AN: dialogue that is in (_) is poke-speech, translated for the audience's convenience. Humans only them repeating their names. Also, imagine Shiny Mewtwo's voice sounding like Kirito from Sword Art Online Abridged (best parody ever!) and Tyrantrum's as Grimlock's from the Transformers Generation 1 (80s) cartoon. That's all for now. Enjoy!

In a cave, somewhere in the Kalos Region

"Charizard, use Flamethrower! Absol, Dark Pulse! Greninja, follow it up with Water Shuriken!" As the three pokemon fired off their attacks, their trainer stood back with worry. His three partners were showing obvious signs of fatigue. Even when mega evolved, Charizard and Absol were no match for the psychic-type standing before them. Greninja seemed to have taken the least amount of damage. Charizard (who was currently in his Mega Charizard X form) had taken the most damage due to not having an immunity to psychic-type attacks. Mega Absol was a bit better off, but not by much. Being the son of two great pokemon trainers, most would think that he would be able to take on all of his enemies with swift and brutal ease. Most days, that was true, but this was no ordinary opponent.

Calem had made the awful mistake of challenging Mewtwo! However, Mewtwo seemed to be different colors than normal. When he scanned it with his pokedex, the indicator for shiny pokemon lit up. I don't know how there's a shiny version of a one-of-a-kind pokemon, but it doesn't matter! I'm gonna catch it!"

"Greninja! Get in close and use Night Slash!"

"Gre nin-jaaa!" the bipedal, frog-like ninja was nothing but a blue blur as he moved in towards the legendary genetic pokemon.

"Charizard, Absol! Draw his attention away from Greninja!" Calem ordered. He knew they couldn't take much more, but he had no other choice.


"Absol!" The two pokemon screamed their battle cries as they leapt into battle. They fired off attacks with power they didn't even know they had. Calem had never been more proud of his team. He watched as Charizard sent flamethrowers hurtling towards Mewtwo, then dodging Aura Sphere like it was nothing. Absol jumped back towards his trainer to keep the stray attacks from hitting him, while firing off Dark Pulses at the Kanto Legendary. However, the usually super effective attacks did nothing, as Mewtwo managed to counter them with Aura Sphere or Swift.

"Greninja!" Greninja jumped down from the ceiling with two glowing purple blades in his hands. His part Dark-typing hiding him from Mewtwo's psychic abilities. Despite the battle cry alerting Mewtwo to Greninja's position, it was too late for him to react. Greninja swung his arm-blades at Mewtwo. "Nin JA!" The swing connected and sent the Psychic-type back a bit. Not giving Mewtwo anytime to recover and unleash an attack, Greninja jumped at the Legendary, arm-blades at the ready. "Ninja, ninja, niiiin jaaa!" Greninja repeatedly slashed at Mewtwo, not letting off one bit, until the last hit sent the bipedal cat-like pokemon back into the wall of the cave.

Now was his chance, his Pokemon had done their part. Now it was his turn. If he failed then all of their hard work would have been for nothing. Calem reached and pulled something from his belt. A familiar click could be heard coming from his hand. "Go pokeball!" He yelled as he threw an Ultra Ball towards Mewtwo. The legendary couldn't resist as it was turned into pure energy and drawn into the ball. The ball rocked and rolled and then suddenly, a recognizable ding could be heard, and the ball stood still. Calem stood in disbelief. He slowly and shakily walked towards the Ultra Ball that now contained Mewtwo. With an unsteady hand he slowly picked up the ball and held it in front of his face. Slowly, the astonishment started to fade away to make way for a much more powerful emotion. . .


"We caught Mewtwo!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He held up the pokeball, containing the legendary pokemon, high in the air.




Absol jumped up in the air, Charizard let off a Flamethrower, and Greninja jumped and fist pumped. Charizard and Absol then reverted back to their normal forms, the effects of Mega Evolution finally wearing off.

Staring at the pokeball with pride, Calem tossed it out in front of him. "Mewtwo, come on out!" When Mewtwo emerged, he stood quietly, eying Callem intently.

"If you even think about giving me a stupid nickname, I will kill you, and your loved ones!"

