Sooo been only a few years! Been to uni, graduated uni and am now floating around in the abyss that is building a portfolio and trying to find a job! But what with the corona virus and I guess I have time to build one AND write some more fanfiction! =) So chapter 9 my babies. Hope you enjoy!



He'd caught up quickly, though the young knight insisted on walking slightly in front as appose to next to him.

"Ya know it was kind of good getting out like that, stretching. We could do it tomorrow if you like."

She frowned to herself, still oh so very confused at what her place in the world was turning into. Integra Wingates Hellsing, slayer of Vampires who…also…hung out occasionally…with vampires. She sighed and her mind wandered to earlier, his breath on her face. She shook her head to clear it, dam him.

"Mmm, maybe."

"You didn't like it?"
She allowed herself a small smile. "Yes, I did, it was actually really fun." They neared the gate and she turned to him. "Thank you for that Alucard."

He grinned. "You said thank you without insulting me."

"Yeah." She muttered. "I get it, I'm learni-AH!" He wrapped an arm swiftly around her waist and pulled her close. Again careful not to hurt her he lifted the knight from the ground and leaping over the fence. Again Integra squeezed her eyes tight shut and only opened them when she was sure they were back on the ground.

"Well your welcome." She broke free and turned to walk towards the school again, hoping he hadn't seen her blush for the second time that night.



She made him wait outside her dorm room as she changed. Looking around she felt a twinge of guilt at the vampires sleeping arrangement and as a last ditch effort quickly flung her blanket and a pillow onto the corner chair.

"Ok." She said, aware he could hear her perfectly well through the walls.

Alucard entered as Integra slipped half under the covers.

"You need attention."

"Pardon?" He nodded at her top and she glanced down, a small red stain had bloomed. "It must have opened earlier." She muttered. The knight shrugged. "It only stings a little."

It was sudden, she looked up into searing red eyes and yelped. "THE HELL!"

He laughed but made no retreat. "The faster you heal the better."

"Er, I mean-" The day had left her rather flustered, especially her previous interactions with him and butterflies were gathering in her stomach fast. Now he did sit back.

"I have no intention of forcing you into anything. If you wish I can heal you, if not it's small and could probably just use a plaster."

Integra stared a small while, desperately going over in her head what was practical, not what she kind of internally wanted. Which of course wasn't for a vampire to lick her blood! Even if he already had. She still had pride, he'd tasted her once but it didn't mean he could help himself to regular meals from her! She did need to heal though, although a plaster could do the trick she wouldn't heal as fast. Though it would deter him if she said no.

She sighed. And wiggled lower in her bed, pulling the sheets down and her top up, staring intently at the her ceiling as she did so.

"I think you can heal me a lot quicker." She was Integra, she wasn't going to be intimidated. This was best, and it meant nothing. She continued to tell herself this even as Alucard leaned forwards and his cool breath prickled her skin. Three long gnarly scabs ran up her stomach, they were going nowhere fast and in a few select places were broken slightly- hence the blood. However they didn't so much hurt as itch now and so were perfectly bearable. A thought came to Integra that they would act as a way to remember to be careful in the future… then she almost snorted at her current situation. Almost, had she not genuinely trusted Alucard.


"You're more comfortable with me now." He spoke softly and a small shiver ran through Integra as he began to lick at her skin.

"Hmm." She merely hummed, gulping as he continued. Maybe this wasn't so smart.

"Does this mean I can sleep next you now?"

Her eyes widened and head snapped to him. "Absolutely bloody not!"

He laughed. "Even in dog form?"

"No!" Boundaries, there had to be boundaries right?

Suddenly his face mutated and large round red eyes where peering up at her. He gave a soft whimper and Integra's head snapped back to the ceiling. "No." She said more firmly this time.

She felt instead of saw his form change again.



"You like it." He purred, going to lick her again only to have his face smushed away.

"That is quite enough." The young knight pushed him till he reluctantly moved. "You're not sleeping next to me and that's final!" The only protest was a low growl as he slinked over to the chair, sniffing at the covers and shoving them aside with his foot. Collapsing back into the pillow and sliding down the chair he plonked his feet up on the dresser.

"Have it your way!"

"I bloody well will!" She snapped back, hoisting up the covers and rolling over sharply in bed. Integra's eyes widened as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and felt as the scabs opened ever so slightly. She winced but refused to move. They were tiny openings and would scab over quickly.

The silence hung in the air, heavy and awkward.

In an attempt to clear it the young knight spoke.

"Good night Alucard."


She frowned and buried her face harder into the pillow. Stupid vampire….I am NOT a prude! Her mind wandered back to the park and Integra felt a twinge of sadness.

"It was fun…today."

Silence. "It was."

She smiled. That was all she needed. Her eyes slowly shut and the young knight fell into a deep sleep.



Integra woke to a pale light drifting through her curtains. It wasn't the light in fact but the nauseating feeling building within her that had woken Integra. Slowly she sat up, squeezing her eyes tightly shut so as to not throw up.

"Alucard do you mind?" She mumbled, breathing heavily through her nose. She waited.

