing. Almost like a dance."

"Please, I'm too tall for her to dance with."

"Oh did you try it before and fail? Cause there's all kinds of dances you could probably get to work."

Yusuke shakes his head. "I'm sorry to dash your hopes but no we're not dating."

"Oh i'm sorry Yusuke. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Yusuke swallows a gulp. "No it's fine, lets just put this all behind us."

Haru nods and goes back to examining the plants. Yusuke pausing before going back to help out.