It was a cloudy day in the city of Chicago, Jordan was walking from school to Firehouse 51. The whole walk there she was fighting back tears and the sobs that were trying to escape her lips, she was so close to just breaking down but the young girl held it together as she continued to walk.

Kelly and the squad crew were outside doing drills, Hank had called them asking if Jordan could stay there while they finished a case and he'd be late. The squad Lieutenant seen Jordan coming up as she held her head down he then got concerned and went over to her. The guys at 51 had treated the young girl as if she were their sister or niece and if she was upset they wanted to get to the bottom of it before any of them went to Hank about it.

"Hey Jo, you ok sweetie?" Kelly asked.

"I-I'm ok Kelly". Jordan replied, her voice was shaky and unsteady.

"Jo whatever you're upset about I won't tell anyone, not even your dad unless you want me too".

"I don't wanna talk about it".

He and the squad crew then watched as she went inside of the house, Kelly was determined to figure out what was wrong before going to her father. One thing he knew for sure if she wasn't gonna say what was wrong he knew one other person who could tell him why Jordan was upset.

"Guys let's go for a ride". Kelly tells his crew.

They all got into the squad truck and left out. Jordan was heading to the bunk area when the rest of the house had seen her and noticed the way she was walking.

"What's wrong with Jordan?" Brett asked.

"Let's go find out". Gabby replied.

She and Matt walked towards the young girl as she headed to the bunk area, Jordan was on one of the beds and buried her face into the pillow and started crying. She let the sobs escape but they were muffled as her face was buried into the pillow. The couple heard the muffled sounds of the young girl crying and immediately got concerned.

"Should we call Hank?" Gabby whispered.

"Not yet let's see what the problem is before we call him". Matt answered.

They go over to the young girl sitting on another bed across from her.

"Jo, sweetie what's wrong". Gabby says gently.

"I-I don't...w-wanna t-talk...about i-it". Jordan sobbed.

"Was it somebody at school?" Matt asked.

Jordan shook her head and continued crying into the pillow clutching, she wished she could be held by her father at that moment but she couldn't. The couple wished they knew how they could help her or at least figure out what's wrong. Gabby then had an idea and she pulled Matt away to tell him.

"What is it?"

"I know this is about to sound crazy but what if we get Mouch to talk to Jordan?"

Ever since Mouch had married Trudy, he became an uncle figure to Jordan it took him a while to get use to that. Jordan loved Mouch and the moment that he married her godmother was the day she called him Uncle Mouch.

"Let's go".

They began to walk back to the common room.


Kelly and the squad crew were heading to Jordan's school, they knew school was out for the day but some kids stayed after school. The squad Lieutenant got out and went inside the school he knew who he was looking for. Theo Anderson was just leaving the gym when he spotted Kelly.

Everyone who knew Jordan always knew that Theo was her only friend and if she was upset, sad, anything, he'd probably be the first to know about it.

"Lieutenant Severide what are you doing here?" Theo asked.

"Hey Theo, I need to ask you something it's about Jo". Kelly replied.

"Is she ok?"

"I don't know, she came to the firehouse upset and she looked like she was gonna cry. She won't talk about it and we can't go to her dad until we know what's wrong".

Theo sighed sadly he knew why his friend was upset. "There's this thing, a breakfast on Friday it's for Mother's Day right after we were told about it Jo was upset the rest of today I asked her what's wrong and she said Mother's day has always been hard for her because she doesn't have a mother. Jo wouldn't say anything the rest of the school day".

"Thank you Theo".

"Is she gonna be ok?"

"She'll be fine".

Kelly then went back to the truck when Cruz spoke up. "What'd you find out?"

"Jo's upset because there's this breakfast on Friday for Mother's day, it's always been hard for her because she doesn't have a mother".

"Poor kid". Tony said.

He then pulled out his phone calling someone. "Hey you busy?"

Firehouse 51

Gabby and Matt had went back to the common heading over to Mouch.

"What'd you guys get out of Jo?" Herrmann asked.

