She never expected her feelings to be returned and everything was fine like that, if not for the feelings of certain death and the spur of the moment, she'd never have voiced them either. For her duty made it an impossible love. In this future Hinata chose to take her place as the Hyuuga Clan Head instead of marrying Naruto.

But maybe her support meant more for him that she ever dreamt. Maybe, at some point, it was the only thing between the title of Hokage and a messy death.

Chapter 1: Here it ends, here it starts.

-"Naruto-kun died… huh?"

The messenger shuffled a bit under her stare. He'd heard rumors for sure, and he was probably expecting anything but the neutral stare he was receiving right now. Hyuuga-sama always found it a bit embarrassing how everybody always seemed to know about her little crush but him... No, concerns from a better time. She can't afford to let anything show. Not anymore.

-"How..." -Inside, the storm was raging. Against her better instincts, she made the morbid question she didn't really want to hear- "did it happen?"

-"The reports are unclear, Hyuuga-sama. We only know someone held nothing for it to happen. A lot of effort went into stacking the battlefield against him. And his body was… thoroughly taken care of."

'Thoroughly taken care of'... Four simple words paint a sickening picture.


Her eyes burn, holding back the tears.


Her stomach churns, revolting against the image in her mind


Her heart is a ball of hurt.

-"I see, you may leave."

The courier leaves without seeing anything unsightly. She can't crumble. Not now, not anytime soon. She's not her own anymore, and the Clan needs a stoic head. Naruto-kun will only be cried on the inside.


Her father approaches with a worried look, but she stops him with a hand. Slowly, ever so slowly, she manages to put a soft smile in her lips.

-"I'll be fine" -Her voice doesn't crack, and that's as big a victory as the time she stepped in front of Pein- "I just need some time for myself."

Nobody argues, nobody here would question the Clan Head anyway, but the elders would've found a way to make their disapproval known, if it came to that.

That night, Hanabi knocked her door.

But she dismissed her.

The next day, no doubt, her old team would find her.

But she'll politely excuse herself.

She only wants to be alone, and to be left alone. Her heart died with Naruto-kun, even if it's still beating. Yes, Hyuuga Hinata is no more. She'll keep on breathing and walking, for the Hyuuga need their Head, but from now on, she'll become just Hyuuga-sama.

That fits, somehow. She can't help but wonder how people would react to her rejecting her name and embracing her role. She'll be a perfect example of a Clan Head's virtues. A guilty pleasure surges, imagining her father reaction to that. She's not… bitter about how she was treated during childhood. Not exactly. But showing Hiashi Hyuuga the daughter he once claimed to want would fill her with vindication nevertheless.

-"Now, that's a dark face if I've ever seen one, brat. And trust me, I've seen my share."

An unexpected voice, right when she's at her weakest moment, manages to get a panicked yelp out of her, even if she immediately recovers her composure. Turning her head towards the offending voice, the bizarre visage greeting her from the window's frame almost manages to crumble it again.

-"If the word 'cute' leaves your lips I'm leaving" -A small red-furred fox warns her with a high-pitched voice- "I'd normally gather chakra for a couple of centuries after dying before reforming, you better appreciate what I'm doing here, brat."

-"Ku… Kurama-san?" -There's only one tail, and the size is all wrong. But there's no doubt about the identity- "How?"

-"We bijuu are pretty much immortal. Without that ridiculously thorough seal Naruto had I would've just got free when he died, but even like this it only managed to dissipate my chakra. In time I'll be the same as always."

-"And what brings you here?"

There's a hint of hope fluttering somewhere in her chest. 'I'd normally gather chakra for a couple of centuries before reforming' the bijuu had said. There must be reason for Kurama to manifest so cut- so soon.

-"Well, I guessed if someone was willing to try some Naruto-worthy crazy gambit to undo the damage, that would be you."

Does she dare hope? A moment ago, she was willing to let herself die. A shiver runs down her spine. 'Undo the damage' he said. Naruto-kun would be back. And it would be because of her. For that, she would do anything.

-"Anything?" -The bijuu taunts. Did she say that out loud?- "Even put a risk your clan and the whole world?"

