Also!!! Their lounge has an eight seater L-shaped, a love seat and a single seater couch.

Percy's POV

I walk into the lounge after our spar and sit on the couch and lean back. I heard Mitchy lock the basement door and put the key on the key rack. He lays on the same couch I'm sitting on and grabs my hands, holding in his big warm ones.

"We aren't going to be alone for a month you know. We should probably enjoy the alone time we have now," I said in a suggestive voice. "It's 11 now. We got a few hours to spend alone."

He raises an eyebrow and I smirk at him. He smiles at me, sits up and pulls me in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet and passionate at first but then grew hungrier. His hands gripped my hips and I loop my hands around his neck, pulling his closer. Our lips moved in sync as I tangled my hands in his hair and he moved his hands under my shirt, his touch sending shivers up my spine. He pushed me backwards so I was lying underneath him. He started leaving a trail of kisses down my jaw, his soft lips travelling down to my neck.

His teeth grazed my sweet spot and he started nibbling and sucking. I moaned a little as he licked the now forming bruise that sat right in the middle of my neck. He kissed it once more and his lips were on mine. His kissed me sweetly and I kissed back but hungrier. My hands went down to the hem of his shirt and I tugged on it, indicating that I wanted it off. I pulled the shirt up and over his head, his bear chest now exposed.

I flip him over so I was on top of him. I trail kisses down to his neck. I nibble on his sweet spot, right above the collar bone. I suck on the skin and he moans which makes turns me on even more. He sits up which causes me to straddle him.

I kiss his lips and soon we're making out again. I tease him by putting my hands on his thighs and use my thumbs to rub circles near his member.

He breaks the kiss and whispers huskily,"Now Baby Boy. . . Who said you get to tease me?"

I moaned at the nickname, the nickname he uses to turn me on. He grips my hips tighter and his thumbs pull on my sweatpants hem.

"Hmmm Baby Boy?"

I feel my heart flutter a bit and my member harden. "Nobody Daddy. . ."

He kisses me roughly and lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist so I don't fall. He held me up by looping his arms under my ass.

I felt him walking and before I knew it, we were up the stairs and in the bedroom. We kissed passionately and then things got crazy. . .


About three hours after our "session" I woke up under the covers of our queen sized bed. I huddled myself in the duvet and realised I had no clothes on. I look to where Mitchy should be and saw nobody there. I groan as I felt my lower half of my body burn with pain.

He did a good job, didn't he. . .

I look to my bedside table to look at the time and saw a glass of water with pain medication. I took the meds and waited for them to kick in. As soon as they kicked in I heard the door open. I sit up and see Mitchell walk in. He looks at me and smiles while walking over. He looks over at the bedside table and sees that the meds are gone.

"Did I hurt you a lot? How's the pain?," he asked as he sat down on the bed. I sit up and groan a little.

"Not a lot of pain now, Mitchy," I said to my caring boyfriend.

"Good," he said as he boops my nose. "We have some visitors. Their car broke down outside our house. Dont freak out when you see them. Okay? They're going to stay here until their one friend does the repairs."

Visitors? That's odd. I have a weird feeling about this. I nod at his words and get out of bed. I pull on my boxers that were laying on the floor and pull on my jeans that I got from the drawers (cause I need pants that don't smell like sex) while Mitchy went down to talk to the guests. I walk to my closet and see that all my sweaters weren't there. Probably in the wash. I close the closet door and steal my favourite sweater of Mitchy's. It was a pastel peach wool sweater. Because of our different builds his sweater came mid thigh and slightly hung off my shoulders displaying my collar bones. The sleeves which usually were a bit short for him became kitten sleeves.

I look in the mirror and saw the hickey he left. I can't go out to people I don't know with a huge hickey!

I rummage through the drawers of the vanity mirror looking for the foundation to hide it. It wasn't anywhere! I huff and make my way out the room, trying to come up with a story if they ask what it is and how I got it.

I walk down the stairs and see Kim sitting at the bottom, wagging her tail. I bend down and pat her head before heading into the lounge where the guests were according to Mitchell.

As soon as I get there I could feel many emotions. Happiness, regret and relief. Happiness because I could see them again. Regret because I wished I had gone back sooner, but I had my career and boyfriend which made up for it. And relief because they were still alive.

Will's POV

We were driving in a residential area to avoid the traffic when Festus the Mini Van let out a few creaks and broke down. Leo started doing his thing but after fifteen minutes let out an anger puff.

