Chapter 21 Aftermath

Author's note: Here goes, the last chapter! Sorry to all who aren't satisfied, and I don't have the time to write shoutouts for all, so hugs to all who supported me~!!!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ She silently stepped into the cool glade, the peacefulness accentuated by the singing birds, weaving a serenade. How many times had she come here simply to hear them sing? If only she could understand them, then maybe she would know whether they were singing a hymn or a dirge for the lovely angel...

The morning was fresh, the dew from the leaves brushing on her hands as she entered the glade. She was a little early for a visitor, but she knew Ellone wouldn't mind...

She knelt before the stone statue, feeling the sense of peace and reverence she had always felt when coming here; for this summoner had given her life and soul to save the world... and event known only to those who were with her. A tragedy that was almost a year in history. Her hand reached to her heart and she could almost feel the scars that have healed a year ago... when she realized just how important Squall was to her...

The light had been blinding, and Selphie was suffocating her, but that wasn't what made her speechless, but the faint familiar scent she recognized.

"Shh," Selphie had whispered. "He's asleep. He's been sitting outside the door since you were brought here, and he won't let anyone heal him."

Quistis felt her whole body ache. "What... how did I?" She last remembered pushing Squall out of the way and next the whole world exploded in a burst of pain.

A faint rustle in the bushes made her leap up again, but a voice calmed her down. "Calm down, It's only me."

"Prince Leonhart," She bowed respectfully and Squall smiled wryly. She had insisted on calling him that every time they were in court, and often she would forget they were not in court. "Quistis..."

She conveniently remembered and smiled. "Squall."

He came up to her and looked up at Ellone's statue. A statue with a soul, imprisoned in the very essence of this statue. Unlike Ultima, who gave a condition to free Eden, Ellone would guard Eden without questions. Forever and ever, even when her stone figure had disintegrated into dust...

"Are you here to get Ellone's blessings? I'd expect you to be in The Hyne temple, Quistis."

She smiled. "I've been to pray to Hyne, and well...I was feeling a little lonely."

Squall nodded. He too loved to come to this glade whenever he felt restless, which will be hard to do now that he would be stationed in Galbadia. Ever since the disappearance of the Empress, Emperor Caraway had fallen into a numb state, leaving Rinoa to rule. Seifer had been with her for the whole year, until King Loire announced he was going to step down...and named Seifer as the new King.

"Quistis, I have something I want to ask you," He began rather hesitantly and she cocked her head. "What is it?"

"I... I've been ordered to rule Galbadia after the wedding," He said quietly. "I'm wondering... can you give up your role as Rinoa's Knight... and be mine?"

Her heart jumped. Become his Knight? Give up Rinoa? But... she was the Queen's Knight... but Squall, her mind suddenly began splitting in two, making her feel uncomfortable. "I am honored, Squall...but I have to speak with the Princess."

"Actually I saved you the trouble," He said rather sheepishly. "In any case, you'd be free... I mean - "

She laughed gaily, a sound that warmed his heart. He had been thinking of this ever since she had come back from the dead a year ago... he wanted her to be by his side, and this was a mere perquisite - the real reason would be given at the banquet tonight. "Excellent," He smiled. "Now I have the greatest Knight in Galbadia with me to help me rule Galbadia. Isn't that a good thing?"

His words made her heart drop. No, she thought silently. A possibility suddenly occurred to her. He would be King, and as a rule, he cannot stay unmarried for more than a year. And he wanted her to be his Knight? To protect him always and be with him? But when he marries, where would she be? Would she have to protect the Queen too? A wave of jealousy washed over her and made her clench her fists. No, be calm... you're a Knight, and it's your duty to protect, no matter who it is. Haven't you resigned to Rinoa marrying Squall before, even when you really wanted to break down and cry? You would be by his side and protect him... isn't that what you want?

I love him...


She blinked and turned to him. She loved that voice. If only she could see him... but another woman would love that voice and kiss those eyes... she still remembered his eyes in a distant dream...

"You don't seem well," he was saying in concern. "Maybe you should excuse yourself from the ceremony - "

A peal of bells made them look up as a flock of doves flew over head. "The ceremony will begin soon," She said abruptly. "You must be present, Squall." He smiled. 'Come," He reached for her hand and they made a run for the palace.

Rinoa twirled around in front on the mirror, hoping she really did look as beautiful as the mirror showed her to be. She couldn't believe it; she was finally getting married - and to the man she loved!

"Stop twirling, Rinoa, we'd like to see your dress properly," Dagger said, grinning. "Oops, we have to call you 'my lady' now, Queen Heartily?"

"Personally I like that," Xu said, patting her wreath. "Imagine me, a gypsy, being the bridesmaid for a queen? Who'd ever imagine this would happen?"

"These flowers are messing my hair," Beatrix grumbled, trying to arrange them in a better manner. Rinoa laughed. "I love you all!!!" She gave them each a sweeping hug and Xu shook her head. "Trust a bride to be hyper on her wedding day. Beatrix, give her a smack to calm her down."

"Is everyone ready?!" Selphie squealed, poking her head in the room. "The groom is here, and you have to see this!"

"Where? What?" The womenfolk rushed to the balcony and gasped as a single entity. "Oh!!!"