"She won't say, Jordan is really upset about something". Gabby answered, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Mouch why don't you go talk to her". Matt suggested.

"Me? Are you sure?" Mouch asked surprised.

"Yes we're sure, you're her uncle so maybe she'll open up to you".

"I don't know you guys she's never opened up to me before".

"Mouch if we can't figure out what's wrong with Jo, we have to call Hank and if we tell him we don't know he will tear this city apart. We don't want that so talk to her see if she'll say what's wrong". Gabby said.

"I'm not good with kids".

"Ok new approach either you go and talk to Jordan or I call Trudy and say you let Jo cry and didn't help figure out why she was crying. You're choice".

"You wouldn't".

Gabby pulled her phone out pulling up the number showing it to him. "Does this look like I'm bluffing Mouch? Now you go talk to Jo or I call Trudy and tell her what's going on then she tells Hank and he tears the city apart".

"Alright I'll see if I can get her to talk, no promises if she doesn't".

The older man then got up from his spot on the couch and headed to the bunk area, he heard the soft sobbing coming from the young girl he was about to turn around so someone else could do it but he thought about it this was his niece. Jordan wasn't just some other kid she was Hank's daughter, Trudy's goddaughter which made her his goddaughter. He knew that if he couldn't get Jordan to talk Gabby would call Trudy and she'd be all over him about not talking to their goddaughter. Taking a deep breath he went over and sat on a bed near her.

"Jo, honey you alright". Mouch started. His voice was soft and gentle.

"I d-don't..wanna talk...about it..Uncle Mouch". Jordan cried.

"I'm sure you'll feel better if you talk about it".

Jordan shook her head after a few minutes she fell asleep, Mouch felt sadness he wanted to know why his goddaughter was so upset but she wouldn't say and they wouldn't no more until she woke up.

District 21

Erin was in the lounge getting a cup of coffee when he phone rang and she answered it.

-Lindsay. Erin answered, sipping some coffee.

-Hey, you busy? Kelly asked.

-Not at the moment. Why what's up?

-How fast could you get to the firehouse?

-Kelly what's wrong? Erin was getting very concerned.

-It's Jo, she came to the house really upset.

-I'm on my way.

-Thanks Erin.

-No problem.

Jay had came in the lounge to see his partner a bit rattled. "Hey you good?"

"I gotta go".

"Where are you off too?"

"Kelly called me saying Jo is really upset he didn't say why".

"You want me to get Voight?"

"No let me find out first".

"Want me to come with?"

"If you want".

The two partners headed out all Erin said was she had an errand to run and no one questioned it. During the ride to the Firehouse Erin wondered why her sister would be so upset. Was someone picking on her? Did she get into another fight? Did she miss Justin? Many things roamed her mind about the situation.

Kelly and the squad crew had arrived back to the firehouse they all got out of the truck and headed inside, Severide was the first one inside looking around for the young Voight but couldn't find her. Stella saw him looking around and went over to him.

"Hey what are you looking for?" Stella asked.

"Where's Jo?" Kelly asked.

"She's in the bunk area, she's really upset about something and won't say about what. Mouch can't even get her to talk".

"I know what's wrong with Jo".

"How do you know?" Otis asked from his spot.

"I went to the school and asked Theo".

"So why is she so upset". Gabby spoke from her spot.

"There's a breakfast at school for Mother's day after that Jo's been upset all day".

Everyone was saddened to hear that they knew Jordan didn't have a mother but they didn't know what happened to her mother. Hank never talked about it and neither did Jordan it was one subject that was hard for them to talk about.

"I called Erin hoping she can get through to her".

Gabby then got up heading to the bunk area she saw Mouch sitting on the bed watching the young girl as she slept. He felt sad because the older man couldn't help his goddaughter, the paramedic went over and put a gentle hand on his shoulder causing him to look up.

"Go back to the common room I'll be here when Jo wakes up". Gabby whispers.

"I'm sorry she wouldn't say". Mouch said.

