My 100th story! WHOO-HOOO!

Anyway, carry on.

A Dangerous Lightning Storm

Chapter 1 - Hate at First Sight

Eduardo Storm was the finest and fastest new-gen racecar of 2000, but just like his ice cold blue eyes and charcoal paint, his heart was shrouded in darkness. Eduardo only cared about one thing when racing, and that was winning, no matter the cost. It never mattered if his fellow racers were seriously injured or even killed.

But despite being the most abusive racer in every season, Eduardo miraculously won the heart of an unsuspecting beautiful young woman named Lisa, a silver 2000 Nissan GT-R with silver eyes. Lisa fell helplessly in love with Eduardo, as he seemed to have a soft spot for her…a very small soft spot.

It wasn't until Eduardo and Lisa finally settled down and had their first child that that soft spot faded away, and the primal instinct of greed and wrath returned in full power.

Their son, Jackson Storm, was a spitting of Eduardo, sans for the silver eyes he inherited from his mother; the little ebony racecar unfortunately seemed to have inherited his father's violent nature as well. With hardly any friends at school, the only one he really appreciated was his father as a role model.

Like his father, he could never see the greater things in life, especially when Eduardo's love for Lisa had completely diminished. Since she had already bared him a child to raise and mold into the perfect next-gen racer, Eduardo saw no use for his wife anymore.

And one day, Eduardo finally spoke his true feelings.

"Get out," Eduardo growled threateningly.

"W-what?" Lisa whimpered.

"You're as daft as when you married me, woman! I said GET OUT!"

Truly terrifying the one woman he thought he loved, the tension grew too much and things got physical, as Eduardo began abusing Lisa, all blows rough and merciless.

But whether or not it was her speed or Eduardo's slight resistance to kill the only woman who truly cared for him, Lisa luckily escaped from his evil clutches and ran away, without even saying goodbye to her own son. And never returned.

In the heat of the aftermath, Eduardo found himself all alone in his house, growling deeply while his tires were covered with blood, as they stained the marble kitchen floor. But then the silence was broken when the door slowly opened, and none other than Jackson was standing in the doorway. His father didn't expect him to home from school so early.

"Dad?" Jackson finally spoke, his eyes darting nervously between his father's back and the blood around him.

"Son…" Eduardo breathed, reluctant to face his only child, "Your mother's gone."

Eduardo lied and told Jackson that she wanted to leave, that she didn't love them, not that he chased her away. And being very young and emotional, as well as being his role model, Jackson believed his father.

But even in the face of darkness, a light can still shine.

Jackson was practicing his racing one Saturday morning, trying to beat his best time, but to no avail. And each time he lost, his temper only grew more violent; he even took his anger out on a little sapling growing in the backyard, breaking it and yanking whatever was left out of the ground.

"H-hey!" Jackson practically hissed when he was interrupted, turning around violently to the owner of the voice. It was a stranger, nonetheless, a bright red stock car with blue eyes, maybe a few years older.

"What're you doing to that poor tree?" the stock car quickly drove up to the already uprooted tree, already knowing there was nothing else he could do.

"What're you doing in my backyard?!" Jackson snapped and got up in the stranger's face, making him back up.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to…to intrude or anything! I jut wanted to-!"

"Lightning!" Both boys froze and turned to the female voice, and a middle-aged, light brown BMW 2000 Series 3, with eyes just like Lightning's, quickly approached, "I told you to stay where I could see you!"

"Sorry, Mom! I wanted to meet the neighbors," Lightning apologized sheepishly.

"Neighbors?" Jackson repeated with a sneer.

"Yes, little one, we are your new neighbors," the BMW informed politely, "I'm Melissa, and this is Lightning."

"Great. More stupidity, just what I need," Jackson grumbled under his breath while driving back into his house, which seemed to grab his father's attention.

"Oh, so sorry!" Eduardo greeted proudly, "Please excuse my son's behavior. I'm Eduardo Storm, and the little black cloud of darkness was my son Jackson."

Melissa's engine froze upon seeing a car as handsome as Eduardo; not even her husband could amount to him. But eventually, she found her voice and spoke with confidence, "P-pleased to meet you, Mr. Storm. My name is Melissa, and this is my son Lightning. We're your new neighbors, the McQueens."

"Well, Mrs. McQueen, I hope you two make yourself at home." With that, Eduardo turned to leave as well, scowling as soon as he turned all the way around and disappearing into his house.

Over the next few weeks, the McQueens tried to get closer to the Storms, and it felt like they were trying too hard because Eduardo and Jackson soon found them rather annoying. And Jackson showed his intolerance the most whenever Lightning was around, and tried to avoid him as much as possible.

"Ugh, why won't you just leave me alone?" Jackson growled when he couldn't take his annoying new neighbor following him around his backyard anymore.

"I-I just wanna play, Jack," Lightning insisted kindly.

"Don't call me that! It's Jackson, Dumbass!"

"W-wha-?! Y-You can't say that!"

"Oh, yeah? Why not?"

"Because it's bad!"

"What? You gonna stop me, Red?" Jackson was once again backing Lightning up in anger.

"N-No, I-."

"You're just so weird, ya know that? It's no wonder you wanna be my friend so bad, it's 'cause you don't have any." Lightning was finally backed up against a fence.


"Oh, shut up!" Jackson snapped and smacked Lightning's hood with brute force, instantly making the said red stock car yelp in pain.

"And stop following me." Jackson then turned around to leave Lightning to cry alone, but he was immediately greeted with Melissa, who was glaring down at him.

"What are you doing to my son?" she inquired with a hiss.

"W-What do ya mean? I-I-I didn't d-do anything!" Jackson quickly denied, but fear was still slightly audible in his tone.

"How dare you touch him?!"

"Mom, it's ok! I was the one who-!"

"Stay out of this, Lightning!" Melissa snapped, forgetting for a split second that she yelled at her own son, and so she softened, "I just need to talk with Jackson, so that he doesn't hurt you again. Ok, Dear?"

Too naïve and still dazed from the blow to his hood, Lightning was unable to detect the sneer in Melissa's voice, and did nothing as she lead Jackson out of the backyard with force.

Melissa knew Eduardo wasn't home right now, and she was not going to be gentle on his son…even if she was very smitten for him.

"Listen to me, you little ingrate," Melissa growled once they were out of sight, "Don't you ever treat me son like that again."

"You're not the boss a' me, lady!" Jackson bravely argued, but Melissa hastily retaliated with a sideswipe, knocking him back and turning him all the way over until he stopped.

Shaken and finally convinced, Jackson quivered and looked up at the BMW in fear. But nevertheless, Jackson's hatred for the McQueen's grew even more.

I ship it, I ship it, I ship it!

If you got a problem with it, just leave. But what do you think about LightningxJackson? Give your honest(and kind) opinion, please:D

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!