Callem had expected the whole "talking with telepathy" thing, however it was the attitude and "voice" that threw him off. He expected Mewtwo to act and sound as powerful as he looked, but instead he sounded like some random teenager. Well since this is a Shiny, maybe he also has a different personality than the regular Mewtwo. Callem thought to himself. He then remembered that the strongest psychic in the world was currently staring daggers at him. "Look, buddy, here's the deal, I don't nickname my Pokémon, so no need to worry."

"Oh, okay then. So you're not going to nickname me Banana Jr. or something stupid like that."

"Do you want your nickname to be Banana Jr.?" Calem asked sarcastically.

"Oh hell no!"

"So no then, no I will not." Calem replied calmly. "So, hi, my name's Calem. My hobbies include being awesome and pummeling any challengers into to the ground."

"Dude!" Mewtwo looked excited and his telepathic voice showed it. "Those are my favorite things to do too! This is totally the start of an awesome friendship!"

"Well, it's great to have you on the team. Now come on, let's get out of this cave. Lucario and Tyrantrum are waiting outside." Calem was about to turn to walk away when he heard Mewtwo's voice in his head again, telling him to wait. That's gonna take some getting used to.

"I heard that!"

Sorry. Calem thought, and then asked aloud: "What's the hold up?"

"Just need to grab something quick."

"What?" As Calem asked this he saw Mewtwo use Psychic to levitate a strange looking stone over to his hand. When the perfectly spherical stone was directly over top of his three fingered hand, Mewtwo released it from his psychic grip, letting gravity drop the orb into it.

"Apparently, it's called Mewtwonite X. Pretty unoriginal, if you ask me. But this, with a Key Stone, will really boost my power to the max!"

"Dude. . . no one will ever defeat us. . . never!"

"Again, awesome friendship! Just, totally awesome!"

By the time they finally got out of the cave, it was late, so Calem decided to camp out just outside the opening. He had a campfire going, and Charizard, Greninja, and Mewtwo were roasting Marshmallows. Absol was attempting to join them, but his lack of arms was making his attempts difficult. Lucario was meditating, and Tyrantrum was lying down next to the campfire.

"(Me, Tyrantrum, want to roast marshmallows.)" The large Rock/Dragon type whinned.

"(Tyrantrum, your body's too big and your arms are too small to roast marshmallows.)" Lucario reminded the despot pokemon.

"(Me, Tyrantrum, know that, Lucario. But me, Tyrantrum, still not like it.)"

"(Neither do I, Tyrantrum. Neither do I.)" Absol replied as he burnt another marshmallow. (At least you have hands! I have to use my mouth!)"

"Don't worry guys." Mewtwo replied. "I got this!"

As Mewtwo went about using his psychic powers to roast marshmallows, Calem pulled out his tablet, and pulled up a news article site. Deciding to humor himself he decided to pull up the gossip section. He found the gossip section useless, unrealistic, and inaccurate on most occasions, but it be pretty entertaining to see what ridiculous stories the alleged "news reporters" came up with. As, he scrolled through the list of articles, one caught his legitimate interest. It was titled "Heroes of Kalos: What are These Runner-Ups Up Too?!". The thumbnail showed a picture of two trainers, one male the other female, together, looking like they were having a good time. Calem recognized them as the Kalos League finalist runner-up, Ash Ketchum, and the Pokemon Showcase Master Class finalist runner-up, Serena Gabena. He immediately realized what the article title was implying. It made him feel sick is his stomach at the thought. He selected the article anyways and began to read.

The article, despite the title's implications, (that would have gone right over a more oblivious trainer's head) was not that bad. It talked about Ash and Serena's role in taking down Team Flare (the fact that Ash had lead the charge had been a surprise to Calem), and then went on to talk about their lives leading up to the crisis. Apparently, it was quite a surprise to the interviewers that two of Kalos biggest rookie celebrities were traveling companions. It then continued to talk about their recent rise to stardom. Calem had already seen a lot of Serena's performances, and even voted for her when he could, especially during the Master Class. However, he hadn't got the chance to watch the Kalos League, and had only heard that Ash had lost in the finals and that he had been a fan favorite during the course of the league. He went on to read that Ash had been quite successful during all of his battles leading up to the Semifinals, where he won, but with only one worn out Greninja left.

"Greninja, get a load of this! The Kalos League runner-up has a Greninja."

"(Hmm, interesting.)" Greninja came and looked over Calem's shoulder with slight interest. "(I Doubt he's more awesome than I am, though.)"

