Author Notes: Random thoughts in Jane's mind. Let us just say, this is one of the silliest ones that is close to my heart.

P.S. Everything in regular is Jane's banter in her mind and everything in italics is when Jane's train of thought derails. Hope you all enjoy!

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[Jane is sitting on the chair adjacent to the kitchen island, waiting for Maura to come out and have their breakfast.]

It feels a nice morning. A good sleep does that perhaps; or maybe it is because you got to spend the weekend with your best buddy. I really miss weekends all week. Woah! What was that? Funny weird thoughts out of nowhere; I love going to work. Come on Maura! Where are you? I need food!

[Jane is about to voice out her impatience when Maura comes in the kitchen and greets Jane with a smile. Jane smiles back, although her smile lingers a bit more than she intends to.]

Now it is a nice morning. She is just so, ummm breathtaking. Wait, what did I just think? Halt Detective! And Stop smiling now!

[Maura and Jane eventually find their daily morning doses of tease to fill their mental appetite with, while coffee and a peanut butter sandwich treats Jane's stomach. Jane insists Maura to try. Maura happily obliges.]

Finally Rizzoli! First win of the day! Take that crazy-expensive-weird-sounding-French-delicacy! Did I just say delicacy? Maura's sophistication is rubbing off on me!


[Later, on the drive to headquarters, Jane grins while Maura decides to geek out on the history of roads and buildings.]

She has begun. The crazy geek monster is out of the bag. Wait, wow really? I didn't know that! Sweet. How does she even know all that stuff? I am positive her brain is bigger on the inside.

[Jane breaks her train of thought to punctuate Maura's speech with a blatant mischievous remark. Maura grins back at the easy banter that she loves, Jane can tell.]

O she definitely is a genius by the way. Learn from her Rizzoli! She is amazing when she smiles. Look at those eyes… I think they are brighter. I love those freckles. I definitely should look forward before I crash. Jaaannnee… stop.


[Later in the day, Jane eventually finds a reason to come downstairs to Maura's office. She finds her working diligently on her desk.]

Is it just me or she looks so adorable and cute when she is arching her brows in concentration? Mmm. I should knock.

[Maura lips widen in one of those brightest smiles, the ones she reserves for Jane.]

How can I not love that?

[Jane and Maura start discussing the case they are on from yesterday and while brainstorming, as always Maura clicks with a brilliant lead. Jane positively beams with an encouraging tease that makes Maura laugh.]

There you go Maura! We are such a good team! I would rather stay here and solve all the cases with you. But wait, your couch blows. Nah! *chuckles* Mental high five on that recovery! Look! She is actually laughing. I love that I can make her beam like that. Funny, nobody sees how easy it is to make her happy. I am glad she lets me see that. I want to make her happy all the time. Hmmm… I think I can't backtrack from that. Her smile, just look! It is worth it.


[Later in the evening, Maura comes up to see Jane. Jane is on her desk, a little stressed over a lead that did not pan out when her gaze wavers towards the door and she feels a happy sigh of relief.]

Maura… You always know when I need to see you, don't you? I wonder how you do that. There is that smile again; already feeling better. She is so freaking cute. I just want to hug her. Stop it Jane Rizzoli! People will see you melting.


[Later in the night, after the dinner, Maura decides to stay over at Jane's. Maura is sitting and watching one of her favorite documentaries (because Jane lost a bet!) Jane is sitting beside her on the couch while Jo is snuggling in Maura's lap. Jane's gaze wanders from the television screen towards Maura.]

I am not sure if I appreciate this enough but this makes me happy. Us, on a regular night just being us; Even Jo loves this. Her eyes are actually sparking with excitement. How can someone be this endearing? She doesn't even know I lost the bet on purpose; She wanted to see these documentary, how could I have said no? Well I couldn't have said yes out loud, so… She looks happy. I can lose a hundred bets for that smile. I wish this never ends. I like how she keeps everything else at bay.

I really like having you around me Maura, you make me happy, and I hope you know that. Yes you definitely do. I love you Maura, Stay. Just stay, forever.