
"Pam" Eric called

A second later Pam walked into his office.

"How is our guest?"

"He still won't talk and the sun is about to rise." Pam responded with an annoyed look on her face.

Eric leaned back in his chair with his fingers laced together over his chest. "I'm disappointed Pam. You should have broken Compton hours ago."

Pam crossed her arms and glared at Eric. "I am the best he is just stubborn."

Eric chuckled and stood up. "It's alright Pam let's go down and talk to him one more time."

They both used vampire speed to reach the basement faster. Bill was hanging on the wall covered in blood and slowly healing wounds. The Rats were curled up on the floor shrinking away from their arrival. The smell was awful they clearly had released on themselves in fear during Pam's entertainment.

"Compton, you can make this easy on yourself. Tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go and you can have these humans to feed from to heal yourself."

Bill looked up and glared up and Eric. "It was for fun."

"Fun?" Eric questioned

"I wanted to punish them for even thinking about trying to drain me so. However, I wanted to enjoy my punishment and make it last."

"So, you had them attack two people?"

"I needed to make it look like I was protecting them so their deaths wouldn't cause me trouble later."

Eric smirked "So you do have a brain in that head of yours. Since, I am inclined to believe you, I will let you go but cross me again Compton and your stay here won't be as mild. As punishment for not telling me about the drainers you must appear at Fangtasia every night for a month. Understood?"

"Yes Sheriff" Bill responded

Eric nodded "Pam" was all Eric had to say before he turned around to leave.

Pam released Bill and watched as he drained the Rats. She then ordered Bill to get rid of the bodies.

Bill picked them up and then rushed out of the club.

Pam walked back upstairs to Eric who was now in the club's main room overseeing the waitress closing down the club. "Pam, I will be having a guest tomorrow. See that she is brought to me when she arrives."

"A guest?" Pam wondered

Eric turned to look at her "Sookie Stackhouse." Eric said

Pam sighed " The blood bag"

Eric moved quickly and grabbed Pam by the throat. "You will respect her Pamela. Do I have to make that an order?"

"No Master, Pam wheezed out."

"Good." Eric released her and then walked toward the door.

"Lock up Pam." Was his last order before he was out the door.

Later that morning

Sookie was up and already practicing with Fintan. When a voice called out. "You are doing much better little Warrior."

Fintan and Sookie stopped and turned to the new comer. "Uncle Des!" Sookie shouted, while running over and giving him a hug.

Desmond chuckled and hugged Sookie back. Then let go and took a step back with a mock frown on his face. "What is this I hear about you saving Vampires, young lady?"

Sookie immediately pouted. "Uncle Des, he was being drained."

Desmond frowned at Sookie for a few more minutes before releasing his frown and smiling again. "Honestly, little Warrior you didn't even know him."

Sookie turned away and walked back over to Fintan while saying. "Yeah well, I was raised to be kind to everyone despite their species."

Desmond sighed "Yes that is true, but be cautious of this Vampire, yes?"

"Of course, Uncle Des." Sookie said while she sat down to begin meditation. Knowing Desmond was here to train her as well. He always came on her days off from work to train with her.

"Fintan may we speak in private." Desmond asked Fintan quietly

Fintan nodded and lead Desmond over the porch which was out of Sookie's hearing range.

"She meet the Northman yet?" Desmond asked

Fintan nodded "Last night"

"So, it has begun. Do you think she is ready?"

Fintan sighed and looked over at Sookie. "She is going to have to be. We have trained her as much as we can in the short time we have. I wish I could just hide her away and protect her forever, but I can't"

Desmond face become sad as he looked over at Sookie as well. "I know what you mean old friend. She is our little light."

"I almost wish I could go back and do everything differently so she wouldn't have to bear this burden." Fintan said with sadness

Desmond nodded "I know but you know the consequences of that."

Fintan nodded "Enough of this talk. Let us go and train."

Desmond face brightened. "I agree."

"Sookie" Desmond called while walking towards Sookie.

Sookie slowly came out of her meditative state and looked up at Desmond.

"Let's being, try to break down my barrier."

This kind of training went on for hours. Desmond casting different spells while Sookie worked to find ways to counter them.

Later that night found Sookie fixing her hair so it fell softly down her back with small tight curls at the ends to make it bounce while she walked. When that was done she put on a red dress that fit her in all the right places. It accented her curves and showed off her breast well. Once, she was done, she walked down the stairs where everyone was waiting.

"Oh my!" Gran exclaimed

Her Uncles had frowns on their faces "You are going out like that."

Sookie sighed "Yes, I am going to a Vampire club I have to look the part and not stick out like a sore thumb."

Fintan and Desmond were still not happy but let it go. They knew it was far better for Sookie to blend in and not be noticed than to be the center of attention to the vampire in the club.

They nodded "be careful Little Light" Fintan said as he kissed Sookie's forehead.

Desmond walked over next and kissed Sookie cheek. "Yes, be careful Little Warrior."

Sookie nodded walked over to hug and kiss her Gran and walked out the door.

"They grow up so fast." Gran sighed wistfully "Do you boys want some pie? I made it fresh this morning."

Desmond and Fintan rushed over to the table and sat down "Yes Adele" They would never pass up Adele Stackhouse's famous pie.

I'm ending it here. Next Chapter Sookie goes to Fangtasia. I know I skipped the scene with Dawn. I did that on purpose. Everything will be explained later.