"Alucard?" Nothing.

Oh for god's sake. Integra gritter her teeth she'd though he wouldn't be so annoyed over her not letting him sleep besides her but apparently he was!

"Look I can take the chair… Alucard?" Upon opening her eyes the blond stared at the empty chair across from her bed. How annoyed had he been! Well in that case he can sulk all he likes! Having said that the nauseating feeling was rising.

"Just breathe." She whispered."Justbreathjustbreathjustbreeea-" Rolling over Integra emptied her stomach into the bin… great.

"Alucard, if you're there I get it, your vampery witchy skills are very useful and very much so needed right now!" Again nothing and Integra growled. Clutching her head and spitting out furiously she rose to clear up. Ok, when faced with dangerous…or in this case frustrating circumstances you prioritise. Breath, clean teeth, breath, clear up bin, bre-oh crap school!

With the vampire hiding there was no certainty the teachers thought she was ill still.

It turns out Integra had woken not in the middle of the day but at 5am that morning. At first she was extremely annoyed about the lack of sleep but upon rethinking realised it was the perfect opportunity to go shower before the others rose. She took a moment to compose herself and, ignoring the horrid taste in her mouth, slowly grabbed her toothbrush and towel and trudged her way to the shower rooms.


The hot water woke her up a little and Integra focused on her breathing. How had she declined so rapidly? Her thoughts went to Alucard and she huffed, after all his healing powers couldn't have that much of an effect on her. Regardless she was a little worried. Concussion. She had seen it in some of the soldiers at the manor, they had bumped their heads-some more serious then others- and throwing up or spells of dizziness were common place. If she began passing out however she might need to call in her father. She closed her eyes. She just had to move slowly, breath…and maybe take some pain killer!


A part of her wanted to stay under the warm spray but she couldn't risk any other girls waking up and coming in. Turning of the water she wrapped a towel around herself and walked out. Upon looking up the young knight noticed herself in the mirror and froze mid thought. Her face! Walking closer she noticed the bruising on her eye was the lightest of purples, apart from that- facial wise- she looked ok. Checking no one was around the knight opened the towel slowly and winced at her stomach. For the first time she realised the fact these scars were not going away and, deep down, in the depths of Integra where she was in fact a pubescent teenage girl, she felt a little sad for her body. The bruising had faded to an unappealing yellow and scabs where thick. She shook herself. At least her face was presentable. Back in her dorm she took the paracetamol Seras had given her and waited for class to start. There was time beforehand to get breakfast and hang with friends but as Integra had none, she ignored her stomach and waited for the bell to ring signalling the start of class. A pit in her stomach began to grow, and as the bell for class rang and Integra got up to leave, she realised a whole new horror, she was lonely.



To top everything off the young knight's head was swimming and staring at salvador dali's melting clock paintings was making it ever so slightly worse. The voice of the teacher droned on in the background and Integra squeezed her eyes tightly shut.

"Now! Whom can tell me what era of art Dali inspired? Anyone?"

Art. Integra internally snarled. How are you meant to protect yourself against a bloody vampire with art!


Guess you could stick the paint brush in its heart.

"Psst! Integra!"

Does that count as a wooden stake?

A softish poke to the ribs caught her off guard and Integra whipped her drooping head up making it swim again.


"Integra we're meant to copy the… Are you sure you're feeling better?"

Much to Integra's genuine relief, at the beginning of the lesson Seres Victoria had come bounding up to her exclaiming how happy she was the young knight was over her migraine. Integra nodded, thanked Seras for the items she had brought to her room and the two had sat together.

"I can ask the teacher if I can take you to the nurses office if you want?"

"Oh, it's nothing I'll be fine."

"You're looking a little peaky."

"I've had a lot of rest so I'm actually a little bored of staying in my room." It wasn't a complete lie.

"If you like we-"

"SERAS!" The two blonds jumped in unison and a tall, sharply featured woman looked down her nose at the pair of them.

"Do you ever cease jabbering on young lady!" It was less a question more a statement and Seras muttered an apology before continuing her work.

When her back was turned, she continued. "If you like." She whispered. "We can have lunch together!"

More relief flooded the knight. "That would actually… be great."

They both smiled and then hurriedly set to work drawing the objects in the middle of the table to look as if they were melting.



Unfortunately integra didn't have the next period with Seres so had to brave English alone. She walked into the class, books clutched to her chest. Its fine, you can do this! Friends, they're human, this should be easy!

Sitting down at the nearest table she forced herself to unclench her hands and breath. The paracetamol had helped numb the pain. If didn't move to fast she was ok for the dizziness. A slight nausea remained but it was debatable weather it came from her head trauma or fear of the other students. Plucking up her courage the young vampire hunter turned to a ginger girl sat next to her.

Oh god please respond! "Um, Hi there!" She tried her best to smile sincerely and the girl turned to Integra. Oh god oh god!

"Hi!" She replied smiling. "You're the new girl right?"

The knight laughed a little awkwardly. "Yeah, afraid so, started a few days ago!"

The girl grinned. "Well I'm Fraya!"