Below, the groom's procession trailed majestically. In front, riding on a golden chocobo was Seifer, resplendent in his robes. Riding next to him was Squall, and on his other side was Zidane, looking unconformable in formal wear. "Did he poke a hole for his tail or did he just stuff it in?"

"There, it's disguised like a furry belt!"

"That's not what I wanted to show you," Selphie scolded. "There, at Squall's side,"

Quistis shifted uncomfortably in her saddle. "I hear a lot of girls screaming," She whispered to Squall and the prince looked up to the cluster of squealing girls on the balcony. "You're right."

"Are they looking at me? I feel inconspicuous," She whispered back. She was the only - the ONLY girl in the groom procession, and she was there simply because Squall had insisted (as his Knight) she must be there. Darn it, she cursed inwardly. I'd be bombarded by the girls when I get to my room...

King Loire looked up as Seifer and his escorts entered the hall. He couldn't have been more proud if Seifer was his own son. It didn't matter, he told himself. He would make a fine King, and it doesn't matter if he was not of royal blood.

They took their positions, and with the blast of a completely off-key horn, the doors swung open and Rinoa entered.

The rest of the ceremony passed in degrees of dazes for everyone; and each for different reasons. Seifer and Rinoa were to delirious to make a word the priest was saying; Zidane was too sleepy and bored and so was Zell; Beatrix and Xu had spotted a dashing looking knight in the crowd and were arguing silently; Selphie and Irvine were too absorbed in each other to notice a thing. And Quistis...

I can't do it, she thought silently. I just can't. As much a Knight I am, I can't keep myself from feeling hurt... How can I stand being his Knight day after day, without feeling a little angry at his Queen? And who would that woman be? If it was someone she knew, it would be harder, and if she didn't, she'd be finding faults. And she might try to hurt her...Hyne forbid...


She snapped up and felt Squall lay a hand on hers. "You look really pale," He whispered so not to be overheard. "Maybe you should go; I'll make your excuse - "

"I'm alright," She said briefly as Seifer and Rinoa sealed their union with a kiss. Together they proceeded to the Grand Hall for the banquet.

Every seat at the table was occupied and Seifer took his place at the head of the table. "A toast!" The guests yelled. "A toast from the new King!!!"

Seifer got up, grinning. "I know it's impolite to grin," he said, eliciting a laugh from several guests; "But if you know how much I've been through to finally 'capture' this lovely angel, you would to."

"Hear-hear!" Zidane grinned, toasting his ale. "To the King!"

"And," Seifer continued, "Today, I hereby announce the merge of the two continents - obviously - and appoint my brother, Squall; as the new ruler of Galbadia!"

A cheer twice as uproarious as before greeted this announcement and the guests called for Squall to make an speech too. Quistis smiled slightly as he rose from his seat beside her, trying to imagine what he looked like at this moment. The only vague image she had of him was a fear stricken boy - hardly fitting for this man who had risen to be her commander today - and her new lord.

"Thank you all," He said quietly as the banquet hall fell into a hush. "As of today, I am...the King of Galbadia...but I still remain the Commander of the SeeD Knights - unless someone can tear that away from me," He grinned and Zidane and Zell guffawed. "Who's gonna be your knight, Squall?!" Zidane grinned, cocking his head. "Every king aughta have a knight, right?"

"I've given that some thought," Squall paused, thinking. "And I proclaim...Quistis Trepe - "

The roar that greeted this announcement could have made the roofs shake. Squall shook his head impatiently and looked at Quistis. The latter was smiling slightly. "I guess you don't have to say any more, they already know," She said wisely and he chuckled. "I think even you don't know what I'm about to say...PLEASE!" He said the last word loud enough to silence the hall. "Give me a chance to continue." He said finally. Irvine held up a hand. "We know, we know. The Commander will have the greatest SeeD Knight in Galbadia as his Knight - isn't that only fitting? But you're going to have a challenge in finding an even better queen, my lord!"

Squall nodded at him sarcastically. " I was saying," He reached down and gently helped Quistis up to her feet, much to her surprise. "Squall?!"

"...I've chosen my Knight and my queen," he said quietly, gazing at her with a soft smile. "And..." He slowly slipped a silver band onto her finger; "I'm proud to say... that I'll have the very best, of both in one woman."

Quistis hardly heard the uproarious cheer that echoed in the hall, because Squall had leaned and whispered in her ear; "...what do you think?"

"Unexpected!!!!" Irvine roared, banging the table most un-knightly. Selphie laughed and hugged him. "When are you going to do that?"

"What about now?" He grinned and Selphie laughed. Rinoa smiled at her husband. "See? I won our bet. Now you'll have to take me to Balamb on a chocobo."

"I don't believe it!!!" Xu gasped. Dagger merely grinned. She was thinking about something she had seen a little over a year ago; when she helped undress Quistis, she found a worn card - a Tetra card. And Beatrix commented that she had seen an identical card fall from Squall's jacket when he slept. Save The Queen. "Saved indeed," She said to herself as everyone around her cheered till they were hoarse.

Squall grinned at his bride-to-be. "Do you think you'd make a good queen?"

"If you say so...then I must be." She said thoughtfully, smiling. "But you do know...I'm the best knight there is."

"May you be the best wife," he grinned, pulling her close and the whole crowd looked on in delight as they exchanged a kiss to seal their future.

Author's Note: Finally, another fic has ended! Please, tell me what you think and here's something I've been thinking...should I start a Squinoa?