That question stops her in her tracks, what does Kurama-san have in mind for it to put the whole world at risk? No… that's a stupid question, only brought forward by the habit of putting the needs of others first. Weighed against Naruto-kun's life… duty is light as a feather.

As Kurama-san explains, Hinata can't help but conclude it's a Naruto-worthy crazy gambint. Giving the situation though, is more than due time to try his methods.

With a start, Toneri rises his head. What he's feeling right now makes no sense.

-"Byakugan-hime? Is that really you?"

-"Otsutsuki-san, it's been a long time."

-"The path to the moon should be closed."

-"We took the long way here."

Toneri finally turns around, facing an orange-clad Hinata. Even sightless, or maybe all the more because of it, he can only gape at the sight before him. Warm and gentle, cold and determined. He'd never dreamt that perfect Byakugan-hime could become even more beautiful. And yet…

-"What brings you here tonight?"

Fear grasps his heart. This is no longer the gentle soul he once knew. Or maybe she's finally found something stronger than kindness. The next word only confirm his suspicions.


When she lands back on Earth, her eyes show the white flower of reincarnation.

Now she only needs a little power boost. But when they reach Takigakure, an unexpected figure greets them.


-"Those eyes."

Ah, the proverbial Uchiha loquacity. It must be easy life to just drop a couple of words and leave all the work to others.

-"I'll bring Naruto-kun back."

The pressure of silence is overwhelming. Sasuke-kun just stares with his mismatched eyes. He's done nothing threatening, but Hinata's breath increases. Even with [Tenseigan] and Kurama's [Chakra Mode], he's probably an impossible opponent. If he realizes her mind, he does nothing to ease her worries, allowing the silence to last a couple of minutes.


Sasuke's grunt sounds somewhat affirmative as he walks away. It's safe to assume he won't get in the way. The rest is easy.

Brimming with the power of the Hero's Water, Hinata is as ready as she'll ever be. The last problem would be to actually do the deed.

-"So, Kurama-san… What exactly am I supposed to do now?"

-"What do you mean? That Tenseigan thing is your family's heirloom, aren't you supposed to know?"

-"If the Hyuuga ever knew the techniques of the Moon, we lost them at some point after arriving at Earth, didn't Rikudo Sennin-sama teach you or your brothers?"

-"That's the power of his brother, Father never knew how to use it."

At the sudden silence, the caw of a crow sticks like a sore thumb 'Aho, aho...'

-"Wha… what do we do now, Kurama-san! The Hero's Water effect won't last for long!"

-"Damn, it's too late to fly back to the moon and ask that Toneri guy." -There's some mumbled words, suspiciously sounding like 'what would Naruto do?'- "Oh, whatever! You'll have to use guts and pull it out somehow!"

-"E… even if you say that…"

As much as Hinata has grown used with Naruto's 'do or die' approach at life, she's always been one for exhaustive preparation before jumping to action. For people like her, finding themselves bursting out with raw power without a clear plan is far from inspirational. Rather she hasn't felt this panicked since she decided to put feelings aside and take over the Hyuuga clan.

-"Risk it or lose it! We only have one chance (Dattebayo)!"


-"Sh… Shut up! I dare you coexist with him for so long without picking up some mannerisms! Now focus inside your mind, we'll try something from there."

Those words, so very much like Naruto's, calm her down like a balm. Do what you can, but do all you can. Then you'll have no regrets. Inhaling deeply, her focus goes inside. With Kurama-san's help, it's easy to find herself in an inner garden surrounded by mist. Kit-kurama sits in the veranda, seemingly interested in the scenery.

-"So this is the inside of your mind, Byakugan-hime. As expected, is a beautiful, yet sad place."

With those words, Toneri jumps from the rooftop in front of her.

-"Toneri-kun? What are you doing here?"

-"You took my Chakra to activate the [Tenseigan], is it that surprising to find a trace of me within your soul?"

-"Oh! This actually saves time!" -Kurama-san interrupts- "You loser can tell the brat how to do the reincarnation thingie and we'll be done with this before the Hero's Water runs out!"

-"No." -Toneri-kun doesn't give them time to make any question before throwing his own- "What would you do with the power to remake you choices, Byakugan-hime?"