"It's ok Kelly found out".

"Well why is she upset?"

"Come with me, I don't want her to overhear and get upset again".

The two walked away but kept a close eye on the young Voight.

"Jo's upset because there's a breakfast at school for Mother's day and well she took it really hard because she doesn't have a mom".

Mouch then realized it and had a saddened look on his face then left while Gabby went over to sit next to Jordan. The young girl was still fast asleep clutching the pillow, the paramedic saw the dried up tear stains on her cheeks. Gabby felt so bad for Jordan she wished she could find away to help Jordan. She got by the young girl and brushed some hair off her forehead.

"I wish there was a way I could help you Jo". Gabby whispered.

Erin and Jay arrived to the house, the blonde detective headed inside quickly and was met by Casey.

"Hey Lindsay, Halstead, I'm gonna take a guess and say you're here to talk to Jo". Matt said to the detectives.

"Yeah. Do you know where she is?" Jay replied.

"She's in the bunk area".

The two headed that way and then ran into Kelly. "Hey guys".

"Hey Kelly". Jay greeted the Squad Lieutenant.

"Hi Kelly, thanks for the call we got down here as quickly as we could". Erin spoke.

"No problem".

"Did you find out why Jo's upset?" Jay asked.

"There's something at her school for Mother's day and she's been upset since".

Erin then sadly nodded and now understood why her sister was so upset, Jay looked to his partner and saw the sadness in her eyes and put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Jay I think I should do this alone". Erin told her partner.

"Of course". Jay replied.

She then walked back to the bunk area quietly she opened the door heading back there, Gabby heard the door open and turned to see Erin there. The paramedic had went over to her friend.

"Hey how is she?" Erin asked.

"She cried herself to sleep, We've never seen her that upset before". Gabby replied sadly.

"Mother's day has always been a hard time for her, Trudy and Meredith are there for her but she's never really had her mother in her life".

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to her mother? I've never heard Jo or Hank talk about her".

"Anna she...she died when Jo was a baby so Trudy and Meredith try to be there for Jordan during the mother-daughter events".

"That poor girl".

"I'll see if I can get through to her".

"Alright if you need us we'll be here".

"Alright and thanks for looking after her".


Gabby then left hoping Erin can get Jordan to open up, Erin sat down on the bed and looked at her sister. The first thing she saw was the dried tear stains on her cheeks and the sad look on her face, she then noticed how Jordan was clutching the pillow close to her chest.

Pain and sadness filled Erin's body, she wished that her sister had her mother in her life, but sadly no she was forced to go through life without Anna. She then got down on one knee and gently brushed the young girl's hair back after a few minutes Jordan began to stir.

The young girl slowly opened her eyes and blindly looked around and saw she was in the bunk area in the Firehouse, all the memories of the day flooded back into her mind and her bottom lip trembled and soon she was crying again.

"Come here sweetie". Erin says gently.

Jordan got up and flung her arms around her sister crying into her shoulder, Erin felt her sister shaking like a leaf in her arms as she attempted to sooth the young girl.

"Shh Jo it's alright sweetie, everything's gonna be ok I promise. Calm down honey it's alright".

"I-I...wa-want...daddy". Jordan sobbed.

"Alright we'll go see him".

After a few more minutes Jordan stopped crying but she was still upset, she took a hold of her sister's hand and they walked out of the bunks heading out near the common room. Kelly and Jay were quietly talking when they seen the two girls coming.

"You alright Jo?" Kelly asked.

Jordan shook her head but hugged him and he hugged her back, after a few minutes she hugged everybody else then she, Erin and Jay headed back to the District. Gabby was thinking about something the whole time she wanted to find away to help the young girl, Brett and Stella saw her with her and went over to her.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Brett asked.

"I wanna find a way to help Jo". Gabby answered.

"Got any ideas yet?" Stella asked.

It then hit Gabby as she went over to Herrmann. "Hey do you think Cindy will be able to help me with something? It's for Jo".

"Yeah I can ask. What are you up to?" Herrmann asked.


