A/N: Peter's feeling everything, all of his senses at once, he just happens to concentrate more at one at a time, like if your whole body's bruised, but you broke your arm, then you'll focus more on your arm despite the fact that everything hurts.

It's seriously not much at first, or so he thinks, then he steps out of his house one day, into the world and it's screaming in his ears, horns honking and cars beeping and tires squealing and voices swelling and it's so much that as Peter walks he's finding himself staggering in a zig zag type of pattern.

Act normal, act normal, he thinks and finds that it's way too hard, and there's so much noise and it's just so loud and he just can't, it's too much, way too much, he needed it to stopstopstop...

So he just sort of stood there, right outside of his apartment building, shoving his hands over his hears and vaguely wondering how bad it would have been to have been born deaf instead.

(It would be better than this, he thinks, though he knows it's not true he thinks at that moment that he'd give up so many things if it would just stop.)

Except he can still hear so much and he tries backing into his apartment in hopes that it'll make the sound go away but the creak of the door grates so hard on his ears, the hinge screaming at him as the sound of his hands slipping against the doorknob hisses at him.

Just get inside, and it'll go away, he tries to tell himself, ignore the little voice in head that knows it's not true.

And it's not, because even as he steps inside of the apartment, his hands are shaking and he manages to pull himself into the elevator but once he's inside, the sounds are weird and warped but it's kind okay because he sort of just lets the sound of groceries being put away distract him for a while, focusing on the steady little thumps of things being put away and the refrigerator door being opened and closing.

(In the back of his mind he realizes that this isn't normal, but he doesn't want to think, not when taking his complete focus and attention off of the sound of the groceries could mean that the world will sound at him again.)

He tries to just not think.

(Concentrate on the groceries, and hope this fades away fast.)

Except then the sound of groceries being put away stops and it's followed by the shuffling of feet and though he tries to concentrate on that, the world's blaring at him full stop and he just can't anymore, and he just sort of drops, legs moving like jelly, knees sinking forwards and the rest of his body following as he presses his head between his ears and sort of just sits there, the muffled sounds of everything assaulting him from all sides.

He wonders if he can get headphones or earbuds and hopes that maybe they can help him, but the world's too loud, the squeak of the elevators and even his breathing and the sound of something buzzing nearby that sounds kind of like a bug but is way too loud for anything that small to have the right to be.

(And he's just really tired, thinking that he's just kind of sick of this and doesn't want to have to move anymore.)

So Peter just sort of huddles there for a while, eyes squeezed shut and balled up, until the nagging thought of, you have to go to school, shoves at him, hard and pressing, and Peter sort of staggers to his feet and tries to fight through the pain and make his way to school.

(Except the streets are as blaringly loud as ever, even worse than they already were without this weird super hearing, so he sort of just gives up halfway and takes the bus instead of walking like he'd originally planned, and the people are loud and he can hear their thumbs smashing into their cell phone screams and their footsteps like stomps on the floor, but at least on the bus he can sit and curl up and tug his hood over his ears and nobody notices or cares, and he doesn't have to force his legs to drag on despite being way too tired to.)

And by the time he makes it to school, it's gone and he tries to forget it and pretend it's never happened.

(When he's working on his Spider-man outfit later, though, he pads the ears a bit more to act as mufflers, and starts wearing earplugs to school.)