Disclaimer: *sigh*so no...i don't own phantom...*big pout*anyway,i want to.anyone have any idea how much it'd cost to buy erik for the night?er...i mean...just go ahead and read o.o;

Toward the end of the Andrew Lloyd Weber play,everyone's coming down to kick Erik's ass,Christine is being her usual dippy self,and Sir Fopsalot is standing with a noose around his neck. The perfect happy photo.

Erik: *shaking Raoul around by the neck* So do you end your days with me,or do you send him to his GRAVE?

Raoul: *looking a bit green* why make her..*hiccup*...lie to you to save...um...me?

Christine: *thinking,she doesn't say anything and is rather blankly ignoring sir fopsalot*

Erik: *music starts to wind down*...um.... Christine....

Christine: *looks up*oh!*sings* wishing you were somehow here again-

Raoul: ...that was a couple scenes ago....

Erik: ...kinda...

Christine: *blinks,sees Raoul*AAAHHH! Erik! What's the fop doing here?!

Erik: ...*looks at Raoul*...why do we bother?

Raoul: idunno...

Erik: ..oh well.*shakes him around a bit more* as I was saying.... So do you end your days with me,or do you send him to his GRAVE?

Christine: ewwwww...but then he'd be all icky and dirty...

Erik: *grin* and decaying too.

Raoul and Christine: eeeeeewwwwwwwwww...

Mob: We're coming,to kick your ass Erik,because...you killed two people who...deserved to die anyway! Even though one had no place in the plot in the first place!

Random guy in the mob: Revenge for Buquet! Revenge for Piangi! ^.^ I'm so special 'cuz I got an extra line.

Erik: ....I kill two people and everyone thinks I'm such a bad person...pff...

Raoul: *coughs* weren't you gonna hang me?

Erik: ...don't push me poodle boy.

Christine: that's a new one. he does kinda look like a poodle...

Raoul: *looks annoyed* woof.

Erik: *pauses then grabs a dog biscuit and begins to choke Raoul with a dog biscuit*

Raoul: arc-argh!

Christine: double ewwies!

Carlotta: *falls through the ceiling and lands on Erik*

Erik: AH! get the toad off of me! I'm gonna get warts!

Carlotta: *cries*that's hurtful...you just killed my boyfriend... ...well....

Raoul: the idiot who followed you around all the time kissing your ass as much as the managers?

Carlotta: YEAH! ..hey...if you gained some weight you could pass as him....

Erik: *starting to pass out since he can't breath,Christine is tugging on his leg*


Carlotta: ..HONEY! *pounces on Raoul..unfortunatly,the Punjab doesn't snap,so she all but breaks his neck*

Raoul: *gags*

Erik: *stands up panting* can't...*pant*...feel...my...spinne...

Christine: hey..I could give you a back rub,then we could have a make out session and stuff...

Erik: *eyes shine* realllllly?

Christine: uh huh!

Female Audience: *don't believe her,since she's already betrayed poor Erik once.the bitch.*

Male Audience: *think* 'finally,all that shrieking's going to be put to good use...'

Christine and Erik: *run off to his room,which is somewhere off stage,lots of smooching sounds are heard*

Raoul: *can apparently see this going on* Christineee.....Christineeeee...why....WHY?!

Erik: *from off stage* now you know how it feels FOP!

Christine: ignore him Erikins!*more smooching sounds*

Carlotta: *looking offstage*...

Raoul: *cries and whines* I want someone to kiss me tooooo...

Carlotta: *grins* okayyyy..

Raoul: AH! no! not you! God! PLEASE not you!

Mob: *shows up* hey! we finally got here! yahoo!

Raoul: *looks back at mob*...aren't there any hot chicks here except for Christine?

Meg: I'm cute...

Random guy who had more than just the 'track down this murderer' song: *checks her out* yep,you are. wanna go on a date?

Meg: okay.

Rgwhmtjttdtms: cooliness!

Raoul: *whines*

Carlotta: *hangs off his body* seeee? we're meant to be!


Carlotta: Noone can help you now lover boy!

Mob Guy 1: *tosses Carlotta a knife*there ya go girly!

Carlotta: yay! *cuts Raoul down*

Raoul: *screams and tries to scamper away*

Carlotta: *catches him by the 'leash' on his neck* oh no you don't.

Raoul: *sobs as he is dragged off*

Carlotta: *grab the boat,throws him in it and starts them across the lake*

Raoul: *continues to sob*

Carlotta: *singing* SAYYYY you'll share with meeeeee one loooovvveeee one lifetimeeeeee....

Raoul: NO

Carlotta: GRRR *dunks him in the lake* sing bastard!

Raoul: uh...*whimper* say...the word...and...I will follow you..?

Carlotta: yay! WORD!

Raoul: *wails* why meee..Christine I lovvvvvvveeeee yyyyyoooooouuuuuu...

Christine: *off stage* of course I'll marry you Erik!

Erik: Yippy!

The end. Or the way it should have been.