Calem continued to read, now out loud for Greninja. "Followers of the Kalos League were caught by surprise when Alain's Mega Charizard defeated Ash's special Greninja in the final match-" Calem paused. "Special Greninja?! What's so special about Ash's Greninja?!" Calem immediately left the news site and found a video of the last match of the finals. Though he was puzzled when he only saw Ash's Greninja surround itself with a torrent of water. It just looks like he has the Torrent ability. Calem was quickly proven wrong when the torrent subsided and began to form a giant Water Shuriken on his back. Greninja looked different, sort of resembling his trainer. As the battle with the Mega Charizard went on he noticed that Ash and Greninja moved together, like they were one. "They're totally in sync with each other!" Calem immediately brought up the map of Kalos. "The article mentioned that Ash was still in Lumiose City. So, tomorrow, we're headed for Lumiose." He looked up from his map and towards his team. "We're gonna challenge Ash Ketchem to a pokemon battle!" Everyone gave out cries of acknowledgment and excitement. All except Mewtwo, who was uncharacteristically quiet. Calem just shrugged it off as nothing, for the moment, at least.

The group eventually went to sleep, to be ready for the next day. Tomorrow, they would be headed for Lumiose City, to challenge Ash Ketchum and show their strength.

So after all this time, Ash Ketchum, Callem thought as he fell asleep. I'll finally meet you.

Meanwhile, Mewtwo was doing some thinking of his own. Ash, my old enemy. The only human I have ever, truly hated! The one who showed me that humanity does have a dark side. My life was so much better, before you became a part of it. Now soon, we will meet once again. And I won't lose this time. This time. . . it will be different. This time. . . I WILL WIN!

"What do you mean, 'he left'?!" Calem shouted in disbelief. Standing in front of him was Professor Sycamore, the man who gave him his Greninja and Charizard back when they were a Froakie and Charmander. Greninja, Charizard, Lucario, Tyrantrum, and Absol were outside of their pokeballs, interacting with the other pokemon in the lab. He had yet to tell the Professor about Mewtwo.

"Ash left, to go back to his home, in the Kanto region." Professor Sycamore replied.

"Sigh, I really wanted to battle him." Calem wined.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. If you had called ahead, I could have convinced Ash to stay a bit longer. He's always up for a tough battle."

"Oh well, a missed opportunity. What about Serena, is she still in Lumiose City?" Calem's question did not go unheard by Greninja and Absol. The two shared a look with each other and stared at their trainer.

"Why would you want to know about Serena?" the Professor questioned. He trusted Calem, but his question had caught him off guard.

Calem's face went ghost white. " I-uh recognized her as one of the girls from Vaniville Town, you see-"

"I understand now," the Professor noticed the glares that Greninja and Absol were giving their trainer, which, between that and Calem's stuttering, told him that their was more to the story, but he decided not to push it any further than needed. "I'm sad to say Serena left for Hoenn to take part in Pokemon Contests."

"Well this is just great." Calem remarked sarcastically.

Wanting to change the subject, Sycamore started asking questions, only a professor would. "So Calem, have you encountered any new pokemon of late?"

"Actually, I just caught a shiny in the caves near Snowbelle City." Calem smirked as he pulled out Mewtwo's pokeball.

"You used an Ultra Ball?! Must be quite a powerful pokemon. And a shiny at that! I can't wait to see it!"

"Come on out!" Calem gently tossed the pokeball up to trigger the release mechanisms. A mass of blue energy was released to take the form of the bipedal cat-like psychic-type legendary.

Professor Sycamore simply stood in awe, before promptly losing all feeling in his legs, and passing out.

"Is he gonna be okay?!"

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine."

AN: Hey, I'm back again! Anyway, welcome to my first real attempt at a fanfic. This isn't the first time i've dabbled with writing, but I've never posted anything before. This is just a little taste for what's to come. I want to get a few chapters ahead so hopefully I can post something semi-regularly. I'll admit, I have some problems with this prologue, but overall, I'm happy how this came out.

You may have also noticed the lack of a disclaimer. I don't do disclaimers. Why? Look at the name of the website, FAN . I think that's all the disclaimer I need. But I digress. Hope you enjoyed this prologue to Won't Stop 'Till We're Legends (named after the song Legends by The Score, check it out, It's kinda this fic's theme song). Please review, follow, and favorite. All that good stuff. Oh, and constructive criticism, that would be nice. See ya!