-"I would make sure Naruto-kun survives!"

-"That's not enough." -Empty eye sockets full of pity stare at her- "You would waste away, looking at him from the shadows, choosing duty over happiness even after gathering the courage to speak out your feelings. I won't see that happen again."

-"The Hyuuga clan needs me. Naruto-kun would be better off with someone less burdened."

-"Nonsense! Will you make the same mistake again? I won't stand for it!" -Is scary, Toneri-kun's fury can be tasted in his voice, stronger than ever. Seeing her reel back, he softens his tone- "I did love you, Byakugan-hime. After losing you… no, I never owned you, didn't I? After Naruto took you back to your home, and after taking the time to actually know you. I truly did."

His gaze trails around the garden, seemingly piercing the ever present mist. When did the mist grow so close?

-"And I respect Naruto. He bested me at my best, and broke my self-righteousness, forcing me to listen to others." -He sighs and looks back at her- "Promise me you'll follow through your feelings this time around, and I'll teach you how to use the reincarnating eye to turn back the pages of history."

Hinata's heart clenches. Is this fair? Will she be forced to abandon duty for happiness? Like a surprise chapter, turning a long, sad story around in mere pages, a golden path is offered to her. A path she doesn't deserve.

-"Well, brat." -With a playful tone, the kit interrupts her thoughts- "If you were going to egoistically turn back time, you might as well go for the full package. Is not like you don't have any chance with Naruto, right?"

-"But.. I can't do that!"

-"Why not? Didn't you abandon duty for him already? Even if you fail to rewind now, you've already failed as the Clan Head. Your choice isn't between love and duty anymore, brat. You can only choose love or nothing at all." -Kurama-san's grin grows wider- "Seems to me you're doomed to chase him this time."

Is that really true? She certainly can't think of a way out. But still…

-"Our time grows shorter, Byakugan-hime. If you don't decide quickly, the choice will be made for you."

-"Yeah, come on, brat! Grow a pair already!"

-"Oh, alright!" -Two against one, no fair!- "I promise! Now tell me how to go back!"

The cicadas' cry wake her from her slumber. Groggily, she rubs a hand against her eyes, idly wondering how long she's slept. After a satisfactorily long rub, eyelids tentatively open. Maybe they have a couple of false-starts before achieving the feat, but eventually the world fills with light.

Actually making sense of her surroundings takes a bit longer. It's the back garden of her childhood's home. Not that the garden had changed much since those faraway days, but the growth of the trees planted to commemorate Hanabi and her own birthdays are a dead giveaway.

With unprecedented (under the current circumstances) quick wit she realizes she's still dreaming and cuddles again, willing to squeeze every last second of peace without mercy.

-"You're not very good in the morning, aren't you brat?"

She only answers with a vaguely affirmative grunt before turning around.

-"As amusing as this looks from here, maybe you should try to wake up?"

There's a vaguely negative grunt.

-"And you brat looked so prim and proper, Naruto will never believe this."


Recent memory quicks in, and sleepiness jumps out the window. She looks down at her child hands, with short and somehow chubby fingers. Up to the high (really high) rooftop that just yesterday she could touch without jumping. Then her hands go over her hair, short like she's never had in years. Yes, she's back alright. But..

-"Ku… Kurama-san? How did you…? Naruto-kun's seal… Eeeh?"

There's still much left to say about Hinata's Mystic Eyes of Reincarnation. Next time, we'll see how she readjusts to her childhood, and what she plans for the future (a brand new future, were she promised to chase happiness instead of duty). But baby steps, for now we'll leave her here, panicking. She's at her cutests when panicking.

I'm evil.

So! It sounded all dark and drama, but then Kurama and Hinata noticed they had no clue. What can I do? I like dark, but can't keep things dark. Bad humor is just a part of me, so they'll alternate, hopefully without clashing.

About writing a Peggy Sue fic… Intellectually, I understand the genre isn't supposed to be good writing, but lo and behold! I find myself enjoying them every time. Why not write my own, then? Specially when I'm not exactly Shakespeare myself. Let's see how this goes.