The smiled one last time before the teacher told everyone to settle down.

Ok… this isn't so bad!


Integra managed to speak to a fair few people including Fraya in the next two lessons, learning that everyone was pretty casual and so if she followed suit they got along quite well.

Blue eyes scanned the timetable.

"History," muttermutter "no that's Tuesday." muttermutter "oh Geography!"

She took another two paracetamol as enough time had passed for the previous ones to wear off and entered. She sat down, still scanning her timetable- since meeting Alucard she hadn't had time to properly see what lessons she had. Suddenly a shadow was being cast over her.


Frowning Integra glanced up and instantly swallowed a little.

Green eyes were gleaming down at her and he smiled a gorgeo-she shook a head a little- toothy smile. Burning red hair was tied into a braid which hung loosely over the boy's shoulder.


He grinned further. "Tu parle français?"

She wavered her hand. "un peu." The way he was looking at her seemed almost… hungry. Instantly her eyes flashed to his mouth. White teeth gleamed back but not a fang in sight. She'd been so focused on his teeth she hadn't noticed him lean forward slowly.

"Like what you see?"

Yes. She coughed. "No." Turns out the hungry look was just him being pervy and Integra fought off the confusion she felt at not minding the attention.

She continued. "You know the teacher will start soon."

The boy shrugged and sat on the edge of her desk. "Ah do not worry, Mr Heckley iz always late."

"Late enough for you to sit talking?"

"Late enough for you to tell me your name." He winked back.

A knot in her stomach began to grow and this time it wasn't the nausea.

"I-Integra." She stuttered. She actually stuttered.

He grinned and the knot grew tighter. "belle." Right on time Mr Heckley came half running into the class dumping books haphazardly across the desk and breathing heavily.

"Eight! Page eight! Look alive people!"

The boy glanced down at the seat next to integra. She narrowed her eyes. He grinned. She shook her head. He sat. You. Are Integra Wingates Hellsing! Pull. Yourself. Together!


Integra Wingates Hellsing glanced to her left and into those soft green eyes again, then proceeded to

melt a little.

"Non." The knight proceeded to fumble around pulling out her own stationary and write down the date quickly, though she paused on seeing the title.

"Yes thats right class! Par-eeee" Mr Heckley drew out the eee in a failed attempt at a French accent and Integra heard the boy next to her snort.

"We are learning about the storming of Bastille and all that occurred in the-" Whilst the teacher rumbled on the boy lent in a little, eyes still on the board as he whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

"I was actually asking if I might borrow a pen!"

"Oh!" Integra rummaged around her pencil case and held one under the table. She stilled when his hand brushed hers and on glancing at him noticed those warm green eyes were resting on hers.

"Mercy." He winked.

She merely hummed a response and went back to writing, sure her cheeks were warmer than before.


The lunch hall was crammed, noise filled the air and Integra was starting to sweat. The day had been quite exhausting and her head was really beginning to pound. She shuffled her feat, standing with a tray in her hands and looking at the sandwich, apple and juice box on it as it saved her looking around at full tables and feeling stupid. This was new, this was strange. Sure Seras had said she wanted to eat lunch with her but they never arranged a meeting point and so there Integra was, standing next to a pillar staring miserably at an apple whilst everybody ate. Her stomach gave a low growl, reminding her she hadn't eaten breakfast. It was at this point her eyes began to sting and Integra bit her lip in anger. Where is he? He's meant to be here! She would not cry. She would not cry. She would not-

"Integra!" A hand landed on her shoulder and she jumped, turning suddenly. A bright smile and blue eyes met her Integra was honestly relived.

"H-hi." She said, still a tad shaky.

"I've been looking all over for you! Come sit outside with us!" Integra nodded and still smiling the other blond popped her arm through Integra's and led her outside into the sunshine.


There were two other girls, Anna and Maya, though they both seemed friendly and happy to have Integra join them. Luckily Seras was good at talking and that suited Integra just fine as she was more than happy to sit and listen. It was half way through Seras' story of PE class that Integra noticed something. The French boy whom had sat next to her in Geography class previously was across the yard from her. A pretty girl was ogling at him as he lent in close to her, clearly saying something tremendously funny as she was giggling away. The young knight couldn't help but frown.

"You aaight 'Tegra?" Integras head whipped back to the girl named Anna and her vision swam.

"Hm? Yes yes I'm fine!" She bit back the nausea.

The girl smirked and looked over at the boy. "His names Pip."

It was Seras' turn to scowl. "Why are we bringing him up?"

"Tegra noticed 'im didn' ya?"

Seras now looked across the yard and her scowl deepened. "He's a French pig. He makes up lies and tries to get close to you but then does it with allll the other- Integra! Are, are you ok?"

Although the young knight was nodding the shaking hand covering her mouth said other wise and for the second time that day, Integra Wingates Hellsing emptied her stomach.





Hope everyone is staying safe and INdoors! For real I know its affecting a fair few people in a multitude of ways. I'm sorry to those suffering and hope you are able to stay safe and happy. Well done those of the front lines!
