Summary: A few months after the battle with Uma, Carlos De Vil couldn't help but see that a lot has changed between all the VKs. Their feeling for Auradon's people had grown greatly. Well . . . mostly . . . Specifically towards one person. Every time he thinks of Jane, a wave of regret would course through his veins. Fortunately, he stumbled into someone who would listen.

Pairing: Carlos De Vil/OC

Changes to Character(s): N/A

Spoilers To: Disney Descendants

Type of Story: Chapter-Filled

Movie(s) Belongs To: Disney Channel and Kenny Ortega

Quote: "Where there's love, there is no question." ~ Albert Einstein

A/N: Hi, Fanficters! I apologize for the long wait for this chapter. I have been going through a lot the last few months, and I couldn't write much of anything. I'm hoping that that time is over. I hope this chapter can make up all that.

Anyway, I present to you . . . Chapter 7: Jealous

~•~ Elaina of Lyre ~•~

"You need to take your pills."

Elaina glared at her brother as he repeated the words once again. It seems that they were the only thing her brother ever said to her these past few days.

Take your pills . . . This is going to help you feel better . . . I know you hate them, but—

"—this will keep you stable until you return to normal," she finished in unison with her brother. "Yes, I know, but I just need to feel like myself for a couple of minutes."

Terrence shook his head in frustration and left the pill bottle next her, the look of despair never leaving his face. "Please, take them. Doctor's and brother's orders," he said before leaving the room.

She looked at the orange bottle and a sense of disgust went through her. The Prydainian knew that her brother was right, but she hated the harsh headaches and nausea that came with it.

She remembered the experience from taking them the first time, and she had hoped to never take them again when she better.

Yeah, better. If that's even possible.

Elaina grabbed the bottle and swallowed the prescribed amount with a glass of water.

She tossed the medication into her sock drawer and took a deep breath. This is what her life had become—nothing but pain and prescribed drugs.

The fair-haired girl sat at her window bench and gazed at the outside world. Across the grounds, students were laughing and playing with one another without a drop of unease in their systems.

I want to be carefree too, Elaina thought at the sight.

At that moment, she caught glimpse of Carlos and three other kids sitting at one of the picnic tables down below. He seemed to have sensed her watching, for the white-haired boy looked up at her direction.

He gave her a small greeting before waving at her to come down. Elaina shook her head, accidently giving herself a headache at the force, and mouthed the word sorry.

The VK signaled her to wait as he pulled out his phone. For a minute or two, he typed on the screen before looking up in expectation.

A soft ding sounded in her room, and she knew immediately what it was. Elaina searched around her bed until she found the small, beaten cellphone. A message flashed across her lock screen.

Carlos: Please.

Elaina: How did you do that?

Carlos: I don't know what you are talking about. What did I do exactly? 😇

Elaina: Don't play innocent, De Vil. How did you get my number? Terrence is the only one who has it, and he wouldn't have given it to anyone without my permission. Especially, if it was a boy.

Carlos: Come on down, Rapunzel, and I'll tell you. 😉

The Prydainian shook her head at him again, but he only continued to beg with an adorable puppy-dog face. She laughed at the expression and sent out one last text.

Elaina: I can't. I have makeup work for the classes I missed that day.

Carlos: Okay . . . then meet me at the front steps in 3 hours?

Elaina: Yeah, that's fine, but I hate you for not telling me how you did it. 😠

Carlos: Great, it will do you some good! Love you too.

At the text, she dropped her phone on the bed and headed towards her closet to look for clothes that would replace her grubby pajamas for their future meet up. As she did, she recalled her last conversation with the white-haired boy.

An ache went through her at the memory.

Elaina could see that their talk had changed the way Carlos acted around her. He had begun to greet her when they crossed paths in the hallways and occasionally walked her to her class—which caused more gossip around the school.

As the thought hit her, she imagined this was how he filled the void created by his break up with Jane.

She wasn't blind to what her fellow schoolmates said, even if she tried her hardest not to eavesdrop; this caused her to realize that maybe there was no friendship between the two of them.

Nausea struck her stiffly at the thought.

Or, it's just the medication's side effects, Elaina thought. She held her stomach in thought of either possibility.

When the time came to see Carlos, the blonde quickly changed into a blue blouse and a pair of ripped jeans. Just as she was pulling on her boots, she felt her stomach clench.

