Blue: I am not happy about this chapter since I wanted it longer than this.

Shrek: Why don't you just make it longer?

Blu: I haven't posted anything on here in months and HAD to post something or else I'd go freaking mad. Not only that, but Family as well as the new family dog we just got...

Shrek: Hate dogs?

Me: No I love dogs. I just didn't want to take on the responsibility of having one, but my mom wanted one...and now my bro and I are stuck with a dog as well as extra responsibilities...and I can't walk away from the dog because she likes me and follows me everywhere and I can't get any time alone or she'll start whining.

Shrek: …...damn...sorry about that annoyance.

Blue: You're not a writer so you wouldn't understand.

Shrek: 'folds arms' Well screw you too.

Blu: One with the story...I guess...still not happy about this.

It had been a few hours since Fiona took her anger out on the trees that had missing branches, bark, or were no longer standing from her knocking them down with her furious strength. Fiona was now sitting against a tree that didn't get any of the damage of her wrath, her knees against her chest with her cheek against her knees, the whites of her eyes red from crying so much.

She tried not to cry, but the tears kept falling.

She didn't know that she was that upset about everything that had been done to her until her body and subconscious told her otherwise. Especially after Shrek's harsh words sent her over the edge.

Despite feeling emotionally drained from taking her anger out, her knuckles and hands hurting, bloodied and bruised, she did feel a lot better compared to a few hours ago. That and her being in the middle of the forest, surrounded by birds chirping, and the wind softly blowing made her relax even more.

After sitting where she was, she slowly got up and instead of walking back home to her family and friends, she walked deeper into the forest.

Fiona loved being with her family and friends, but she forgot how much she loved being by herself. That part of the forest Fiona was walking in had a lot of birds and other woodland creatures that made a lot of noise. However, the noise wasn't loud enough to where it was bothering Fiona's ears but it was loud enough of a frequency for her to feel how calming and relaxing it was making her, as well as the sound of the wind blowing, and hitting against the other tree branches.

Just being out in nature was a reminder to Fiona that she was free to do whatever she wanted, no longer locked away in the tower or held captive by her father's control. She was still getting used to that feeling, but with the help of her friends, husband, and her three amazing children, she was able to express herself with each passing day, letting go of that fear of returning back to the tower.

As she was enjoying the calming atmosphere, her ears twitched, picking up a sudden high pitch melody.

It wasn't too high to where it was bothering Fiona's ears, and not too low to where it was unsettling.

It was one that was calming, as well as it being...oddly familiar.

Fiona lifted her head and looked around, curious as to where that sound was coming from.

She stayed where she was, assuming the music would leave after a few minutes. That, however, did not happen as the peaceful melody lingered and echoed throughout the open forest. Wanting to know where that whistling was coming from, as well as finding it a bit annoying to hear since she wanted peace and quiet, Fiona stood up and began to follow the whistling.

The more she followed where the sound was, the louder the whistling became. She then passed by a tree and as soon as she did, her left ear picked up the whistling, making the ogress stop and turn in that direction. When she did, she was a bit confused when she saw a man in his early 20's with sandy blonde hair that's straight and hitting his forehead and neck. He had a bit of a slim build but not to where he looked skinny and frail, but to where he had a good amount of muscle.

Fiona was surprised to see anyone in this neck of the woods, let alone a human for that matter.


The man stopped whistling and looked into Fiona's direction, his eyes about the same shade of blue as hers. Fiona wasn't sure what it was about that man, but she had a feeling she might have...seen him somewhere.

"Well, hello there," The man greeted with a smile, his voice holding a bit of bass, but not to where his voice could scare someone. Not like that would scare Fiona since she has been through things that people would be traumatized for many many months.

"Uh...hello...?" Fiona greeted back as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve, making sure she wasn't that much of a mess from crying and being upset. The only thing she knew that she couldn't fix was her hair being out of its ponytail and it flowing down her shoulders and back. She wasn't use to her hair being out like that, but decided to not let that get to her since she had a feeling she wouldn't see that man again. "Uh...are you lost?"


"Yeah. Not a lot of people really go down this path because of getting lost and not wanting to get eaten by animals."

"Ohh." The man chuckled. "I know this area pretty well so I'm not worried."

Fiona was a bit worried for his safety, but shrugged, not thinking much about what he said. "Well, okay. If you say so."

She was about to walk away when she heard the man say, "See ya around, Fiona." Making the ogress stop in her tracks. She slowly turned her head to see the man looking at him with that calming smile still on his face.

A/N: I'm not happy about this chapter, but I needed to get SOMETHING out and edited.

I apologise for the errors you might have seen.