She then texted the plan to Antonio so he could tell his team and hopefully everything will be set up.

District 21

Erin, Jay, and Jordan arrived to the District the two detectives kept their guard up around the young girl as they got by her protectively and headed inside. Jordan had her head down the whole time when Trudy saw her goddaughter upset she called Erin over while Jay took the young girl upstairs.

"Hey what's wrong with Jo?" Trudy asked.

"It's a Mother's day thing at Jo's school on Friday". Erin told the older woman.

Trudy then understood she knew this day was always hard for her goddaughter, Erin then headed upstairs. The squad looked as Jay walked up with Jordan and they all got concerned, Hank was by his office door when he saw his little girl with his detective and he got concerned when he saw that she was crying Jordan looked to see her father and ran straight to him. The older father hugged his baby and brought her into his office closing the door.

"What was that about?" Adam asked.

"There's a Mother's day event at her school and she took it hard". Jay spoke from his spot.

Everyone was saddened to hear what Jay had said. Alvin knew it was a hard day for his goddaughter and wished he could do anything to help her. Hank was in his office holding his little girl as she cried he knew it was that time of year again and every year Jordan would be upset for a few days then go back to normal, the older father held her tightly and stroked her hair back. After Anna had died every year for Mother's day he'd take Jordan to her grave and they'd leave flowers and a balloon there.

"Shh sweetheart shh it's alright, it's ok. Everything's alright baby". Hank soothed her.

The young girl was too upset to speak, her fingers gripped his shirt tightly, after a few more minutes her crying had slowly stopped but she was still upset.

"You feel better honey?"

"N-no". Jordan whimpered.

"It'll be alright sweetheart I promise".

Antonio was at his desk when his his phone buzzed with a text message from his sister.

-Got an idea but gonna need help. Gabby.

-Sure. What's up?

He was texting his sister and then had a smile this plan was gonna bring Jordan at least some happiness. The senior detective went over to Alvin. "Hey Gabby has an idea to help Jo. You think Meredith would help?"


"What's the plan?" Kevin asked from his desk.

The senior detective then said the plan to the unit, when Erin heard it she had a smile on her face she had a feeling this plan would work and cheer her sister up. Jordan had fallen asleep in her father's office on the couch and he left the office, the team looked over to see their boss coming out of his office.

"Sarge we have an idea to help cheer Jo up. If you're ok with it". Antonio said.

"What is it". Hank says.

The older man would be on board with any plan to help cheer his little girl up when he heard the idea he actually liked it and agreed to it. Hank glanced into his office and hoped this would work.

Friday was here before anyone knew it and it was Mother's Day, Jordan was upset and slowly took her time getting ready for school. She wanted to spend the day at home away from it all but her father wouldn't let her stay home alone and he wanted her to go to school so the plan could work. He was fixing his long sleeve shirt when the doorbell rang. Trudy, Meredith, Cindy, Gabby, Kidd, and Brett were all standing there dressed up.

"Hey is Jo ready?" Trudy asked.

"Yeah she's on the couch come in". Hank says, letting the women in. "Jo time for school sweetheart".

"I don't wanna go". Jordan protested.

"You sure about that?" Gabby asked.

The young girl looked over to see the women dressed up. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to take you to the mother's day breakfast. We may not be your mom Jo but where you're godmothers". Cindy said.

"But you and Aunt Meredith will miss Mother's Day". She pointed out to the mother of five.

"We'll celebrate with our kids later but for this morning we'll celebrate with you". Meredith spoke.

Jordan smiled and hugged all the women, Hank had a huge smile on his face. He'd do anything to put a smile on her face, the smile that reminded him so much of Anna.

The young girl headed out to school with the women, once at the school the women got name tags and sat down while breakfast was served. Jordan excused herself from the table heading to the bathroom the headed back when one of her classmates stopped her.

"Are those you're moms over there?" He asked.

Jordan looked proudly at the women and smiled. "Nope they're my godmothers and I wouldn't trade them for the world".