"What happened Leo?," asked Annabeth.

"Festus broke down-"

"Clearly," muttered my annoyed significant other.

Leo glared at him and continued," So we're going to be stuck for a while until I fix it. Two to three hours max."

"Great. What do we do now?," asked a tired Piper.

"We should tell the owners of the house that we aren't trespassing and that our car broke down before they call the police," I said. Annabeth nodded and we left Leo to fix Festus while we went to tell the property owners.

We walked up to the two story house and Jason knocked on the door. We heard shuffling and a few barks. They must have dogs. I wonder what kind of breed. The mahogany looking door opened to reveal a man who looked a few years older than me with sandy hair and Caribbean blue eyes.

"Hello there. Harrogate-Jackson residence. How can I help you?," he said. My eyes widen at his words. His eyes land on Annabeth and I and widen as well.

"Annabeth? Will? What are you doing here?," he asked.

"Mitchell? Oh my gods!," said Annabeth. Mitchell smiled a bit then frowned.

"You didn't answer my question is though. What are you doing here? It's the land beyond the gods," he said.

"Thats why we need to talk to Percy. Do you know where he is?," asked Piper. Mitchell blushed a little and nodded his head.

"Yeah. He's upstairs sleeping. He's...uh...not feeling very well," he said. "Come in." I try to sense illness and pain from the upstairs area and found what hurt and how he got it... Let's say I'm quite disturbed even though Nico and I do it.

He opened the door wider and and everyone walked in. I passed him as he closer the door and whispered,"Yeah he's got a bad case of post-anal sex." He qawked at me. I chuckled. "I use the same excuse bro. Don't worry I won't tell," I assured him. He let out a sigh of relief and playfully glared at me.

We walk to the lounge and Mitchell tells us he's going to see if Percy was awake. He walks up the stairs and in hear the soft creak of a door opening coming from up there. Nico sat next to me playing with the border collie while the Husky walked to each of us, seeming to observe us. Annabeth was walking around the room, looking at the photographs that stood on the coffee table next to one of the couches.

I hear footsteps coming down and see Mitchell coming up to us. He takes a seat on the love seat and looks at us. He looks at Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel and Nico.

"Part of the Seven and Nico di Angelo, I'm guessing," he said.

"How did you know?," asked Jason.

"Percy told me," he said smiling at him. "He should be down in about five minutes if you were wondering."

"So Mitchell, how has Alaska been?," asked Piper.

"Amazing. No quests from gods, going with Percy to the rink, working at the animal shelter and hanging out with my dogs and Percy," he informed with a smile.

"Oh, that's cool," said Frank.

"How did you and Percy meet?," asked Hazel.

"Well I was walking down by the lake and I saw him sitting on the sand. He didn't seem to notice me and I realised that he was making little water sculptures with the water. I went up and asked him if he was a demigod. So he said he was and I told him I was too. He told me his story and I told him mine. After six months I asked him out. And we're still dating to this day," he said. Piper awwwed while the rest smiled. Nico had a small smile playing on his lips. We heard footsteps approach and there stood Percy. His eyes held many emotions.

He looked kind of adorable with what he was wearing, light blue jeans and a pastel peach wool sweater that slightly hung off his shoulders. He was bare foot and you could see some blisters on his feet. Must be from breaking in his skates. He looked innocent and you might think that he is innocent but the large hickey on his neck made you realise that he wasn't as innocent as you thought.

"Hey guys. What-what are you doing here?," he asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well we were actually going to tell you about this quest we have as soon as we saw you but now I have to ask. Was Mitchell good? Cause damn. . . That is one large hickey, Perce," said Leo as he walked in with a cheeky smile. He was a bit dirty and had a smudge on his cheek.

Percy and Mitchell blushed a dark crimson together while Hazel started fanning herself. Sweet child. Percy, answering Leo's question, gave a quick nod and sat down next to Mitchell.

"Ummm before I feel anymore uncomfortable. What are you guys doing here?," asked Percy.

"Please do tell so after I can murder Percy for stealing my sweater again," said Mitchell, glaring at the grinning Percy who was wiggling his eyebrows at Mitchell.

"This about about your friends Yuri Plisetsky, Vikturi Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki," said Piper. The goofy expression on Percy's face faded and was replaced by by a serious look.

"What about them?," asked Mitchell.

"They're demigods."