I realize that some of my information regarding the timeline of events might be wrong, so please be forgiving and take it as is :)

MakeAJoke: I do wish I was a star in L.A., but I live on the other side of the country. I chose the name Alastair because it means defender of mankind! :D

Here goes!

After Atlanta had perished, Chiron had taken Alastair in to be raised as his own and to train alongside the heroes that Chiron himself would train. He conducted research on Alastair's past, and found that his mother was Queen Atlanta and his father was King Andronicus of Thebes. Discovering this, Chiron decided to keep the information from Alastair until he was old enough to take everything in maturely. His godly parentage, however, was something that Chiron would tell him about from the start. It would do him no good to keep it hidden.

Line break

Two teenage boys stood across from each other on a collection of large boulders by a beach.

"How about you stop using your powers?" Alastair shouted at the sixteen year old boy in front of him. His opponent chuckled, his sea green eyes flashing.

"How about no?" The boy raised his arm, and a wave spiraled out of the water. Alastair's eyes widened before he raised his shield just as the wave smashed into him. The force was definitely something to be reckoned with. Alastair was forced back several feet as he pressed his body against his shield, holding back the wave as much as he could. Once the wave subsided, Alastair threw his shield away.

"You're so dead Kyrios." He half-joked to the son of Oceanus in front of him before throwing his sword away and launching himself into the other boy's boy. Kyrios followed suit and threw weapons away before grabbing Alastair as he slammed into him. Kyrios grunted. The power that the son of Kronos had was no joke. He pulled Alastair to the ground and launched two quick punches at his face before Alastair smashed his head into his. Kyrios stumbled back, a bit dazed, and Alastair jumped up and spun around, kicking Kyrios' chest and sending him flying into the ocean.

Behind Alastair, three warriors stepped up, shocked, but a watchful Chiron held up a hand.

"He'll be fine." Chiron chuckled to himself.

Alastair watched the waves for a few moments. Suddenly, Kyrios shot out of the water, a jet of water following him. He then slammed into Alastair and they continued their brawl.

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Alastair and Kyrios were walking in a nearby town, checking out the local vendors' shops when they suddenly heard shouting. Alastair's eyes perked up as he tried to figure out whether it was a threat to him or not, while Kyrios was ogling a girl that passed by him.

"Kyrios." Alastair nudged his sworn brother. Kyrios turned his head towards him, but his eyes remained glued to the girl. "KYRIOS."

Kyrios finally turned to look at him. "What is it brother? That girl was one hot specimen." Alastair rolled his eyes.

"There's commotion in the crowd. I think something's happened." He replied. Kyrios raised an eyebrow before seeing a figure in the distance running towards them and shouting. As the figure came closer, they could make out what he was saying.

"The gods have declared war on the Titans!" The man shouted. "Lord Kronos has requested every able-bodied man to report to his camp as soon as possible!"

The crowd muttered amongst itself with a mixture of excitement and fear. While war was something many looked forward to, others despised it for the chaos and destruction that it caused. Alastair looked at Kyrios and was shocked to see him with a firmness in his eyes.

"We will go help our fathers." Kyrios declared. Alastair snorted.

"Why should we? They have never once acknowledged us," Alastair retorted. "I doubt they even know of our existence."

Kyrios grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Brother. Think about it. If our fathers fall, the gods will become rulers of this place."

Alastair shrugged. "Why does it matter what immortals are in charge? The result is always the same. Lack of care for the people. All of these immortals are hungry for power. There is no exception."

"Yes, but with the Titans in power, we have peace, brother," Kyrios replied. "If the gods become rulers, then it is over for us. They will surely make sure to hunt down all the children of the Titans to ensure that there is no resistance to their rule."

"They can come try. I'll kill them all," Alastair shrugged. "I won't fight for immortals who won't even recognize their offspring." Kyrios glared at him.

