Children reflect their parents' actions

"Yo, China," said Okita as he walked into the house.

"Welcome home," returned Kagura reading the newspaper as she casually munched on pickled seaweed on the couch.

"Since when did you ever read the newspaper?"

"Ever since your mother regretted birthing you," replied Kagura without looking up.

Okita then walked over to take the newspaper out of her hand. He watched as Kagura's nose began to bleed. "Are you still eating danna's chocolates?"

"No," said Kagura while looking at him with a blank face.

He sighed, "Kagura."


"Too much chocolate isn't good for the baby," scolded Okita. "Oh that reminds me, where's Sousuke?"

"Sousuke? Kamui just came by to play with him in the backyard."

"That space criminal?" Okita turned pale, that man was bad news. He flicked Kagura's forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Has being pregnant melt your brain?"

"Has being married make you into a menstruating woman?"

Okita sighed before quickly kissing her left temple. "We can continue this after I get Sousuke."

Kagura still blushed every time. She waved, "don't break too many things."


"Up you go!" Kamui threw the child up a couple of meters wearing his usual easy going smile.

"Whee!" Sousuke loved it when his uncle threw him. The boy looked just like his father, a mere duplicate almost except his eyes reflected his mother's fun-loving personality.

"Kamui," said Okita as he walked towards him.

"Aw your dad's home idiot nephew," said Kamui holding Sousuke like a teddy bear. "Shame I didn't get to accidently drop you."

"I'll arrest you," said Okita as he approached him.

Sousuke looked at Okita with a bright smile. "Daddy!"

"Still the same as ever hmm?" Kamui then walked towards him and pretended to trip. "Oh-whoops!"

Sousuke flew at least ten feet into the air. He was laughing with glee as Okita on the other hand felt his blood drain from his face.

"Damn you space criminal!" He ran to catch his son who was flying with delight. Once he caught Sousuke upside down by the waist, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Kamui then took the time to take his leave. "Take care of them police boy, I'm returning to Kouan."

He hoisted Sousuke back upright and waved. "Don't come back."

Kamui smiled like usual. "I'll see you later police boy."


"Did Kamui leave already?" Kagura as as she finished her third tub of ice cream.

Okita nodded, "He's still the same as ever. Since when did we have ice cream?"

"Oh, Gin-chan and Shinpachi just got here," replied Kagura as she continued to stuff ice cream in her mouth.

Sousuke perked up at the thought. "Kin-ta! Megane[glasses]!"

"It's Gin you little brat," said Gintoki as he entered into the living room. "Alright, which brat taught you that?"

"Oh," Okita responded, "Sakamoto came by the other day and dropped off a couple sacks of rice. Must've been him."

Gintoki squatted beside Sousuke and pointed at himself. "My name is Gin-chan, not Kin, got that Sousuke?"


"Dammit! Why did you inherit your Kagura's blank-headedness?"

"Don't worry danna," said Okita. "He's pretty smart when it comes down to it. Sousuke, what's the name of this anime?"


"No it's Gintama! Please censor that, this anime isn't meant to be dirty."

But Okita continued. "Sousuke, what's this uncle's name?"


Gintoki grabbed Okita by the collar. "Okita-kun you did this on purpose didn't you bastard."

Kagura then decided to join in with the fun. "Kin-chan I want more ice cream."

"Shinpachi this family is in ruins!"

Shinpachi walked in with another tub of ice cream. "Don't worry too much Gin-san, Sousuke will learn in time."


Shinpachi bent down to Sousuke's height. "Sousuke-kun, my name is Shinpachi, not magane. You can even call me Shin-chan if you don't know how to pronounce my name. See, repeat after me Sousuke-kun, Shin…"

"Shin," repeated Sousuke, who had begun to stare at him with his brilliant blue eyes.





This time it was Shinpachi's turn to be angry. "I don't understand, how did he learn how to say glasses before my name?"

Okita then decided to help Shinpachi. Which Shinpachi thought he was. "Sousuke, repeat after me. Shin"






This time Shinpachi grabbed Okita's collar. "Okita-san what are you teaching this kid. I have more pride in me than just my glasses."

With an innocent baby-like smile Okita said, "He'll learn in time, right Sousuke!"

Sousuke nodded eagerly, "yes, sadist papi."

The room turned silent for a moment before everyone burst out laughing.

Dear Kamui and Kagura,

I hope this letter find you well. Now that you are reading this letter , it must mean that I'm far beyond the universe where you can find me. I know that I may never truly be forgiven for leaving the family as I did when you were both young, but I've happily lived the rest of my life searching to redeem my place in the family. It's okay if you can't forgive me yet, especially after I'm completely gone from your lives. Before I pass on, I just want to tell the children birthed by my balls something important.

Don't make the same mistakes as I did. Treasure your family, even the family you create not by blood. And most importantly, if you ever feel your yato instincts tell you to reproduce, go forth. But be careful, children reflect the actions of their parents so teach them carefully.

By the way Kagura, I don't approve of that red-eyed samurai.


Kagura wanted to crumple up the letter, but it was saved by Okita before being destroyed. They were sitting side by side under the shade of the backyard's roof with Sousuke nodding off on his father's lap.

"I didn't think Umibozu would have known about me,"

Kagura sighed, "Papi didn't approve of Gin-chan either."

Okita carefully folded the letter back into its envelope. "Even danna?"

She nodded, "But they got on good terms in the end."

Okita was staring off into the distance before saving Sousuke from falling off his lap in sleep.

Kagura studied her son's face for a while before pouting. "I wish I could fall asleep just as easily as Sousuke. He looks just like you."

"Well he is my kid," said Okita. "He makes me want to sleep too."

Kagura sighed, "Sometimes I wonder how you aren't fired when you sleep all the time. I wish I could sleep just as easily."

Okita then placed Sousuke in Kagura's lap and scooped her up into his arms.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Let's all take a nap together hmm?" Okita said as he kissed the top of Sousuke's head.

Kagura looked at Okita with her amazing blue eyes before smiled softly. She pointed at her lips, "You forgot something."

Okita smiled back, "Of course how could I ever forget a kiss for my wife?" He paced his forehead on hers before kissing her.

Once the futon was laid out, Okita placed Sousuke in the middle of the bed before joining Kagura on the other side of the futon. Okita stroked Kagura's hair back behind her ears. He knew she was beautiful, but at times like these he couldn't help admiring how beautiful she was. She felt sleep kick in quicker than expected, leaving her face defenseless. Okita kissed her forehead, "I guess people don't read warnings when they fall in love with the person they hate."

"I realized," mumbled Kagura. "Giving birth to your children is one of them."

Okita chuckled, "Admit it, you actually wanted another child when we got pregnant again."

She covered his smiling face. "Shut up"

He took her hand from his face and kiss her knuckles. "I love you"

Kagura's cheeks flushed like usual. But she returned him with a soft gaze. "I love you too"

That summer afternoon seemed to warm their hearts from the inside out. Kagura began to nod off faster than she could ever remember, but she also wanted to wake up quickly as well. There was someone she loved in front of her, in her arms, and inside her belly waiting for her to wake up and share many more moments of joy together. Okita Kagura was ready for the world.