Way back when with little Magnus and Annabeth...

"What's Olympus?" Magnus asked.

Annabeth got a book from the shelf in her room, then quickly returned under the sheets with her cousin, "It's where the gods live. I read about them from daddy books."

"Ooooh," He paused, thinking about it, "I don't believe in gods"

She giggled, "That's okay. You don't have to."


At about midnight a swirling portal with a blue glow opened up under them sucking the two little chidren in.

"Ahhhhhh!" Magnus yelled tearing up, "Mommy!"

Annabeth held her little cousin in an attempt of comfort, "It's okay Mag." They closed their eyes as they headed toward what seemed to be a never ending tunnel until they both heard a resounding THUDof their bottoms hitting something hard.

Annabeth opened her eyes to get a good look on where she and her cousin were. From the looks of things they were in a city alleyway. The city smelled of car exhaust, rain, and garbage. In short the air stunk horribly. They seemed to have landed on some
/asphalt,but didn't seem to be hurt in the slightest bit.

The sound of little Maggie's terrifyied cryingsnapped Annabeth out thought, "I want my mommy." He sniffled, "I'm scared Annie."

"It'll be ok Maggie." She hugged him close as she could to calm him down, but she noticed slight footsteps coming towards them. Gradually becoming louder and louder.

Percy was walking down the street from his High School wondering where the Hades he parked his car when he heard a little boy crying in an alley way. He looked over to see a familiar face just...smaller, "Uhhhhh Annabeth? What happened to you?" He walked
overkneeled down to her and a little boy she was holding with the same blonde hair.

Little Annabeth glared at Percy and immiedately put her little cousin behind her in hopes of protecting him, "Who are you? How do you know my name?!"

"Oh. Well uh I'm like you I have a daddy like your mommy." He gave her a gentle smile to not scare her, "I know you in the future. You call me seaweed brain." She probably just got cursed by some god or somthing.He thought.

Her eyes softened but just as quickly went back to glare, "YA RIGHT!" She kicked him in the shin causing enough of a distraction for Annabeth to grab Magnus and run right by Percy out of the ally, into the sidewalks of New York.

Magnus took a second to soak in his surroundings, "This looks like a stinkier version of Boston!" He pulled her into an ally and looked upward toward the railing on the side of an apartment building, "Can you get that ladder if you jump off of me?"

"You go I can take him if he comes close." She bent over and gave Magnus a boast then pushed him up, "Maggie you good?"

Magnus grabbed onto a bar with his little fingers. "Uh huh." He climbed to the roof to get a better look around the city and spots Percy around the corner. "He's not far away!" He warned before taking a hiding place.

Percy walked into the ally, "Where did your friend go?"

Annabeth glared with her grey eyes still as frightening as her older self, "I'm not going to tell you stinky breath." She jumped on a garbage can to make herself bigger.

"Um," He searched his brain trying to think of anything he could do to help her believe he's not a monster or some scary man chasing them, "You want to build mount Olympus when you grow up. You really like books. Um you have some cousin in Boston. You
hatebeing thought of as a dumb blonde. Your daddy met your mom at Harvard."

"Are you some kind of pedo stalker?!"

"No, I'm just a really good friend of yours. I'm not here to hurt you I just want to find out why your a little kid,who that other kid is, if he's like you, and keep you two safe. Also secondly it would be hard for a 17 year old boy from New York tostalk
some girl in San Francisco without the internet or being able to take a plane."

Her glare hardened, "How do I know you weren't the person that sucked us through that portal and took us here?"

"Wait you were sucked through a portal and you remember it? ...Hang on one second." He proceeded to do something super stupid and risky(but that's like his middle name), he makes a phone call to older Annabeth.