"Fine. I'll go alone then." Before Alastair could stop him, Kyrios turned around and started running. Alastair cursed as he ran after him.

"Damn it." Alastair said as he saw Kyrios slowly getting farther and farther away. He cursed himself for not being able to manipulate time as his Titan father could. While he had inherited superhuman strength and speed, as all Titan children do, he was unable to have any influence over his father's domain of power.

Alastair stared at the diminishing figure of his brother. Right before Kyrios disappeared from sight, he stopped and turned back and raised a hand in farewell. Alastair nodded and raised his own hand in kind. Then he watched as Kyrios disappeared in the horizon.

Alastair sighed as he began walking back to Chiron's pavilion, located a few kilometers outside of the town. As he progressed out of the town, he could see several dozen young men heading off in the direction where his brother had gone.

Line break

"I'm sorry, Chiron, I couldn't stop him." Alastair had his head down as he faced the centaur who had trained him and raised him.

"Look at me." Chiron said, not unkindly. When Alastair's golden eyes met his, he chuckled. "It's not your fault, you know. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. Kyrios decided that he wanted to fight on behalf of Kronos. Though I don't approve of this decision at all, I respect it."

Alastair sighed. He turned around to take his leave when Chiron put a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, Alastair. There are a few things I have to tell you."

Alastair nodded, and stood ready to hear everything Chiron was about to say.

"You remember your mother's name, Atlanta?" Chiron asked.

"Of course." Alastair replied. "I would never forget it. She died saving me."

Chiron paused for a moment. "She was the Queen Atlanta of Thebes."

Alastair's eyes widened in surprise. "The Queen Atlanta who was sentenced to death for infidelity?"

Chiron nodded. "The very one. Her husband, King Andronicus, ordered her killed the moment he saw your eyes when you were born. Your mother had many supporters, however, and she managed to escape and bring you to me. When I found her, she was gravely wounded, beyond my skills. That's how I found you."

Alastair's eyes narrowed. "You always told me that she was being chased by bandits."

Chiron's eyes flared in anger as he thought about the men who killed Atlanta. "They might as well have been. Anyone who serves Andronicus is a bandit, no more."

Alastair raised an eyebrow.

"He's still alive?" Chiron nodded.

"After his sentencing of your mother to death, many people in Thebes rose against him. An army of ten thousand marched against Andronicus. However, he completely crushed the rebels. Everyone in Thebes now fears him."

Alastair gritted his teeth.

"I will find him and kill him." He turned to leave, but Chiron called out.

"One more thing, Alastair." When his protégé turned around, Chiron explained. "You aren't able to use your power over time. Let me explain why. Your power is sealed within you. This has only happened four times before, each time with a son of Kronos."

"What happened?" Alastair asked, wanting to know more about his condition, but Chiron held up a hand.

"Let me finish. The power is sealed within you because it is incredibly powerful. After unlocking their powers, the four sons of Kronos before you fought Titans themselves and prevailed. Their power of time rivaled that of Kronos himself," Chiron paused. "They each sought immortality. If they had received it, they would have been immensely powerful, enough to topple the balance in the world."

"What happened to them?" Alastair asked. "Why haven't I heard of them?"

"They demanded the Titans grant them immortality. However, each time, the combined might of all the Titans, Kronos included, was too much for each son of Kronos, and each one perished."

Alastair nodded. "And how could I break my seal?"

Chiron sighed sadly. "I don't know. There isn't too much knowledge about these sons of Kronos. Even if it had been passed down, it has been a millenia since that last son of Kronos with sealed power. You are a phenomenon to be sure."

Alastair grinned. "Thanks, Chiron." Then, becoming serious, he said, "Thank you for everything Chiron. You've been like a dad to me. I won't forget to visit you when I become famous." He winked at the centaur, who rolled his eyes.

"Good luck, Alastair."

And that's the second chapter! Please leave reviews :)

If you ever have any questions feel free to ask them and I'll respond in the next chapter!