Yeah, it's going to take me a while to get down there, the Prydainian thought as she threw up into her new trash bin.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

"Elaina, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Elaina said, ignoring his concerned looks.

She knew what he was referring to: her pale skin, the red rimmed eyes, and the small, dark bags that lay under eyes. It wasn't the best thing to see in a beautiful day like this.

"So . . . why did you bring me down here?" she said, playfully glaring at him. "I was perfectly fine in my room reading The Nightingale."

"Now, you are really turning into Rapunzel," he said, chuckling. "We need to ask Ruby if she could to set up a day, so the two of you can finally meet up."

"Will Eugene Fitzherbert be there?" the Prydainian asked, leaving the implication in the air. She didn't expect Carlos to stop and turn with wide, surprised eyes.


Oh, this will be fun. "I mean, have you seen him? If only I was a few years older."

Elaina dramatically looked out at the distance and slowly began to hum a romantic tune under my breath. She gave herself a twirl and caught a sight of Carlos' reddening face.

The blonde couldn't help but feel a small sense of pleasure at seeing his reaction. Was he jealous? Does he feel the same wa—

"What? Are you jealous?" she asked, hoping to push aside the creeping thought. "I didn't know you liked me so much."

The white-haired teen gave out a flustered scoff. "I'm not jealous."

"I don't know, De Vil. Why are you so red?"

"I'm not—you think—I really—"

Elaina decided to relieve the boy and asked, "So where are we going?"

"Uh, I thought we could go to the river," Carlos sighed, clearing his throat. "I heard they were playing music near Belle's harbor. I thought it would be fun."

She smiled. "That's amazing. Who's playing?"

"It's a variety of bands—both popular and upcoming ones if I remember correctly," he said, looking behind him at the sound of scurrying feet. "Dude!"

Elaina turned to see the school mutt running crazily around campus in pursuit of a flying orb. She let out a gasp of air. I should've left that thing in its box.

Remembering what her mother told her, she whistled as hard as she could—gaining the attention of the bauble. Unfortunately, Dude had turn around to look for the source when he crashed into an unsuspecting student—who dropped what looked like an intricate model of Auradon.

"Hey, are you okay?" Carlos asked, heading towards him.

Before she could go over to help, she felt a hand stop her before giving her shoulder a squeeze. She felt a shudder go through her as the Prydainian remembered a similar action enacted long ago.

Let me go . . . Let me go . . .


The memory disappeared at the sound of his voice. She opened her eyes—not realizing that she has closed them—and saw the hazel-green eyes of King Ben. She couldn't help but let go of a single tear that slowly slipped down her face.

"Oh my cauldron, Ben," the blonde said, wrapping her arms around her childhood friend. "You scared me, you jerk. How've you been?"

"Busy. I can rarely get out of the school without someone giving me another workload," he said, pushing back enough to look her in the eyes. "I heard about what happened with Chad."

"I don't want to—"

"I know, but Terr and I are worried. I really think you should take—"

Elaina scoffed. "My pills. I know"

"No," Ben whispered. "Your brother is going to hate me for this, but I think you should begin training in case of another physical attack . . . and a magical one as well."

"Magic? A physical assault I can understand, but a magical one?" the Prydainian said, disbelief coursing through her. "My family doesn't have magic."

Ben looked around and saw Carlos picking up the last of student's figurines while, at the same time, scowling at Dude. The king nodded to himself before speaking.

"You do. The women in your mother's family had had it in their blood. You just haven't awakened it yet and . . ."—his next were uttered solemnly—"Henry escaped the Isle."

Fear surged across Elaina's body as she realized what that meant. The blonde shook her head as the images returned in great detail. "H-How did he escape?"

A shout caught their attention and turned to see Carlos waving goodbye at the recovered teen when he began his return.

"I'll do the training, but you have to tell me everything you know. Promise me you will."

Ben nodded before heading back to the school.

Thank you for reading!

Again, I apologize for not updating! I promise I'll try better for the next chapter!

Now, the reviews!


Daisy54154: It wasn't soon, but I updated. Lol. Sorry?

I am a Ridaa: Um, hi? I hope you don't use your hatred for Henry towards me. Lol. I'm so glad you feel protective of Elaina! Yes, I'm glad she has Carlos with her. Especially, now that this news has come out. I am very sorry to keep you waiting!


I hope you enjoyed it!

Please R&R!

- Soldier Of The Mist